
我是一個簡單的女生,一個喜歡大海的女生. 如果我們是知己,也許我們可以一起去海邊走走,看看,聽聽海的聲音.


(2005-05-17 21:42:31) 下一個
明天我們要做煩人的ECON PRESTATION. 我們小組的人讓我一個人上去講. 嗬嗬, 我真有些怕了. 不過現在我到不怕了, 因為PRESEATION 可是鍛煉一個人的時候到了, 就當明天我是在職場上做個真正的報告吧. 想想, 做個真正的報告的時候 才是最可怕的的. 做過幾次導遊, 又做個N次主持人, 這點自信一點要有的.
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閱讀 ()評論 (16)
天黑了 回複 悄悄話 成功就好
dahuahua 回複 悄悄話 I am in VA, just let me know when you plan to come to USA, I can take a vacation.
海姑娘 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬, 茶葉蛋, 這2天少寫些了
海姑娘 回複 悄悄話 DAHUAHUA,我其實也喜歡PRESATION, 我以前工作的時候也是一直做演講的. 我因為當過老師, 所以不怕. 我不知道什麽時候再去美國,你在什麽洲?
茶葉蛋 回複 悄悄話 恭喜海妞妞,難得你也有機會不上貼。累壞了吧?好好歇歇啊。
dahuahua 回複 悄悄話 In my company, you need to do the "presentation" everyday, there are so many meetings you need to attend and you also need to express your ideas --to make contribution. Otherwise, you will lose your job in short future.
So, I like presentation, for it provides you a chance to communicate with others, and you are the controller.
Pretty 海姑娘, when you have time to travel US, just let me know, I'd like to meet you and take you to have a look at Atlantic Ocean in NY or Pacific Ocean in San Francisco. Only $600, on the traveling boat, you can enjoy the trip to Bahama island.etc.
海姑娘 回複 悄悄話 謝謝以上各位, 今天PRESEATION 順利完成
海姑娘 回複 悄悄話 dahuahua, thanks for coming.
I like preseantation, because sometimes make me confidence, isn't it?
海姑娘 回複 悄悄話 茶葉蛋, hehe, yes, I am so nervous now.
hehe, thanks for coming, I am expecting your writing as well
海姑娘 回複 悄悄話 Thanks, 俏美佳人
dahuahua 回複 悄悄話 I come here not only for her articles but also for her beauty.
Presentation is nothing but an experience. You are the focus and you just control the rhysem to attract listeners, then you control all.
茶葉蛋 回複 悄悄話 海姑娘的帖子更新太快了。每天都有好東西。我覺得自己一下子變得很富有了。哈。

dahuahua 回複 悄悄話 is it presentation?
俏美佳人 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬,加油把...我也最怕presentation了.