曾見美國沒有文化的說法,這麽說的都是國人,有些不以為然(嗬嗬,找磚呢:))。美國曆史短暫,但美國有文化。美國文化不能說深,但既厚又重:絕大部分是由幾百年來的移民,包括論壇上的居住美國的朋友們而組成。是個大雜燴。如果當今世界上,哪個文化衝擊力最為強大,就是美國的POP CULTURE,特別是在中國,實際是很讓人擔心的。POP CULTURE這麽淺薄卻代表人心所向,真讓人不能理喻。
這條溝壑的溪流,是Monongahela 河的支流,叫做Nine Mile Run,長九英裏,覆蓋了六平方英裏泄水麵積。匹茲堡是個山城,有山便有溪流。十年前,這條溪流為城市汙水汙染,臭不可聞。溪流所流經城市最大的公園Frick Park(如果這個係列持續下去,我會介紹城市公園。其土地都是由重工業起家的富人捐贈給城市的),堪為一害。千禧年前後,一個由政府和民間合作的組織成立了(Nine Mile Run Watershed Association)。由US Army Corps of Engineers(這個聯邦政府部門負責美國所有水路),州,市政府參與,第一期耗資九百萬美元的生態工程開始進行,這同時也是一個生態平衡的研究課題。他們重新設計了水流,在許多地方建立了淨水池塘,放養了不同的細菌,降解水裏的汙染物質。兩年內便成效顯著。現在水質清澈。另一方麵,在水流區域,栽種美國土生的植物,除掉侵略性的外來植物,比如挪威楓樹等。這是去年秋天的兩張照片,清水流潺,誘人涉入:
霧氣裏潮濕的山坡上,daffodils 開放,綴著露水的花低垂,daffodils中文黃水仙。中國常見的水仙,室內栽培的,英文叫paper narcissus ,與daffodils是親戚。其實 所謂黃水仙,有其它變種,白的,粉的,紅心的,都有。這種黃色的生命裏最旺盛。早春的野地裏,山石下,落葉中,不知不覺地盛開,如同仙子。
英國詩人William Wordsorth 的詩裏,是這麽形容這種開於早春,美麗異常而又易生易長的植物(王醫生也曾引用過):
I WANDER'D lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine,
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretch'd in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
這所精美的建築,Heinz Chapel, 我總想與人分享: )這所教堂兩邊種植了一群開黃花的樹,不知其名,他處也未曾見過。
Heinz Chapel 由Heinz 家族捐贈,這家富人賣酸黃瓜起家,後來改賣Ketchup 。有小朋友的家,沒有不知道的。中國人愛叫它番茄醬,實際不是。但中文叫什麽我也不知道。:(
Heinz ,此地大族。八十年代, John Heinz是賓州共和黨的參議員, 溫和共和黨人,很得人心,曾有人看好將來作為競選總統人。但他居然沒有將來,在費城直升飛機失事,英年早逝。他遺孀Teresa Heinz,後嫁與民主黨參議員John Kerry。Kerry前次與布什競選失敗,這是不久前的時事。想必大家還有印象。
Heinz Chapel是Henry John Heinz,H.J. Heinz Company創始人給匹茲堡大學的禮物,以此紀念他的母親Anna Margaretta Heinz。這所建築一九三三年破土,三八年竣工。正是鋼城的興旺時期。外觀上仍為傳統歌德式建築,實際建築上采用現代方式,用了鋼結構。最為著名的是彩鉛玻璃窗,與歐洲的舊教堂媲美。23 麵彩窗,四千多平方英尺,用了二十五萬塊玻璃。
Magnolia 的一種(Star Magnolia,不常見) ,我知道英文是Magnolia,中文呢?木蘭乎玉蘭乎?好好擺渡了一把,竟然結論木蘭就是玉蘭,更糊塗了:
早晨剛開的Star Magnolia :
一般常見的Magnolia,剛開,幸好昨個陰天也照了相,今天上凍了: (
一個退休老人的院裏,有很多罕見的花。其中一樹 Magnolia,花兒非常奇特,好像塑料的質感:
梨花, 如同雪團:
謝謝大家閱讀。最後附上的歌,是一首love song,我覺得到達一種豁達瀟灑的境界。:)
Steal Your Heart by Gloria Estefan
I dont mean to be the teardrop spilling over your resentments
Dont intend to be the cry with which you voice your discontentment
I dont wanna be a picture, fading slowly from your memory
Dont intend to be a shadow simply darkening your passage
Only wanna lose myself behind the mirror of your eyes
Be the only balm that soothes the secret passions in your life
Only want to lose my senses, lose your sorrow calm this madness
Be the only one you count on to alleviate your sadness
Ill steal your heart and set it free
Tear down the walls that would surround you
I may hold you close to me
But these ties will never bind you
I dont mean to be the fire thats igniting your temptations
Dont intend to the the sword that runs you through with adoration
I dont want to be a whisper my emotions wrapped in silence
Dont intend to be the shout reminding you that time is priceless
Only want to be the wind that lifts you high above the ground
Living only to unlease the sacred powers that weve found
Only want to beathe your essence, be your comfort, fill with laughter
Every moment that we live from this day on, forever after
Ill steal your heart and set it free
So free, Im sure it will astound you
Without my love youll never be
In some way, Ill always find you
Ill steal your heart and set it free
Tear down the walls that would surround you
I may hold you close to me
But these ties will never bind you
Only want to be the wind that lifts you high above the ground
Living only to unlease the sacred powers that weve found
Only want to beathe your essence, be your comfort, fill with laughter
Every moment that we live from this day on, forever after
Ill steal your heart and set it free
So free, Im sure it will astound you
Without my love youll never be
In some way, Ill always find you
Ill steal your heart and set it free
Tear down the walls that would surround you
I may hold you close to me
But these ties will never bind you
Ill steal your heart and set it free