• 不跟上司喊的給他留點麵子 -快笨死了- ♀ (44 bytes) (47 reads) 2/24/09 |
• 不爭論,委婉提出意見和看法就行了。如果沒有明白人,就更不要去 -貪玩- ♂ (350 bytes) (90 reads) 2/24/09 |
• 為什麽我們不能像本土人一樣理直氣壯的爭論? -百萬富翁- ♂ (0 bytes) (13 reads) 2/24/09 |
• 聰明的本土人也不理直氣壯的爭論! -快笨死了- ♀ (0 bytes) (15 reads) 2/24/09 |
• 頂!!!聰明的本土人也不理直氣壯的爭論! -貪玩- ♂ (0 bytes) (14 reads) 2/24/09 |
• 其實爭論不爭論隻要掌握好尺度 -快笨死了- ♀ (0 bytes) (8 reads) 2/24/09 |
• 我們這麽聰明,但是我們還是沒有自信?WHY? -百萬富翁- ♂ (0 bytes) (9 reads) 2/24/09 |
• 嗬嗬,不爭論,才正是有自信,有智慧的表現。 -貪玩- ♂ (0 bytes) (6 reads) 2/24/09 |
• different scenarios -Cathy_Bay- ♀ (738 bytes) (251 reads) 2/24/09 |
• 一看就是SEASONED VETERAN,不錯,全盤收下,珍藏 -百萬富翁- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 2/24/09 |
• agree... she does have strategy... usually i just yell wheneve -pega- ♀ (0 bytes) (5 reads) 2/25/09 |
• usually i just yell whenever i feel like it -pega- ♀ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 2/25/09 |
• who actually yelled at you to trigger this post? -Cathy_Bay- ♀ (0 bytes) (33 reads) 2/24/09 |
• I got yelled at very often, I do yell back occasionally -百萬富翁- ♂ (0 bytes) (5 reads) 2/24/09 |
• haha. guess we are the same type. -Cathy_Bay- ♀ (0 bytes) (12 reads) 2/24/09 |
• 不管他是誰 , 你得心平氣和地把你的觀點說清楚 -interested1- (0 bytes) (6 reads) 2/24/09 |
• 大家看看Cathy_Bay的回貼吧,很有水平! -百萬富翁- ♂ (0 bytes) (20 reads) 2/24/09 |
• 溫柔的強者,有理由有權利爭論時選擇不爭論 -布衣之才- ♂ (0 bytes) (8 reads) 2/24/09 |
• 值得爭麽?爭之何益不爭何損?不爭即爭反之亦反 -看那月光- ♀ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 2/24/09 |
• I think we are talking about 2 questions here -Cathy_Bay- ♀ (486 bytes) (48 reads) 2/25/09 |
• 對,我的問題是如何對付別人對你“YELLING" -百萬富翁- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 2/25/09 |
• 爭論當然應該,而且必要。注意要處理得專業,不要針對人 -怪哉- ♂ (0 bytes) (7 reads) 2/25/09 |
• 這個觀點我同意。盡量做到不針對人,至少表麵上不針對人 -百萬富翁- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 |
• 嗬嗬,若你已強過他,所爭為何?若你不如他,爭之何用? -吳用先生- ♂ (0 bytes) (11 reads) 2/24/09 |
• 說得真好~~ -雲河- ♀ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 2/25/09 |
• 回複:嗬嗬,若你已強過他,所爭為何?right. 若你不如他,爭之何用? -Cathy_Bay- ♀ (592 bytes) (19 reads) 2/25/09 |
• yes, but argue in an unemotional way. being able to -pega- ♀ (73 bytes) (10 reads) 2/25/09 |
• "argue" deos not mean "yell". -Cathy_Bay- ♀ (114 bytes) (6 reads) 2/25/09 |
• And that's american way. If you don't like it -百萬富翁- ♂ (47 bytes) (2 reads) 2/25/09 |
• 要爭論,必須爭論。我這人工作沒有爭論就沒勁 -怪哉- ♂ (66 bytes) (26 reads) 2/25/09 |
• 當然,不能什麽都爭,小事不重要的事就不用爭了 -怪哉- ♂ (12 bytes) (11 reads) 2/25/09 |
• 我去麵試的時候,如果下麵沒人跟我唱對台,我就弄不好 -怪哉- ♂ (48 bytes) (18 reads) 2/25/09 |
• exactly. more questions i got, more excited I would be -Cathy_Bay- ♀ (24 bytes) (11 reads) 2/25/09 |
• In some case, you have to lose the arguement -百萬富翁- ♂ (151 bytes) (1 reads) 2/25/09 |
• absolutely. -Cathy_Bay- ♀ (318 bytes) (0 reads) 2/25/09 |
• 回複:提上來說處理爭論 -sub101- ♂ (309 bytes) (23 reads) 2/25/09 |
• As fellow chinese, we have a lot to learn how to argue -百萬富翁- ♂ (12 bytes) (1 reads) 2/25/09 |
• seems liek most people enjoy argument otherwise why 提上來說處理 -Cathy_Bay- |