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Put down some words to keep the track of my life.


(2008-07-06 21:55:06) 下一個
我從沒想過我在壇子上發的第一篇大作居然是如此的內容。。。半夜醒來,我輾轉反側,心中的痛苦讓我難以承受,隻能寄托此文聊以抒發。從權威醫生的那句“I have no doubt that he has autistic syndrome” 開始,我的世界已經崩潰了。。。



我兒子從出生到現在快3歲,吃飯一直都很好,發育指標超前,什麽都吃,當然現在更愛吃肉。我懷孕期間及生產也是超級順利,不算大齡媽媽。總之,在看大夫以前,我們唯一的concern就是他的語言問題,本來以為就是簡單的speech delay, 卻換來了晴天霹靂的診斷。





5。他與人有eye contact, 而且很愛笑。診斷的時候,大夫拿出個小球,翻過麵來,按到桌上,能蹦到天花板上,他笑死了。而且,在家的時候,看著動畫片,他也能樂個半天。

聽到大夫的診斷,我一直在深深自責,是否是我們以前陪他的時間太少,是否是我們本身比較不social,影響了他的發育。但大夫說No. It is all because his genetics. 天哪,我們夫妻都博士畢業,家裏也沒這種情況呀。大夫還說,他的genetics會影響到他的下一代。。。

大夫說,我兒子的程度屬於mild to moderate,早期intervention治療,會很有幫助。他要上特殊的preschool, 一般的daycare是不行的。而且,特殊的speech therapy也是必要的。大夫還推薦了個“play and language for autistic youngsters” program, 就是教父母怎麽在家教autistism的寶寶。




我的老婆是美國韓國人,我是中國人,我的女兒3歲便可以用韓文,英文和中文和人交流(次序按熟練程度排),可是我的兒子到了2歲半卻什麽都不會。去年的今天我的老婆的心情和你一樣,當時他們在韓國過暑假,整天嚇自己,去看了那裏的心理醫生。麵試了2天,又是錄像什麽的,給個診斷:Pervasive development disorder。賬單也不能在美國報。我自己是醫生,但不是兒科,看了她的報告,有很多似是而非的東西,我總是不相信這樣的診斷,最多是有趨向,不是論斷。但是也是擔心,萬一自己錯了怎麽辦。但是我想關鍵在於communication。我和他玩,我發現他不是不會和我交流,而是太專心他的玩具,又有strong will, 倔脾氣,所以他不對語言交流感興趣。我也看了好多書。我發現因為現在這個病的知名度很高,但是診斷方法沒有變:還是靠觀察。到底有多少是真正的自閉症,我不敢說,但是醫生的觀察往往有限,沒有父母強。我不肯定我的兒子有這個病。再說了,就算診斷了autism,治療方法是什麽?speech therapy。我沒有感情用事,也自己看了speechtherapy的治療方案,不外乎是耐心引導開口,吸引注意力。


5。他與人有eye contact, 而且很愛笑。診斷的時候,大夫拿出個小球,翻過麵來,按到桌上,能蹦到天花板上,他笑死了。而且,在家的時候,看著動畫片,他也能樂個半天。

這些都是似是而非的,肯定不足以診斷autism,或者其他fancy diagnosis Asperger's and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders. 當然這些都是觀察,到底尺度是什麽很難掌握。我不知道你所說的權威醫生是誰,但是我是醫生我明白,如果病人說有症狀,我至少不會排除,先給個working diagnosis,萬一有而我說沒有,我不是有lawsuit嗎?
1.不要再去找別的醫生要2nd opinion.確診是不可能的。除非很典型,你兒子肯定不典型。
4.你如果想開始speech therapy,也可以,但是不是光靠它,住要是你們父母的愛和耐心。

I like what you put thing together. I just do not appreciate that you should label every small kid who has probably speech delay into probable autism. Pay attention, probable. You have no idea what that meant for a family. Such a big diagnosis!! Just like that bleeding mother who is going through hell now. I went through the whole process. Do not jump your gun. I know the figure, and I know the fact. All I am saying is to wait and watch. Nothing has to be dramatic, there is no black and white in this disease.

I am not pediatric of any kind. This is what I found. Let us see if her kid fulfill the diagnosis.

