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作者介紹:杜布森James Dobson博士為美國著名基督徒領袖,Focus on Family(愛家協會)的創始人。2020年10月1日,他寫了這封“致基督徒的公開信”,以下是譯文。原文鏈接:https://www.drjamesdobson.org/newsletters/October-newsletter-2020。
許多政治評論家都說,2020年這次選舉,是自1864年以來,最重要的選舉。1864年的選舉,是亞伯拉罕·林肯爭奪連任,他的對手是民主黨人喬治·麥克萊倫(George McClellan)。1864年那一年,我們深愛的美國岌岌可危。如果林肯輸了,南北戰爭就會草草了結,邪惡的奴隸製會繼續在南方各州,甚至在北方,合法存在。如果林肯輸了,聯邦就會四分五裂。感謝上帝,林肯先生贏了,盡管這讓他付出了生命的代價!現在,這即將來臨的總統選舉,是另一場對我們民主政體的穩定性(存亡)至關緊要的選舉。金裏奇(Newt Gingrich)曾說,我們現在所麵臨的,可能會扼殺我們所熟知的文明。他也許指的是一場可能爆發的革命。不管怎樣,我相信他對我們國家的深切擔憂,是有道理的。幾個世紀以來,美國一直是自由的明亮之光,照耀著美國國內和世界各地。如果我們放棄我們立國的核心價值,世界也會因此受苦。擺在我們麵前的二選一,是如此黑白分明。美國同胞們,你如何決定投票給誰?如何選擇我們的首席執行官?最近幾周,我從幾十個朋友和熟人那裏聽到,他們僅僅根據候選人的言辭、語氣、風格或受歡迎程度,來做出決定。這是否也是你的選擇方式?就在剛才,我正要回應上麵的選擇方式時,我的妻子雪莉給我看了幾分鍾前來自她朋友的一份電郵。電郵引用了一段匿名的陳述,直戳心窩,內容如下。“這不是初中生或高中生的人氣秀或個人秀的競賽。我投票,不是選個人,而是選政策!“我投票,是選擇維護第二修正案,是選擇下一任最高法院大法官,是選擇維護選舉團,是選擇維護我們賴以生活的共和國,是選擇維護警察、法律與秩序,是選擇支持軍隊和為國效力和犧牲的老兵,是選擇支持在公共活動中經常被消失的國旗,是選擇維護我的話語權及不被審查的權利,是選擇支持邊界的安全,是選擇維護毫無恐懼地讚美上帝的權利,是選擇保護每一個可能被流產的未出生的生命,是選擇保護自由和美國夢,是選擇美善抵擋邪惡。我不是投票選擇一個人!這段話說得再好不過了。我還想在作者的單子上,再加上一些。我投票,也是選擇能夠在國際上行正道的領袖,是選擇那些支持以色列的人,是選擇那些保護兒童免受左派課程洗腦的人。是選擇國家的財政廉潔,是選擇父母的權力,選擇在家教育的權力,是選擇郊區的自由,是選擇支持窮人小姐妹會(Little Sisters of the Poor)和其他基督教組織,是選擇各種族的合一,是選擇“我們相信上帝”,選擇支持在校園中禱告,是選擇支持醫生和其他專業人士的良心自由,是選擇傳統婚姻,是選擇保護所有階段(母腹中)的生命,是選擇反對安樂死,反對醫生協助人自殺,是選擇用智慧來處理這場疫情,是選擇保護教會不受政客的壓迫。
這次選舉對我們的後代,我們至愛的國家,具有極深遠的影響。這關乎我們的憲法及其所保護的永恒不變的上帝賦予的權利。關乎到價值,真理,偉大和希望。為什麽說以人的個性特征選擇總統是非常不幸的?這就是原因。總之,這次選舉,是選擇(建造美國這棟大廈)所有的大理石:總統,眾議院,參議院和最高法院。是他們共同製定了這個國家的議程(路線)。如果你愛美國,不希望它“從根本上被改變”,是時候做下麵的三件事了。1. 空前殷勤地禱告,求上帝使這個偉大的國家免於遭受暴政,免遭對宗教自由的壓迫。3. 投票選擇那些最能維護你的價值觀和信念的候選人。另外,請將這封信轉發給你的朋友、家人和其他你能影響的人。——詹姆斯·杜布森博士
October Newsletter 2020:
Final Thoughts About TheElection
Dear Friends,
This will be my final letter to 800,000 people before Americans cast our ballots on November 3rd. It is a breath taking moment in the history of the United States. Perhaps I will be permitted to repeat a brief comment I made inmy August letter because of its relevance to today. Many political comment at or shave stated that this election is the most significant since 1864, when AbrahamLincoln vied for a second term against Democratic nominee, George McClellan.The future of our beloved nation hung in the balance that year. If Lincoln hadlost, the Civil War would have ended precipitously and the wretched evils of slavery would have remained legal in the Confederate States, and perhaps evenin the North. Had Lincoln been defeated, the Union would have been torn as under. Thank God Mr. Lincoln won, even though it cost him his life!
