如果在一個TEAM MEETING 中出現爭論,某某人以大於平常2倍的聲音向你“呐喊”,你會怎麽辦?(前提,你認為你是正確的)
1. 某某是你的頂頭上司
2. 某某是你的上司的上司
3. 某某是你的平級,是你的競爭對手
4. 某某是你的下級
5. 某某是你的頂頭上司的同級,是你的上司的競爭對手
1. 某某是你的頂頭上司: never happened. always have agreement with my boss beforehand
2. 某某是你的上司的上司: happens all the time. yell back if I am certain I am right. He always smiles when I shout back. The prerequisite is that he knows I am not a very calculative person.
3. 某某是你的平級,是你的競爭對手: calmly fight back, with good reasoning and suggestions. Make sure boss sees that I am trying to be collaborative and constructive.
4. 某某是你的下級: say we will address this afterwards. let's move on for now. But this never happens to me. My reports know they can't win arguments with me.
5. 某某是你的頂頭上司的同級,是你的上司的競爭對手: sarcastic and ridicule the person severely. There is no reserve here.
Keep calm. -
jill08- ♀
(0 bytes) (8 reads) 2/24/09 提上來說處理爭論 -
看那月光- ♀
(409 bytes) (253 reads) 2/24/09