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父親於 09年12月9日在省四院診斷肺癌晚期,CT片子顯示肺部的病變已經和氣管粘連了,情況很糟糕。醫生說:不能手術,如果還想治,就做放化療,至於能否有效果,也不見得。至於壽命,已經晚期了,後期發展的很快,倆月仨月,不好說。我當時掉下了眼淚,心裏很難過,不知該如何麵對接下來的日子。
喝馬鈴薯生汁治好疾病的人越來越多,可以控製癌細胞蔓延—— “進入今年有好幾十名癌症患者實行這種療法,而且有很多患者逐漸康複,甚至有些人已經感到必死無疑了,但後來因此得救,紛紛來電告知他們內心的無限喜悅。” 提倡馬鈴薯生汁療法的禪宗僧侶——富澤知芳師在自家接到來自日本全國各地癌症患者的熱烈回響,所以再度刊出,馬鈴薯生汁療法的臨床試驗例子。
將生的馬鈴薯擦碎,每日持續喝其汁一至二杯。馬鈴薯生汁療法不僅可以治癌,也治好了很多人肝髒病、糖尿病、胃潰瘍、腎病、心髒病、高血壓、腰痛和肩膀痛等病。還有各式各樣其它疾病治愈的患者也陸續出現。如果是正被慢性病所苦的人,請務必嚐試。沒有任何副作用,可以立刻實行,長期使用—— 富澤師有一本著作《健康道——癌症並不可怕》,他說過以下一段話:即使做癌症手術,但可能因為擔心會蔓延或者未全部切除幹淨,反複不斷地使用抗癌劑或做放射線療法。但是卻很少聽到因此而把癌症治愈的。而且那些治療的副作用相當大,會使人失去食欲,使身體急劇衰弱下去。
真正起死回生的魔杖,介紹一下馬鈴薯生汁的製作方法—— 第一次準備的馬鈴薯的分量,大個的二、三個,小的三、四個。把馬鈴薯清洗幹淨,然後去除馬鈴薯長芽部分。【注意:發芽土豆及青色塊莖肉,含龍葵堿,可使人中毒,產生嚴重的胃腸炎症狀,用時須謹防之。】再連皮一起(不要去皮)用擦菜板擦碎,擦完後裹入幹淨紗布或孔較粗的棉質麻布內用力擠出汁來用力擠出汁來。一次可以擠出一杯大約(180-200ml)的生汁。
The Gerson Therapy 對癌症的療程是2年,很多病人的症狀在很短時間就得到控製。而對其它的病得治療的時間短得多。當然,任何治療方式的成功取決於多種因素,這種療法也不是能救到所有的癌症病人,對什麽樣的癌症都有效。例如我知道它對腦癌基本上就束手無策。
"However, massive numbers of lobbyists or the immensely wealthy Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’Association , the American Medical Association, and the American Cancer Society prevailed on reporters to ignore the Gerson press conference."--打錯了一個字。應該是 massive numbers of lobbyists for the immensely wealthy Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’Association...
想到The Gerson Therapy這本書,我又忍不住來嘮叨幾句。我買了這本書,還沒讀完。看過3部與The Gerson Therapy有關的紀錄片,實在覺得有必要讓大家多知道點Dr Max Gerson。讀到wiki 裏關於The Gerson Therapy介紹真的會覺得這個療法屬於江湖騙術裏的一種。其實這是來自一個嚴肅的德國學者和受過良好醫學教育和嚴格訓練的醫生畢生的探索和實踐所得。隻不過他用以治療疾病的手法不是藥而是食物。
他的最著名的病人是1952年Nobel Peace Prize獲得者 Albert Schweitzer。此人自己是個medical missionary 和 philosopher, Dr Max Gerson 用 The Gerson Therapy在6周時間內治好了他的adult-onset diabetes, 後來他的dying wife with lung turberculosis and his daughter's serious skin diseases.
The Gerson Therapy 其實不僅是針對癌症,它是全方位恢複和體高人體免疫力的一種療法。Max Gerson 起初是用它來醫治自己的偏頭痛的,後來發現對許多人們通常認為的頑疾有顯著的療效,其中包括癌症。
Dr Max Gerson 為他的療法付出了許多代價,有過一此著名的senate聽證會 。當時五位被他治好的癌症病人為他作證。Senator Pepper 為聽證會上病人們的impressive testimony 打動,招開了記者招待會,可一切正麵的消息很快被壓製。原文這樣寫到:However, massive numbers of lobbyists or the immensely wealthy Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’Association , the American Medical Association, and the American Cancer Society prevailed on reporters to ignore the Gerson press conference. 連當晚報道這一讓人振奮的消息,在ABC工作了30年的Raymond Gram都被破解職。
我沒有時間寫太多,說這些的原因是想讓大家to be open-minded,親自勤力地去了解一些真像,不要憑想當然來下一些結論。
第三個常識是,病人智商並沒有比醫生低。如果真有另外一種療法比現代醫學更有效的話,他們不會傻到死守什麽“conventional cancer treatments in hospitals”而不廣泛采用的。即使他們國家的政府、醫生不承認喝蔬果汁療法的有效性,但是他們的人民不是傻的,他們會千方百計喝蔬果汁來醫治被西醫放棄了的絕症,如果真有一點點效果的話。----you are so right! That’s why I think LZ made this post to spread the information.
