

(2007-02-20 23:20:37) 下一個


五歲時的他想做 business man, 是因為喜歡那穿西裝戴領帶的樣子。

六歲時的他想做 digger ,是因為向往那無據無束的生活。
*digger 是他當時的叫法,實際是指挖路工

七歲時的他想做 astronaut ,是因為夢想著遨遊宇宙。

八歲時的他想做 astronomer, 是因為幻想著有一天可以找到一顆以他名字命名的星星。

九歲時的他想做 teacher ,是因為想感受學生埋頭考試,老師昂首巡視的那一刻。

今年十歲的他想做 doctor (Pediatrician), 是因為想幫助生病和貧窮的兒童。
* 昨天晚上,兒子一本正經地對我說:“ Mom, when I have my own clinic, you can help me to take care of my office. But you’ll have to be patient, because it won’t happen right away. It will take for a while…”.

“ 凡事都可行.但不都有益處。 凡事都可行.但不都造就人。 "  (林前 6:12)

我好願意,也有足夠的耐性來幫助兒子圓他的職業夢。 無論將來成就什麽,希望那是有益的,能造就人的。

My son has many dreams about his future career:

When he was five, he wanted to be a business man because he liked the professional appearance.

When he was six, he wanted to be a digger. He thought that was a cool job.
**digger was he then called, actually it refers to a construction worker.

When he was seven, he wanted to be an astronaut because he was so fascinated by the universe and wished to roam through it.

When he was eight, he wanted to be an astronomer. He hoped one day he would discover a new star that bears his name.

When he was nine, he wanted to be a teacher because he loved the moment to be a teacher in a classroom.

Now he is ten years old, and he’s decided to be a doctor (Pediatrician). He would like to help the poor and cure the illnesses.
* *Last night, he said to me seriously, "Mom, when I have my own clinic, you can help me to take care of my office. But you ' ll have to be patient, because it won't happen right away. It will take for a while..."

"Everything is permissible - but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible - but not everything is constructive".  (Corinthians 6:12)

I have enough patience to wait for his dream to become true. Regardless what he will end up doing, I hope it’ll be beneficial to him and others

-- 寫於 2007 新春之際。

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網上實習生 回複 悄悄話 很喜歡你的博客,淡淡的透著生活的氣息,淡雅而溫暖。收藏了。謝謝!
子初 回複 悄悄話 寒江雪~ ,
謝謝你的留言。Enjoy reading it...

謝謝來訪!我們是同輩哦:子字輩 :))
子薑 回複 悄悄話 以為你是個小姑娘呢,原來兒子都十歲了。:)
寒江雪~ 回複 悄悄話 太可愛了。夢想是成功的基石!那圖片別具匠心:彩虹似的夢:)))
jk 回複 悄悄話 謝謝,祝有個愉快的周末!
子初 回複 悄悄話 jk, 謝謝來訪.是的,他是一個快樂的孩子。I hope he'll continue to be that way. I am blessed to have him in my life. 隻是圖片不是我做的。
ps: 你的印章刻得很好。周末愉快。
子初 回複 悄悄話 謝謝Sweetlife. May you have a sweet weekend!
jk 回複 悄悄話 有夢想的孩子是快樂的。這個圖片做得很漂亮。
Sweetlife 回複 悄悄話 Great article and sweet dream!