


Spring Color

(2007-01-08 08:06:35) 下一個
Spring Color

Another day in Early Spring
The sun shines bright but the air hollow
For I know not what to seek and what to follow
The truth has set out
  from beneath the bare branches
And I know not how to answer the disturbed calling

The wind blows soft and the world still
The birds are singing but the melodies pale
For I know not what to expect and what to believe
The spring has come but the promises not
And I know not how to settle the startled heart
That withers before it blossoms

The path to the lotus has been paved
only to discover thawns have altered the way
The dreams I set out to reach
only turn out to be in vain
The mind just but the heart cries
For I know not what to wish and what to dream

The secrets awaiting to be uncovered
The greenness will burst into clouds
But the lives will remain to be waken
For I know not how to retrieve the passion
That would matche up the Color
of the Early Spring

4/05/99 於美國康州格林威治小城

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