
《Before Sunrise》

(2006-11-01 05:38:10) 下一個
看了一個老電影《Before Sunrise》。一個美國小夥兒和一個法國姑娘在橫貫歐洲的列車上邂逅,相見恨晚。但留給他們的時間隻有十幾個小時,因為次日上午小夥兒就得離開歐洲。於是古城維也納的大街小巷裏留下了他們的足跡......


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dancingqueen 回複 悄悄話 也許我應該去把那部續集也找來看看.
highpeace 回複 悄悄話 摘引一段關於續集《Before Sunset》評語:"大多數經典影片的續集,最後都會給人留下狗尾續貂的印象,然而本片卻在短短的80分鍾內,牢牢的抓住了每一位觀眾的心,並且在很長時間裏讓觀眾為男女主人公的命運思索。"
highpeace 回複 悄悄話 Just watched this movie yesterday.

I don’t believe the young couple in the movie fell in "love at first sight". Even at the end they were not at a level that we would normally call "love". It ended before it started. But it does seem they had a wonderful time together, having fun in a very romantic way.

Some viewers said there were not much chemicals between the two. I think I know what they meant. Just as the boy in the movie said they had a connection, I think that was all they needed for a twenty-hour hour period.

It is interesting to know that people can have romantic time together (like in a dance floor with a first-met partner, or in a movie acting scene) but have not developed into a long relationship. Some people might be afraid of that, but others don’t see anything wrong if we could give each other good time more than we actually do.
dancingqueen 回複 悄悄話 對。本想去找來看一下,但聽朋友說不好看就提不起勁頭了。
highpeace 回複 悄悄話 續集該是《BEFORE SUNSET(2004)》吧?
dancingqueen 回複 悄悄話 沒看過續集,聽說不如第一集?
小餛飩 回複 悄悄話 十年前這部電影出來我就很喜歡,最近又拍了續集呢。兩人相約在巴黎一見。也許這種若即若離的感情反而最好,不追求“從此幸福的生活下去了”。