Bouncing Ball

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.

Happiest Father

(2007-09-13 21:02:54) 下一個
I am the happiest father in the world.
After kid's mom went away about three years ago, I have been taking care of my two kids all by myself. I am the father and mother at the same time. Three years ago, Amy is only two years old. Now she is already in Kindergarten. Time is just flying over. The hardest time has been over. Now I started to enjoy the fruit.
Amy is a happy girl. She is one of the most popular girls in her age. Everybody loves Amy. Amy told me that everybody says she is cute, adorable. I did not make any comment. It is true that Amy is cute and adorable.
Before Amy went to Kindergarten, she was interviewed by her teacher. Amy answered all the questions correctly. Her teach said Amy is smart. Two days after school started when I sent Amy to her school, the school librarian told me that her teacher likes Amy so much. When I passed her classroom, her teacher came out and said to me that "I thought Amy is smart before, Now I see Amy is much smarter than I thought". Now Amy is learn to read books by herself. Last Sunday I took her to the Chinese school. The first class was about color. There are pingyin  with Hanzi, Amy could read Pingyin! I never knew that. Today she read almost all the pages of the Chinese textbook for Kindergarten by Pingyin. It is so amazing. I did not teach her Pingyin. I did not speak Chinese with her very much since she was three years old because she showed some sign of stuttering (She completely outgrew from her stutter. She had stuttering problem when she was 2 to 3 years old. I thought it is because of heaby burden of two language, Chinese at home and English at daycare). How did she learn so much Chinese?
Now, Amy is becoming bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger. Last Winter we went for skating for the full winter. After the weather warmed up, we go for swimming every weekends. She started to ride her two wheel bike since she was four years old. She started to swing by herself since she was two years old. In last two weeks she started to play hulahula. When we were shopping in Walmat last Sunday, she saw hulahulas. She wanted to buy a hulahula with light shine when she play with it. It is about $5 each. I thought it was too expensive and hesitate to buy it. So I made such a deal with Amy. The deal is that if she could play 30 times I would buy the hulahula for her. I choose 30 times because I knew at that time she could play 10 times. I did not expect she could do 30. After we made the deal she tried again. Amazingly, she did 33 times with her first try. She won the hulahula.
We play basket ball, volleyball, and baseball together after schools. I take her to playground regularly. The most favorite item in playground is Monkey Bar. Although she is only 5, she could play monkey bar very well, just like a monkey
Time out. I got to stop now.
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