Wikipedia上的介紹:The Napoleon cat is a relatively new breed, categorized by The International Cat Association (TICA) as a domestic hybrid breed, "A breed developed from a deliberate cross between two existing domestic breeds, incorporating characteristics of both parental breeds into the new breed." [1] The two breeds (or Groups) from which the Napoleon is derived are the Munchkin(注:起始於上世紀80年代)
小短腿兒Munchkin (照片來自網絡)。
Napoleon is derived are the Munchkin(注:起始於上世紀80年代)and the Persian. According to TICA’s official standard for the Napoleon, these breeds represent the only permissible outcrosses one may utilize to create the Napoleon. [2] This includes the combinations Napoleon × Napoleon, Napoleon × Munchkin, and Napoleon × a member of the Persian breeds (including Persians, Himalayans and Exotic Shorthairs. Napoleons come in both long-haired and short-haired varieties.
Breeder網站上的介紹:Napoleons are a cross between the sweet and wonderful personality of the munchkin and the beautiful regal Persian. Napoleons have kitten-like personalities which they maintain their whole lives. They are social, loving, outgoing, and love to play. These adorable cats have an endearing way of standing up, squirrel-like on their hind legs. They are also known as "rug huggers" as they are close to the floor when they travel around. Some Napoleons have long legs (non-standard) or some with short legs (standard). Napoleons with long legs are still registered as a pure breed, and have all of the same wonderful traits as their short legged siblings, except short legs. Napoleons are accepted in TICA, AACE, TDCA, and UFO.
簡而言之,短腿貓Munchkin X 波斯貓家族造就了拿破侖貓。而短腿貓Munchikin是一種健康活潑的貓,用這種貓和波斯貓雜交,能夠一定程度改善波斯貓相對比較弱的體質。
為此貝晶媽通讀了整個拿破侖貓的發展史,現在這個breeder,是跟拿破侖貓的創始人有聯係和合作的。不過他最打動貝晶媽的不是這點,而是他對他的貓們的愛和對小貓的責任心。他在看到貝晶家的博客帖子以後,非常高興地說他認為這是他的小貓的exellent home(盡管他不識中文),說明他首先在意的是小貓的幸福,而不是錢。
why not just adopt a cat in shelter--there are many cats waiting for help.