
  • 博客訪問:


(2007-08-08 12:50:52) 下一個

- pjiang -

  • 什麽叫 CQ-FAQ?
    不是一般的 FAQ,而是 Challenging Questions in FAQ.

  • 剛剛交了申請,又想取消。把支票 stop payment,行嗎?
    行。下麵討論的是 I-485,其它申請同理。
    More Info Here.

  • Can I work for current employer while my H-1 extension petition is pending?
    Yes, the “240-day rule”allows an individual who has H-1 extension petition timely filed with USCIS to work up to 240 days beyond current H-1 expiration.

  • Do I have to wait for H-1 transfer Receipt Notice before working for new employer?
    No, you can start working for a new employer after filing the change of employer H-1B petition (which is usually evidenced by a Receipt Notice), on condition that you have never worked without authorization. While waiting for a USCIS' receipt will keep you in a safer position as the petition may be rejected due to signature/fee issue.

  • Can an H-4 work as "volunteer" before receiving EAD, or changing to H-1?
    No, it is illegal.
    More Info Here.

  • I have working with employer X on H1B, and applied for H1 transfer through employer Y. After the transfer is approved, if I change my mind and decide to continue to work with current employer X, can I do that?
    Yes. You can continue working with current employer as if you never filed H1 transfer
    More Info Here.

  • 如何證明“迫使該申請人申請勞工證會給國家利益帶來負麵影響”?
    More Info Here.

  • 如何定義 "same or a similar occupational classification" ?
    When making a determination if the new employment is the “same or similar” occupational classification in comparison to the employment in the initial I-140, adjudicators should consider the following factors:
    A. Description of the job duties contained in the ETA 750A or the initial I-140 and the job duties of the new employment to determine if they are the “same or similar” occupational classification.
    B. The DOT code and/or SOC code assigned to the initial I-140 employment for petitions that have a certified ETA 750A or consider what DOT and/or SOC code is appropriate for the position for an initial I-140 that did not require a certified ETA 750A. Then consider the DOT code and/or SOC code, whichever is appropriate for the new position to make a determination of “same or similar” occupational classification.
    C. A substantial discrepancy between the previous and the new wage. (See Question 5 of this section for further clarification).
    More Info Here.

  • 我可以開公司嗎?
    No matter what status you are, an F-1, H-1, using EAD, etc, the short answer is "Yes".
    However, you can not work, even for the company you established, unless you are in possession of an H-1 sponsored by your company, or a valid EAD. You may own that business, you may hire someone to run the business for you, you may earn profit from your business, but you just can not work for it, such activity constitutes unauthorized working.
    To start a business from scratch? Google "LLC".

  • 等得太久了,想 WOM,行嗎?
    More Info Here.

  • 如何證明照片是要求的 30 天之內的?還有,為什麽不能用數碼相機的像片?
    You may satisfy 30 day requirement in this way.
    "Digital photos are not acceptable" means no photo is accepted in digital format, like on floppy, CD, or USB drive etc. It must be on paper of specific standards.
    More Info Here. More Info Here.

  • 在美國出生的小孩回國,是要簽證還是申請回鄉證?
    More Info Here.

  • How to apply/renew US passport? WHat if it got lost/stolen?
    More Info Here.

  • 申根簽證 (ESV) - Schengen Visa
    More Info Here.

Last Rvsd 5/17/07

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cheese70 回複 悄悄話 Hi, pijiang老师,

scarlettohara 回複 悄悄話 皮匠老師,我是和美國公民結婚的綠卡身份,兒子現在在北京大學讀博士,今年申請到國家獎學金正在美國交換學習一年。我的問題是:1、如果我兒子將來希望在美國申請綠卡,(三年後在北京大學博士畢業後他準備再返回美國讀博士後)是由他以後直接申請更好呢?還是我現在就以母子關係申請以便盡早進入排期?我聽說成年子女的排期很長的。2、聽說公民身份申請成年子女比綠卡身份要快,我老公是美國公民但他不是我兒子的生父,可不可以由他來申請呢?我隻是希望找出一個最快的方法為我兒子申請綠卡。希望皮匠老師的高見。
妹子 回複 悄悄話 本人持綠卡,中國護照,想去Greece,但是所在城市沒有Greek大使館,好象倒是有其它申根國家的象荷蘭,比利時等,問題:


- 看見pijiang網站上說:
"申根簽證 (ESV) - Schengen Visa
申請並獲得申根簽證的國家,不一定非得是第一個入境國/最終離境國,或停留最遲長的國家,即使不曾停留也沒有關係。 "