However, sadly, many people are like you. They still believe expensive and painful conventional therapies for cancer. So what's the cure rate for conventional therapies for cancer in hospitals? Why there were still 8 million people died every year of cancer in the world if those authorized and legal therapies in hospital truly worked effectively?
First of all, think about how most people got the cancer at the first place, and then make your scientific judgment by "commom sense" on the Gerson Therapy.
In Japan, people have built up hospital exclusively using The Gerson Therapy to treat cancer patients.
In my eyes, you are quite ignorant. Sorry to say so!
Thank you for your information and knowledge anyway!
But from what I watched and read, a lot of cancer patients who have gone through the Gerson Therapy when they had no other choice and were very sick. I don’t think 依賴心理暗示或人體自愈 at that time could make huge difference for them. There must be something the Gerson Therapy is doing right.
The therapy is very intensive detoxifying and recovering process. The conventional therapies killed caner cells and healthy cells together, and patients suffered a lot of pain. However, the Gerson Therapy has done a different thing. It is too long for me to explain. If you are interested, please try to be open-minded and do some research.
第三個常識是,病人智商並沒有比醫生低。如果真有另外一種療法比現代醫學更有效的話,他們不會傻到死守什麽“convention cancer treatment in hospitals”而不廣泛采用的。即使他們國家的政府、醫生不承認喝蔬果汁療法的有效性,但是他們的人民不是傻的,他們會千方百計喝蔬果汁來醫治被西醫放棄了的絕症,如果真有一點點效果的話。
Two many mistakes in my previous comments, I do it again.
Not sure how much you have known about the Gerson Therapy?
In Japan, the leading doctor himself who used this therapy to cure advanced cancer patients in a hospital had colon cancer before and recovered by using this therapy.
There are many people with so called authority asked for the evidence. There have been a lot of proved evidence ever since, but those people were simply selectively blind. The reason?! Hugh interest exists in so called conventional cancer treatment in hospitals.
Max Gerson suffered a lot of harassment when he was alive because the therapy was not official, not recognized by the authority. Maybe too cheap, too normal, too beneficial for patients?
Anyway, who have been controlling everything in conventional cancer treatment in hospitals? Are they really effective? Find out your own answer!
Eat whatever you want and wait for blue pills to save your life. Sounds more beautiful or convincing?
"but those people were simply selectly blind."----hahaha, sorry! Should be "but those people were simply selectively blind.
Not sure how much you have known the Gerson Therapy?
In Japan, the leading doctor who used this therapy to cure advanced cancer patients in a hospital had colon cancer before and recoverd by using this therapy.
There are many people with so called authority asked for the evidence. There have been a lot of proved evidence ever since, but those people were simply selectly blind. The reason? Hugh interest exists in so called convention cancer treatment in hospitals.
Max Gerson suffered a lot of harassment when he was alive because the therapy was not official, not recognized vy the authority. Maybe too cheap, too normal, too benificial for patients?
Anyway, who have beencontrolled everything in conventional cancer treatment in hospitals? Are they really effective? Find out your own answer!
Eat whatever you want and wait for blue pills to save your life. Sounds more beautiful or convencing?
"How many people died of cancer every year in the world? Almost 80 millions!"---Sorry! People died of cancer every year in the world are around 8 millions.
"Joy Kordich的事例,即使是真的,也不令人驚訝。沒有任何證據說明他的癌症緩解跟喝果汁有關。他患病期間還吃麵包吧?為何不是吃麵包治好了他的癌症"---according to your logic, those who were sick when they took medicine, they also ate rice or bread, who could say it was medicine that helped them to recover from sickness? Interesting! The difference lies that after people take the medicine, what happened then. Right?
Please read and watch extensively on the topic, otherwise, we are not on the same level to have a discussion. I personally drink a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit juice, eat a lot of raw fresh vegetables. From my own experience, I know how powerful they are.
Do raw potato or carrot or other vegetables sound too cheap to cure cancer or prevent illness? Maybe!!! However, many truth lie in very simple and basic things.
Try to know more about so called traditional or official treatment for cancer, then draw your conclusion.
