

(2006-09-01 16:28:40) 下一個
最近 State Department 向各consular officers 發出一份有關學生簽證申請審核的備忘錄,其中包括了對consular officers審核學生簽證的一些指引。以下為有關消息: The latest State Department memo to the consular officers regarding student visa processing stated that student visas remain a high priority. The memo gave some guidance to the consular officers regarding how they should approach a student that wants to study in the United States: 1. Visa interviews should be available to the student on a priority basis, and every student should have the opportunity to begin their program on time. 2. Prospective students should apply for their visa as early as possible. 3. Student visas may be issued as early as 120 days before the program start date. 4. If the student expects delays they can apply even before the 120 days, although the actual visa will not be granted until 120 days before the commencement of their studies. 5. Students need to show that they are financially able to cover the costs of studying at a U.S. institution. 6. That they are academically qualified to pursue their studies. 7. Consular officers should not question whether the students are academically qualified once the school made that determination. 8. Instead officers should examine whether the student is able to articulate the reasons for entering the field of study and choosing to study at a particular institution in the United States. 9. The consular officers also should not question the quality of the school that the student chose or deny a visa based on that choice. 10. Consular officers should look at the student’s immediate and near-term intent when examining student’s intent to depart the United States after the course of study. 本文由範毅禹律師事務所提供 本律師事務所精辦各類勞工應聘及專業移民申請 (包括H-1,L-1,EB-1,EB-2,NIW,勞工卡,綠卡等申請)。所有申請由多位美籍律師及擁有15年經驗的範毅禹律師親自處理,我所並特設中英移民網站。內有最新移民新聞資訊及由律師主持的移民問答集,歡迎讀者流覽查詢。 www.fan-law.com (Chinese) www.fanuslaw.com (English) CALIFORNIA : Fan, Fitzpatrick & Thompson, LLP. 370 E. Glenarm St., Pasadena , CA 91106 Tel: 626-799-3999 Fax: 626-799-9966 MARYLAND : Fan, Fitzpatrick & Thompson, LLP. 230 North Washington Street, Suite 400 , Rockville , MD 20850 Tel: 301-251-2636 Fax: 301-251-0313
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