The new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) which defines all known medical disorders for the purposes of diagnosis, describes six characteristics of ASDs. To qualify for a diagnosis, a person must have a total of six or more items from (1), (2), and (3), with at least two from (1) and one each from (2) and (3):

1. Qualitative impairment in social interaction, manifest by at least two of the following:

A. Marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors, such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures and gestures, to regulate social interaction

No.他與人有eye contact, 而且很愛笑。診斷的時候,大夫拿出個小球,翻過麵來,按到桌上,能蹦到天花板上,他笑死了。而且,在家的時候,看著動畫片,他也能樂個半天。

B. Failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level


C. Lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., by lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest)

Might be

D. Lack of social or emotional reciprocity


2. Qualitative impairment in communication, as manifest by at least one of the following:

A. Delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied by an attempt to compensate through alternative modes of communication such as gesture or mime)


B. In individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others

might be

C. Stereotyped and repetitive use of language, or idiosyncratic language

not mentioned

D. Lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe, or social imitative play appropriate to developmental level

not mentioned

3. Restrictive repetitive and stereotypic patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following:

A. Encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus

might be

B. Apparently inflexible adherence to specific nonfunctional routines or rituals

not mentioned

C. Stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements)

might be 最喜歡拿2個東西打來打去

D. Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects.

not mentioned

Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with onset prior to age 3 years:

1. Social interaction
2. Language as used in social communication
3. Symbolic or imaginative play

So I would say he has some symptoms that suggested autism, but inconclusive for the diagnosis. Or there are somethings she did not share with us.

While making the diagnosis, the mother and father would go through all different questionairs. Then the physician would observe the kid himself. If fulfill above, the diagnosis is reached. If not, then he got Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (or atypical autism). There are many specific types. You can google them.

Name calling is just an experiment, so far not included in the diagnosis.

Now comes the difficult part: can it be cured?
autism, No. But, successful story is one can reach the level of simple communication with daily life through specific education.

PDD: nowadays some people choose the aggressive approach as autism, just like what you just mentioned. This is the grey area I am challenging you: Is it necessary to label these kids as autism?
I do not know if you already let the public know the difference between just simple speech delay or PDD with ture autism.

Failure to talk enough words at certain milestone or failure to respond to his name while he was too preocupied with his toys would send him to the pediatric's office for autism? Give me a break!

I think all of people know how to log into this website are not dumb enough to notice his/her children's behavior problem until too late. They are probably too sensitive. Your warning might cause public panic.

I think the pediatric or pediatric neurologist or pediatric psychiatrist would appreciate the booming business of autistic alike.

我大體的意思也不是要輕視這個疾病,因為大眾對它的認知率比往年大大的增加,和對此病的科學研究的深入(細分有好幾十個),這個病的患病率在大幅增加。有人懷疑和vaccine中的mercury有關,有個有名的女演員Jenny McCarthy是這個理論的倡導者。我看過她的interview,個人認為她有點hysterical,她的孩子現在好好的,便說是早治療的結果。我沒有讓我的兒子接受任何治療,我去看了speech therapy,確實有可取的地方,但是光光要取得孩子的信任就要很長時間。不能說它沒有用,但是最主要工作是在家裏父母的耐心和關愛。
大家都知道自閉症是好事,但是不好的是引起的不必要的恐慌。我個人認為在2歲-3.5歲之間的男孩晚說話要引起重視,但是沒有必要恐慌,可以等一段時間觀察。配合兒科醫生的指導。如果情況嚴重,要去看兒科神經科 (pediatric neurologist),需要驗血和腦CT以便排除其他疾病。關於早治療,至少沒有壞處,可以嚐試,在各個州小學都有這樣的服務,是免費的,有年齡限製,我忘了是幾歲,好像是4歲。我當時沒有送是因為我覺得我能做的比他們好,至少我不用花那麽多時間得到自己兒子的信任。你要說我治療他,也行,但是我隻接受了兒科的課堂訓練和3個月的實習,加上惡補,水平實在有限。
最不可取的是像我老婆一樣,急病亂投醫,那個韓國的pediatric psychitrist也是,把她嚇得六神無主。
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