

(2006-12-27 17:20:19) 下一個

from gannglobal.com/blog

From Rodney Sessions

Iam a trader only. I have been trading in the futures markets since thelate 80’s. One thing I have learned over and over again, is that thetechnical Always proceeds the fundamentals - Always! The moves in the markets always begin in earnest before any trend changing news becomes available.

Irecall trading silver back in 1987, the comex warehouses were full andover flowing. Silver rallied from $5.00 per ounce to over $11.00 perounce in just 6 weeks. Most traders sat on the sidelines and watchedthis move happen, since the fundamentals looked so bearish. Trendschange when the news is at its peak in support of the current trend(bearish, bad — Bullish, good).
我記得是在1987年,comex 的倉庫堆滿了銀子,銀子大豐收了.銀價忽然間從5美元一盎司漲到11美元,隻用了6個星期.大多數交易員吃驚的目瞪口呆,不知所措,因為基本麵太糟糕了.當新聞最支持目前的趨勢時,就是目前趨勢逆轉的時候.

同樣的情況也發生在2006年7-8月的股市中,房地產低迷,銀行壞帳新高,創記錄的貿易赤字,伊戰泥潭,油價高企, inverted bond curve, 在股市並沒有大幅下跌的情況下,產生了一個巨大的牛市.

These moves in the grains are a result of fundamentals that will develop asmuch as two years out into the future. That is why technical analysis and Gann’s work is so important. I have studied Gann’s work for years,and combining his work with my own studies has resulted in a successful trade.
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