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【分享】Legal services and information

(2011-10-18 11:11:29) 下一個


Legal services & information

Educaloi:Éducaloi is a non-profit organization whose mission is to inform Quebecers of their rights and obligations by providing quality legal information in everyday language.

Justice Québec:Justice Québec site with information on many legal issues and Quebec’s court system.

Barreau de Montréal : Reference service by professional order representing close to 13,000 Montreal lawyers. 30-minute consultation with a lawyer in any specialty of law for $30. Annual Salon Visez-Droit event at Complexe Desjardins for five days each spring offers free consultations with lawyers in any specialty of law. For reference service call 514-866-2490 or e-mail reference@barreaudemontreal.qc.ca

Chambre des notaries du Québec:Free legal information hotline at 1-800-668-2473 operated by the professional association representing more than 3,300 Quebec notaries. Website also features information sheets on estates and wills, real estate law, commercial law and agricultural zoning and other issues.

Clinique juridique des artistes de Montréal: Monthly legal info nights and telephone consultation on legal issues affecting artists. E-mail recherche@cjam.info

Commission des services juridiques: Agency responsible for Quebec’s legal aid system and some 350 legal aid lawyers for legal advice or representation before the courts for those who are eligible. 514-873-3562

CSU Legal Information Clinic: Legal information and referral service for Concordia undergraduate students from student lawyers under the supervision of staff lawyer. Focus on consumer protection (contracts), immigration and discrimination issues. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1-5 p.m. 514-848-7474, ext. 7375 for appointment or info

Head & Hands:Legal information workshops and clinics with specialized services for young people 12 to 25 years. 30-minute consultations with volunteer lawyers for people older than 25 with requested donation of $20 or more to support legal services for youth. 514-481-0277

Mile End Legal Clinic:Walk-in legal clinic with no appointment needed. Legal information and advice from volunteer lawyers and student lawyers from McGill and Université de Montréal. 99 Bernard St. W. Wednesdays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. (summer hours)

McGill Legal Information Clinic (MLIC):Bilingual legal information and referral service with law student volunteers. Weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 514-398-6792

Pro Bono Québec: Co-ordinates bank of pro bono hours donated by Quebec law firms. Assigns lawyers to cases a committee considers exceptional, involve issues of public importance or irreparable harm. 514-954-3434

Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre Legal Clinic: Walk-in legal clinic every Tuesday from 6-7 p.m. 870 Richmond Square. 514-935-4224

Young Bar Association of Montreal: Professional association representing young Montreal lawyers offers legal preparation for hearings before the small claims division of the Court du Québec, the Régie du logement (rental board) and the Commission des relations du travail (labour relations board). One hour of free legal advice available for business start-ups each Wednesday between 4-6 p.m. Call 514-954-3446 for information or register at www.ajbm.qc.ca/ under the public services section. Free confidential service offered to young people between the age of 12 and 20 every Wednesday between 4-8 p.m. Call 514-954-3450 for information. Province-wide, weekend-long free legal telephone clinic once a year in the spring.

YWCA Legal Information Clinic: Individual 30-minute sessions with volunteer lawyers available for $5; maximum 3 a year. Appointment necessary. Call 514-866-9941, ext.293, or email infojuridque@ydesfemmesmtl.org

Youth Employment Service Montreal (YES): Legal information on business issues for entrepreneurs. Free service by appointment only. 514-878-9788, ext.311

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