how toddlers eat
(2007-03-28 03:27:46)
by all means help toddlers with their meals, but dont forget to let thme feed themselves with their fingers or their own spoon.
have the food ready BEFORE sitting toddlers in their high chairs
offer small frequent meals at REGULAR times.
offer foods that include some of their (current) favourites.
aim to make mealtimes enjoyable for the whole family... not a battleground.
encourage toddlers to eat at table.
if the family normally has dinner late, toddlers may be tired and will need to eat earlier.
toddlers may use mealtimes to gain attention.. use distractons, or remove them from the table and re-offer once a short time later.
if children are given snacks, make sure they've not of sugary, salty or fatty foods.
toddlers may like finger foods such as cheese sticks, fresh fruit pieces, chunks of vegis, plain biscuits, bread... and the OCCASIONAL treat.
(information from NSW wentworth area health service).