2006 (17)
2007 (11)
2008 (1)
2009 (1)
Lq兄好:)尤喜下闋. "沉吟吾心,何處歸程?"... 詞...
US$ reach cretical level against CND$
FX trading is very challeging and exciting. But I...
Thanks for all your comments and comforts. I'm try...
I can see you are smart. But what weakness smart ...
I read the article about FX trading. I dont fee...
L:The market is very sensitive and over-reactive. ...
謝謝你的留言,我來學習你的詩詞也試和一首七絕: 葉...
【行香子】春風 雨清 (03/16/07)
朝雲有夢, 飛絮無窮. 此人世、醉也由衷. 聞歌西喚, 明月樓東. 縱幾程疏, 幾程聚, 幾程空.
衣香猶在, 小徑迷濛. 過薔薇、吹上腮紅. 柳傳軟語, 能不依儂? 況在橋畔, 在花下, 在情中.