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上周末發了郵件就說好,請國內的老師們來我家吃火鍋,三點接上他們先去了中東店買菜,那裏的蔬菜水果真得很便宜,像茴香99分2把,大華要買$1.99一把. 香菜1元7把,小蔥從1元5把。番茄79分一磅。我們又到大華買了豆腐,蝦,魚丸等。到金元排骨拿了羊肉和醬,到了家,老師們一齊動手,洗的洗,切的切,一會兒就準備好了。
Iranian Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani faces execution at any moment for refusing to renounce his faith in Christ.
This Prayer Chain is calling ALL Christians into action NOW on behalf of this Iranian pastor, who faces execution!
Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani never practiced the Muslim faith and converted to Christianity at age 19, becoming a pastor later. But the courts say that since his mother and father were practicing Muslims, he must recant his Christian faith or die. So far, in three court appearances, he has refused to do so - RISKING EXECUTION AT ANY MOMENT. The Iranian Supreme Court often acts quickly in administering the death penalty.
According to a report, when asked by judges to "repent," Yousef replied: "Repent, What should I return to? To the blasphemy that I had before my faith in Christ?"
The judges replied: "To the religion of your ancestors - Islam." To which Yousef replied: "I cannot."
It's time for the body of Christ to act, to pray, to plead for the life of our Brother before Christ so that His servant may be spared.
This is what you are asked/called to do. As soon as you receive this email, PRAY IMMEDIATELY. Then call your pastor, your deacons and the people of your Church so that they may all pray too. Then forward this PRAYER REQUEST to every CHRISTIAN you know so that they may pray also.
The Bible States, "If God is with us, who can stand against us."