
ADVERSITY CREATES POWER!-- Mortgage Coach Series(ZT)

(2008-09-20 22:26:50) 下一個

The stories are endless and classic. We love to read about the person or group that, against all odds, beat the obstacles! Thomas Edison lost his hearing as a young boy but never let it affect his thirst for knowledge and passion for inventing. Albert Einstein was considered a slow learner and teachers encouraged him to quit school. Christopher Columbus was laughed at and ridiculed when he believed there was a western route to the East Indies; after all, everyone else knew the world was flat! 

Unfortunately, most of us react to adversity by either giving up or simply enduring the event until it goes away. There is no life that does not face difficulties, many far worse than you will ever experience. How is it that some people can turn adversity into triumph while most of us allow it to control our destiny? Fortunately, the answer to this question is a simple one, yet few comprehend how to put the answer into action. It is all in the way a person thinks. Some men and women are naturally negative thinkers either by influence or choice. It is those who make a conscious choice to fight and win that turn the worst situation into a marvelous success. This is a choice, not a gift or talent. 

Victor Frankl wrote about his tragic experiences in a Nazi concentration camp in his famous book, -Man's Search for Meaning. He saw hopelessness firsthand; he was starved, beaten, and separated from his family. Many gave up and died while others kept hope and their belief that they would survive. Dr. Frankl decided while still in the camp that he would use his experience to write a book about man’s ability to show the positive side of humanity in the worst conditions. The most powerful statement in his book was this, "When all things are taken away, there is always one thing that cannot be taken, man's ability to choose his attitude in any given circumstance." This single choice allowed people to either die or survive. 

It is no different with our lives. Choosing to remain positive in the worst of circumstances will create more options and more solutions than we can ever imagine. Most breakthroughs in business and medicine were possible due to obstacles, disease, or other insurmountable barriers. Problems create opportunities for solutions! Think of it this way: if there are no problems, then there are no solutions and no advancements to the next level. 

Try this, when you face your next problem, immediately envision how a solution will not only solve the problem but create a new opportunity for you to achieve great things. Create a list of possible solutions, decide which solution will get the best result, and take action.  James Bilkey said it best, "You will never be the person you can be if pressure, tension, and discipline are taken out of your life."  Face adversity with power, determination, and the will to win...and you will win!

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