每次下單子確認前 默念 低買高賣
in futures, 高價買被禁止 out of range (on the other hand, it prevent from mistake of click)
但在sim 中當作 market order execute because it higher than current price.
professional trades make this kind of mistake too. You see news occasionally that
some big house order buy as sell million shares.
should be very nervous when type in order. I dont basically trust myselve. So I read
低買高賣 then watch the color Red or Blue. Red for sell. the other is buy
I know price entered is high or low when I type in. When I read again, it is a check
you will immedially notice that it is wrong. You are doing buy at high price. This mistake
be considered confusion. For some reason at that moment, you just click buy but nothing in
your mind buy or sell. That is very dangerous error. I did twice. The second time, I caught
how it happened.
Using hotkey. Ctl-B as Buy and Ctl-S as Sell
but that moment, I dont recognize it is sell or buy. it just nothing and control by third hand
from God. so I click buy