Now we are approaching another presidential election that carries enormousimplications for the stability of our democratic system of government. Indeed,Newt Gingrich said that what we are facing now might bring an end to civilization as we have known it. He may have been referring to a possible revolution. Regardless, I believe his grave concern for our nation is valid.For centuries, America has stood as a shining light for liberty and freedom inour nation and around the globe. If we abandon our founding core values, theworld will suffer for it. The binary choice before us is that stark.
How will Americans, and how will you, decide who to vote for as our Chief Executive Officer? I have heard from dozens of friends and acquaintances in recent weeks who tell me they will base their decision solely on a candidate'srhetoric, tone, style, or like ability. Does that describe your thinking process?
Just now, as I was about to react to that idea, my wife, Shirley, brought in anemail that she had received a few minutes before from a friend. It quoted ananonymous statement that gets to the heart of the issue, as follows:
"This is not a junior high or high school popularity/personalitycontest. I'm not voting for the person—I'm voting for the platform!
I'm voting for the Second Amendment. I'm voting for the next Supreme Courtjustice. I'm voting for the electoral college. I'm voting for the Republic inwhich we live. I'm voting for the police and law and order. I'm voting for the military and the veterans who fought and died for this country. I'm voting forthe flag that is often missing from public events. I'm voting for the right tospeak my opinion and not be censored for it. I'm voting for secure borders. I'mvoting for the right to praise God without fear. I'm voting for every unbornsoul that is at risk of being aborted. I'm voting for freedom and the Americandream. I'm voting for good and against evil. I'm not just voting for one person.
I'm voting for the future of my country!"
I couldn't have said it better, although I want to add to the writer's list.I'm also voting for candidates who will exercise sound leadershipinternationally. I'm voting for those who will support Israel. I'm voting forthose who will protect children from leftist curricula. I'm voting for thenation's fiscal integrity. I'm voting for parental rights. I'm voting forschool choice and home education. I'm voting for freedom in the suburbs. I'mvoting for Little Sisters of the Poor and other Christian organizations. I'm voting for racial unity. I am voting to support "In God we trust" andschool prayer. I'm voting for freedom of conscience for physicians and otherprofessionals. I am voting for marriage. I am voting for life in all itsdimensions. I am voting against euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. I'm voting for wisdom in handling the pandemic. I am voting for protection for the Church from oppressive politicians.
One final thought: With all respect, this election isn't about you. Itcertainly isn't about me. It is about our kids and grandkids. It is about thosewho are yet to come, if they are allowed to live. This vote has awesome implications for future generations and the nation we love. It is about our Constitution and the immutable, God-given rights it protects. It is aboutvalues, and truth, and greatness, and hope. That is why the notion of choosinga president based on frivolous personality characteristics is so unfortunate.
In summary, this election is for all the marbles . . . the Presidency, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. Together, they set the agenda for this country.
If you love America and don't want it to be "fundamentally transformed," it is time to do three things: - Pray like never before that God will spare this great nation from tyranny and oppression of religious liberty.
- Volunteer to help your candidates.
- Vote for the candidates who will best uphold your values and convictions.
Also, consider forwarding this letter to your friends, family,and others whom you might influence.
May God bless America!