How many people died of cancer every year in the world? Almost 80 millions! So what's the cure rate for conventional or official cancer treatment in hospitals? Doesn't it kill enough people in the world?
Joy Kordich的事例,即使是真的,也不令人驚訝。沒有任何證據說明他的癌症緩解跟喝果汁有關。他患病期間還吃麵包吧?為何不是吃麵包治好了他的癌症?
抗癌和保健最好的是生胡蘿卜汁(according to Norman Walker and Dr Max Gerson)。胡蘿卜汁是甜甜的,非常好喝!要保健,保健品的口味也是很重要的。
怎樣解釋 Joy Kordich的事例,他可是在25歲被大醫院診斷為癌症的病人,現在活過了90歲。
現在我把榨汁的老祖宗Dr Norman Walker 在他的著作Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Juices中關於 Potato Juice 的一段描述摘下來給大家參考。他本人活到了99歲,他發明的榨汁機現在還在熱賣,價格是美金2500塊,不便宜。如果他本人是個騙子,他的榨汁機早就沒人買了,還2500塊呢?看來“受騙”的人都是蠻有閑錢的嘛。
The raw potato contains easily digestible natural sugars which upon cooking, are converted into starch. Potatoes should be omitted from the diet of those suffering from venereal diseases and those afflicted with aphrodisiac tendencies. The combination of cooked meat and potatoes intensifies the solanine poison of the potato(an alkaloid poison more particularly prevalent in potatoes too green in colour), which has an affinity for the nerves controlling the sexual organs; this, together with presence of uric acid crystals resulting from the ingestion of meat, may cause excessive irritation of these organs.
The juice of raw potatoes, however, has proved very beneficial in clearing up skin blemishes. This cleansing is due to the high content of potassium, sulphur, phosphorus, and chlorine in the potato. These elements, however, are only of value when potato is raw, in which state they are composed of live organic atoms. When the potato is cooked, these are converted into inorganic atoms, as such, they are of little or no value for constructive purposes.
Fresh raw-raw organically grown potatoes are very palatable to eat, many people do like them and they are unquestionable a good food.
Raw potato juice has proved to be very healthy cleanser of the system and to be very beneficial, particularly in combination with carrot juice.
The juice of raw potatoes, combined with that of carrot and celery, is a boon to those suffering from gastric, never, and muscle disturbance, such as gout and sciatica. In such cases, one pint of this combination in addition to one pint of carrot, beet, and cucumber juice daily, has often given complete relief from these discomforts in a surprisingly short time, provided that meat, fowl, and fish were eliminated completely from the diet.
Some emphysema victims have been helped and found relief in using a combination of carrot, parsley and raw potato juices.
看來吃熟的土豆人們可能會變胖(The raw potato contains easily digestible natural sugars which upon cooking, are converted into starch),喝生的土豆汁會讓人增重真是蠻奇怪的?!
Sorry to hear two failed cases from you. I personally have not dealt with any patients with this therapy, but do feel the great power of fresh vegetable and fruit juices to maintain good health.
A lot of cancer patients went to the Gerson Therapy when they had no other choice. Many of them have gone through different kinds of traditional medical methods to treat cancer. In other words, they might have been in very advanced stage and have been sentenced to death by doctors. In such vey difficult situations, the Gerson Therapy still had many successful cases. I watched many survivors from those documentary movies related to the Gerson Therapy and read many successful cases from Amazon readers. (The book called : The Gerson Therapy).
Also, the founders of this therapy Dr Max Gerson had a book called A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy.
The very famous juice man called Joy Kordich who was treated by Dr Max Gerson himself with the Gerson Therapy when he was 25 years old having cancer. He survived beautifully and is over 90 years old now.
Coffee enigma in this therapy is to help liver to get rid of toxic things as the juices are so powerful to detoxify cancer patients body that the liver could not handle all the poisons without the help of coffee enigma. Normal healthy people who drink fresh vegetable and fruit juices do not need to do this kind of coffee enigma.
Cancer means the ultimate collapse of immune system. The theory of this therapy is to help people to restore immune system to conquer cancer or other illness. It really makes sense to me.
向大家推薦一款很好用的榨汁機:Breville BJE510XL
胡蘿卜汁是The Gerson Theray裏主要用的,大家放開來盡量喝胡蘿卜汁。
所有的蔬果汁不是用來殺死癌細胞,它們是幫助病人盡快restore immune system to conquer cancer, make sense now?
大家如有興趣的話,查查 The Gerson Theray,這個療法就是用蔬果汁挽救危重的癌症病人,在很多國家(如日本)影響都很大。在 Amzon 有書賣,有興趣的話去查查。
I can use my knee to think and know potato won't do shxt to cancer.