揮起老拳。電影“精武門”劇照 - 左:李小龍(扮演陳真), 右:成龍(扮演日本武士) 其實,李小龍更傾心於精神世界的探索。他在大學裏主修哲學,在文學和藝術的領域裏也多有探索。縱觀中國武林,
凡武學有造詣的開山大師無不從鍛造自己的心靈開始。太極拳是張三豐,八卦掌是童海川,少林是達摩... 李小龍英年早逝,沒給世人留下專著。但在他傳世的武學筆記裏卻有很多發人深省的名言,如下麵這些有關截拳道
Jeet Kune Do
Jeet Kune do was founded by Bruce Lee
Because he felt the martial arts were too confined.
You can't fight in pattern he used to say
Because an attack can be baffling and not refined.
Jeet Kune do was created by Bruce Lee
To show us that an old art must transform.
Like the day turns to night and night to day
The way of fighting must also reform.
Bruce Lee developed Jeet Kune Do
But wished he didn't have a name for it!
Because the very words, Jeet Kune Do,
Already indicate that it's another martial arts form.
Any form or style does restrict
And his belief is now in conflict.
Stamina Exercise
Although you have the right attitude,
It's not enough to avoid a strife.
Although you have a heart of fortitude,
It's no assurance of saving your life.
You may have spent years in training,
In the art of fighting you love so much.
But if you are winded in a sparring,
It proves that your condition is such.
You need plenty of workout on the road,
Running two, three or more miles a day
Until our body can take more load.
Then comes a day you see the light,
You look up at the sky and then relay:
"Skill in performance is all right,
But it's not enough to prove your might."
A Perfect Stance
A stance too narrow provides you speed,
But leaves you imbalance which you don't need.
A stance too wide gives you power,
But you'll soon learn you're a bit slower.
There must be a stance that you can use
To keep you in balance and to refine.
The perfect stance that will not confuse
Is the on-guard position which does not confine.
You can maneuver with ease of motion
As you are free from any notion.
The art of mobility
Is the essence of fighting.
If you're slow on your feet,
You'll be late in hitting.
A skilled fighter can shift
To evade most blows.
His body is "light as a feather,"
When he fights all foes.
He moves like a stallion
Galloping with grace
Instead of a kangaroo
Leaping high in space.
Power in hitting
Depends not on your strength.
But it is the way,
You are close or at length.
If you're too near,
Use your striking elbows.
If you're too far,
Use your kicking feet.
But it is the hands that
You'll employ the most
In a sparring session
Or a martial arts meet.
And when it is all over,
Hope you can silently boast
That you have learned
To hit with speed and power.
Speed in fighting depends not
Just on your hands and feet in swiftness,
But other attributes such as
Nontelegraphic moves and awareness.
Speed in fighting is to hit
Your foe without yourself being hit.
This can only be done by hours
Of practice and being completely fit.
Speed in fighting is no good
Without the power that goes with it.
Your Offense
Your offense should be simple and direct
Because it may be hard to control.
But against someone who can project
A complex attack should be your role.
timing, the key to a complex attack,
Must be practiced until you have the knack.
The feint should be just enough to distract
And create an opening so you can act.
Right Strokes
It is not your lack of speed
That you think you really need.
But many times it's your strokes
That you use against all folks.
They may not e right for each fight
So you are confused and too tight.
Learn and practice the right blows
To fight better against all foes.
The Mighty Feet
If you are adept with your feet,
Probably, you re hard to beat.
'Cause you can keep your foe at bay
With powerful kicks that can slay.
The shin-kick can stop and attack
While the side-kick can break his back.
The spin-kick can be a surprise
To bring your opponent down to size.
The sweep-kick is seldom used
'Cause your foe can only be bruised.
For movies, it's a picturesque sight,
But for real, it has no might.
Countering may look like a defense
But it's an advanced form of offense.
Countering is a crafty strategy
And requires real art in fighting.
Counting can keep your opponent edgy
Especially while you are waiting.
Countering is best when he's leading
Because he cannot do much guarding.
Tactic is for the intelligent
Who's a step ahead of his opponent.
He uses his brains in a fight
While another can't see the light.
He varies his tactic with each foe,
With punches and kicks thrown high and low.
He studies his opponent with care
And fights with judgment and dare.
Tactic alone can't insure success;
Attitude is part of the process.
A fighter with great confidence
Plans his encounter with good sense.