
Math for newbies

(2009-03-05 10:13:33) 下一個
Averaged down GE today, and sold all @6.75
來源: miat42 於 09-03-04 15:28:21 [檔案] [博客] [舊帖] [轉至博客] [給我悄悄話]

I made the mistake of entering too early yestday at 6.99, but I took the chance to average my price down during the dip, bought large stake when it\'s below 6., so still came out with about 15% profit. Well, some profit is better than nothing. Due to the uncertainty involved, I don\'t want to hold a position for too long.

So far I am still holding a large position in C, with a small paper loss, but I may average it down if necessary.
To be conservative, let assume “about 15%” is 14.5%.

Selling at 6.75 with 14.5% gain => the average price is 5.8951965.

Yesterday’s low was 5.87. For those who trade often, you know how difficult to get the low even if you have a buy order higher than that. Again, to be conservative, let’s use 5.87.


For each share bought at 6.99, how many shares at 5.87 are needed to bring the average to 5.8951965?


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