

(2006-11-10 14:33:24) 下一個

After hopped several countries in 10 days, finally I got home, my sweet home.


Nothing was very exciting in S. Korea, and everything is in one shape - square (like their faces). Building, cars, furnitures, cell phones, cameras, etc, are all square; like Korea man’s face.


Nothing was very exciting either in Taiwan, Mr. President Chen was on TV to defend his family, and argued all what they did were for the country. If they reported everything about the receipts, then the national security will be in danger. What a typical Taiwanese style!


I was browsing around during Japanese Culture Day (November 3). It was very exciting day for me. I started the stadium at Shibuya, there is some kind of pop star show which it is not particular interesting to me. Outside, there was a very large flea market, and several thousands of people were there for various purpose. Most of them were family (means parents with kids). Many people were in traditional Japanese clothes. Specially, the girls and women dresses were so pretty. I had kept my camera on all the time. Keep walking towards Shibuya culture center; there is line for Japanese tea ceremony. It was worth to wait. The service girl was in very nice and pretty dresses; and performed very elegant way to service specially selected tea. It became a very enjoyable event rather than drinking tea. Inside there is theatre where the Japanese folk dancer were performing the traditional show. They called the dance, to me more like posing slowly in different way to show their beautiful dresses or nice body shapes. It is more like fashion shows with very simple Japanese music (out of wood sticks or china or glass or metal). This was quite good experience.


In general, I enjoyed most Japanese lifestyle. Only thing I do not like is Japanese bathing in warm spring water. The male and female are sharing the same pool. But I respect that, it is its culture.

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