
Tune Your Ride. Every Day. Amen.
"Bicycling: Big Brainpower Booster."
stillthere (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

There are Nine Million Bicycles in Beijing...

(2006-08-18 05:23:47) 下一個


There are nine million bicycles in Beijing
That's a fact,
It's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die.

We are twelve billion light years from the edge, 
That's a guess,
No-one can ever say it's true
But I know that I will always be with you.
I'm warmed by the fire of your love everyday 
So don't call me a liar,
Just believe everything that I say
There are six BILLION people in the world 
More or less
and it makes me feel quite small
But you're the one I love the most of all
We're high on the wire
With the world in our sight
And I'll never tire,
Of the love that you give me every night
There are nine million bicycles in Beijing 
That's a Fact,
it's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die
And there are nine million bicycles in Beijing 
And you know that I will love you till I die!

Katie says: 
"We were being shown around Beijing by our interpreter, who also has a qualification as a 
tourist guide, and was a very sweet girl. She was holding a microphone on
the bus and telling us how old the dynasties were, how many people lived in Beijing now,
and various other facts, such as "there are nine million bicycles in Beijing".
Mike immediately wrote this down as a potential song title and he wrote this song a couple
of weeks later, back in England, not long before we finished the album. On the track is the
masterful Adrian Brett, who plays all the ethnic flutes. On this track he used an ocarina for
the low (first) sound you hear, and a chinese bamboo flute for the very piercing, high flute sound.
Mike first met Adrian in 1978 when Adrian played ethnic flutes on Mike's "Caravans" album.
He plays most nights in the London production of "Lion King".
I like this song because it is a simple juxtaposition of a trivial idea ("nine million bicycles")  
against an important idea ("I will love you til I die").
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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
虔謙 回複 悄悄話 問候clear! 在這裏看到你是一份驚喜, 你到底是行家.

"I like this song because it is a simple juxtaposition of a trivial idea ("nine million bicycles") against an important idea ("I will love you til I die")."
是, 同感.
"We are twelve billion light years from the edge, That's a guess, No-one can ever say it's true But I know that I will always be with you. "
今天來聽, 又有新的感受. 一首歌, 能使人有新感受, 也不簡單. 許多事是不確定的, 但是愛是確定的. 是不是很美啊?

clear 回複 悄悄話 動聽的旋律,聲情並貌。還有竹笛 (有愛爾蘭風笛的感覺哈),非常獨特。
虔謙 回複 悄悄話 忍不住又來聽, 這一段她唱的真精彩:
There are six BILLION people in the world More or less and it makes me feel quite small But you're the one I love the most of all

感謝分享這首歌! 我還得來聽 :)

中央四台又製作了一個係列節目, 叫 "再說長江", 很棒. 我看過九寨溝和張家界兩集, 天,地,人都在裏頭. 有機會不妨看看.
虔謙 回複 悄悄話 朋友我來了, 一夢醒來, 就看到你的留言, 趕緊趕來, 太動人了! 太好聽了. 唱的真好, 詞好歌也好, 美好的境地... 我都不知說什麽好! ...謝謝朋友!! 我以後也要POST點歌, 到時候再請教.
真的, 我的工作要是五英哩之內, 我也一定騎自行車!

世界上太多的人在艱難困苦之中....願神大能的手攙扶著人們.... 感謝神!