
笨企鵝 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2016-05-30 13:17:09) 下一個

沒想到我們今年的爬山運動,無計劃下就從佛吉尼亞Shenandoah 國家公園開始了。習慣了爬我們NH的4000英尺以上的白色群山,在VA的兩個矮山出乎意料的容易,我們倆一點都不過癮,後來我隻好跑步下山。兩條山路一個是black stone, 另一個是burK mountain. 本來到本地訪友,沒計劃,但看到這裏的環境,臨時去商店買的全副武裝的裝備。山路太容易,白買了。第一張和第二張都不是我照的。而且第二張是國家地理照片。


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閱讀 ()評論 (6)
笨企鵝 回複 悄悄話 回複backcountry:謝謝你的補充。爬過Rainier 啊?佩服。
Backcountry 回複 悄悄話 People say Shenandoah is too easy, because I think they don't really know it. Of course you could take a easy stroll for a few miles. However, If you plan a 10-mile route of a day hike, easily it could gain 2500-3500 feet elevation. Instead of only climbing one high mountain starting from the very beginning when you are energized, you have to go up and down a few times, and most of times, the last 3 miles are alway uphills when you are already exhausted.

When we first moved here, we had same feelings as we saw them as foothills. We used to climb Mt. Rainier to Camp Muir every year, which is 5 miles for 5000 feet gain to the elevation over 10,000 feet. However, it is very different here. Not only a lot of ups and downs and difficult gravel roads, but the weather could kill you. During the summer here is very humid and hot. It might not make us feel altitude sickness, but definitely could cause heat stroke.
拉城清茶 回複 悄悄話 謝謝分享。美!

湯圓媽媽 回複 悄悄話 Shenandoah 的確太容易。連我這樣的菜鳥都覺得不過癮。也就是秋天的葉子有些看頭。
笨企鵝 回複 悄悄話 回頤和園姐姐,這張還真是國家地理雜誌推出的。公園也用它做主打穀歌的頁麵。可能是南麵Turk mountain那一帶的景色,並且是鏡頭拉近後的節選
頤和園 回複 悄悄話 第二張照片是秋景,雖然非常美麗,但不像Shenandoah,妹妹是不是貼錯了?