

Managing the dress code - Learn how to look professional at the

(2009-09-05 18:50:51) 下一個
Feature article on Yahoo.com today, interesting.

The Skinny on Office Dress Codes
Posted by Dr. Laura Berman
on Tue, May 22, 2007, 3:43 pm PDT

Are necklines negotiable in the office? With today's strict dress codes, is there a way to find a balance between "appropriate" and "fashionable"?

This situation is particularly tricky for women. While men have many choices in attractive office attire, women often feel they have to dress frumpy or older to be taken seriously. We all know that miniskirts and tight tops are a good way to earn a pink slip, but nowadays dress codes extend to every part of our wardrobes. Many now require all shirts to have sleeves -- in some offices, even quarter-length sleeves are considered risqué! Open-toed shoes are also considered an office no-no, which means many women wind up schlepping around in librarian-style shoes or heavy clogs.

But the fact is, there are ways to look professional without compromising on style! After all, you spend most of your day at work, so why not dress to feel attractive and confident?

Fit Matters

Wear clothes that actually fit your body. While you should never wear tight clothes to the office, there's nothing wrong with clothes that fit your body smoothly and snuggly. Have your pants tailored to fit, and banish bulky sweaters and tops from your closet. You don't have to hide your body to look professional.

Ditch the Loafers

Wear shoes that make you happy! There are professional dress shoes out there that still look fashionable -- look at the shoes Angelina Jolie wears to her United Nations conferences! They are sleek, comfortable, and professional -- and still 100% sexy!

Your Secret Weapon

Invest in form-fitting, sexy undergarments. Nothing feels sexier than a racy leopard thong under your business suit. It will keep you feeling upbeat and sensual all day long ... not to mention that it banishes scary panty lines! Be sure to wear a bra that offers padding, such as a Victoria's Secret Ipex bra. Offices are notoriously cold, and bras need to offer the right amount of coverage and support, but they can still be flirty and lacy!

Remember, there's nothing wrong with feeling attractive at work. You might be surprised at how your boosted confidence positively affects your life -- both in and out of the boardroom.

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