2025 (2)
Standard Plan PINs Now Good For One Year
$80 Standard plan cards/PINs loaded on or after December 9th, 2010 are now good for one year. They previously expired 120 days from the day they were loaded. The one-year term is for the $80 PIN only – the $10, $25 and $50 Standard plan PINs still carry a 120-day term. $80 Standard plan PINs are only available from authorized Page Plus dealers and online stores. They are not offered for sale on this website or by calling Customer Service. Use the store locator to find a dealer near you or do an Internet search for online retailers.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are using an $80 Standard plan PIN loaded on or after December 9th, the expiration date shown below may not reflect the correct one-year expiration date. Please accept our apologies for this situation. Your expiration date shown below will be automatically extended every 120 days or sooner, and you will receive the full one-year term for your $80 PIN.