1. "On the mountain of the LORD, it will be provided." Climax of Abraham's faith! "God will provide"! God did not save angels, but He will save Abraham's descendents. (Hebrews) Because Abraham is the father of the faith. Abraham was a human who made mistakes just like us, yet the LORD blessed the nations through him. I love Rembrandt's painting very much!
2. Bear fruits, or be cut off otherwise. Strong and straightforward information.
3. There is no doubt that the bible, God's word, is the shelter in storms of life.
4. Follow the steps of a good man -- it is very true to find a role model and follow his steps to become a true follower. The good man is hard to find, believe it or not. :)) But I found one.
創世記 20:1-22:24
唉,亞伯拉罕第二次在妻子的事情上軟弱,撒謊掩蓋事實,幸虧神出手幫助。 信心之父也要親身經曆神的恩典,對神的信心才能越來越堅固。。。。之後,亞伯拉罕神順服神,願意獻上以撒為祭,他的信心終於得意考驗。神再次祝福亞伯拉罕:“地上萬國都必因你的後裔得福,因為你聽從了我的話。 ”
啊, 感謝神!耶和華以勒----耶和華必預備!!
馬太福音 7:15-7:29
要防備假先知。還要小心:“凡稱呼我主阿,主阿的人,不能都進天國。惟獨遵行我天父旨意的人,才能進去。 ”--- 主啊,我願意也立定要遵行你的旨意,求你賜予我真理啟示的靈,好讓我明白你的旨意,並賜予我力量,好讓我誠實地信心堅定地遵行你的旨意,阿門!
聽了真理還要切實地行出來,才是把真理的根基建在磐石上,不至於倒塌。--- 有了信心還要行出來!
詩篇 9:1-9:12
箴言 2:16-2:22
荒漠甘泉 01/09
我們父神的愛正是如此。因為他愛他的兒女,所以才施管教,要使他們有分於他的聖潔。有了這樣榮耀的目的,他才不顧他們的眼淚。神使他的長子在苦難中得榮耀;照樣,也使他的眾兒女在患難中學習順服,得以進入榮耀。 --- 感謝主,隻要出於你的旨意,你給予我的任何困苦磨礪,我都願意接受和經曆。隻求合你心意,蒙你喜悅。阿門!
1. I remembered this is the third time to mention Abraham told a lie on his marital status – Why?
2. Touched deeply by Abraham's faith and his final exam. The power of the faith is unbelievable!
Matthew 7
Like the comments below:
1.“one good way to identify someone is by the type of fruit they produce - actions they demonstrate or lives they lead. And while it may sometimes be easier to identify other people's fruit... “
2.It is an important verse for us to meditate upon in our own lives: "Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse, because it is built on rock."
To read the Bible or go to church often doesn't make a good Christian. We have to DO the will of God, follow his words. I would like to bear good fruits and build up my house on the rock.
"He will judge the world in righteousness;he will govern the peoples with justice".
"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you."