心中一喜,但是點"More Info Here" 發現可能是官方的說明是這樣:

"辦理申根簽證時應注意,首次簽證是以三個月短期簽證為主。其他如居留、工作、學生和訪問學者簽證等,並不屬於申根協定的範圍,須分別向前往國家的使領館提出申請,其條件依各國條例而定。應選擇首站抵達國家或主要停留國家申請簽證,若隻前往某個指定國家,則必須申請該國簽證。 "

請教老師,那麽按照我的情況,就必須去L.A.專程簽個Greek visa了?倒是也可以改改行程,去多個國家,比如說從荷蘭入境,但又有這個停留最長時間的規定 :( 況且簽證時要提供機票和酒店預訂的證明文件,還是混不過去...

在網上找了找,有人在A國使館拿到schengen,之後行程有變,必須去B國(兩者都是Schengen members),問能不能用已經有的Schengen visa去B的,或者有人簽證時說是在某國停留時間最長,而實際沒有停留最長的,似乎官方規定不太好掌握啊?
yycc2008 回複 悄悄話 Hi, Pjiang:
Can you please tell me, in your answer of "如何定義 "same or a similar occupational classification"", the B section:

"Then consider the DOT code and/or SOC code, whichever is appropriate for the new position to make a determination of “same or similar” occupational classification."

Does it mean USCIS will look for another DOT/SOC code for the new title in the new job?

Many thanks
dragonking 回複 悄悄話 急請PJIANG老師回答:
我這星期得到 no-profit H1-B。但我將到另一 no-profit 公司工作。請問我需要辦 transfer 還是新辦H1-B 加急,哪樣是正規程序,並能快些?
moomin 回複 悄悄話 急請PJIANG老師回答,
我現在是在company A 工作(已有H1B),可現在又找到新的工作(簡稱company B). Company B 說要幫我transfer我的H1B,那如果transfer 之後,我可以同時在兩間公司工作嗎?還是我一定隻能選擇一間呀?如果您可以回答我的問題,我真的萬分感謝.
不潛了 回複 悄悄話 急請PJIANG老師回答:
在遞交I-290B後,我還能繼續工作嗎?還是要告知公司,先休假,然後等CASE REOPEN 成PENDING後才能繼續工作?
我的EAD於5月下旬到期,RENEWAL寄出不久,現在485被DENY,EAD肯定也要被拒。難道要等CASE REOPEN 成PENDING後再申請一次新的EAD?
另,假如CASE 在30日之內都沒有REOPEN,我是否必須離境?
iccc 回複 悄悄話 Hi Pjinag 老師,
1 可以用485來cover H1生效之前的gap麽?
2 可以在10月H1生效之前,transfer H1麽?
3 如果沒等到h1生效,就用485的ead,以後我還有h1的名額麽?

我在opt中,7月到期,公司願意為我申請h1,所以9月到10月間有1個月的gap.我ld,opt 10月到期,已經提交140了,準備先file h1,然
後在file 485.
luckycici 回複 悄悄話 Hi pjiang
thankful for your great information again!!! you are so much better than some retard lawyers.excuse for my language. but they really can not be trusted! i have been seeking for help and advice for a long time.however,those lawyers were unable to give me a right answer.THEY ARE LAWYER!! so WHAT!
anyway,thanks again!!!! i will let you know once i get the good news!
luckycici 回複 悄悄話 Hi pijiang
there is my situation;
i am a nurse. (1) i hold a valid EAD;
(2) i has never worked without authorization;
(3) the I-140 has been approved for over one year
(4) the original employer has not formally revoked the I-140;
(5) the new employer has the ability to pay at least the wage offered on the labor certification (both now and at the time your old employer started my permanent residency process); and
(6) the pay of my new job meets at least the prevailing wage as determined for your I-140.
However,i never worked for my petitioner since they was unable to place me in a hospital.so i had to look for a job in hospital after i got my EAD.
i am currently working in a hospital as a nurse.the immigration request employment history regard to my I-485 now.is any thing affect me to get my Green Card? Can you please take your precious time to look at what i am writing here? The deadline is coming and i still not figure out what sould i do.i will check your blog tomorrow.hopefully,i can recieve your wish response.thanks!
luckycici 回複 悄悄話 Hi pjiang

tonight i am so lucky to enter your blog.These days my I-485 bothering me lots.i have consulted 5 lawers but every body give me different advices .finally ,i lost trust of them.
by a chance,i just clicked your blog and found out this information that i have beening looking for so badly.
hopefully,all what you say here is true .i am really thankful for your blog.you save my life!