
發表你對Immigration Reform的意見

(2006-09-01 16:28:39) 下一個
By: Beth Robertie, Esq. 最近我們都關注到有關Immigration reform的問題,如果你想對此發表你的意見或建議,你可聯係有關的政府部門。以下為聯係方式 In the current political climate, those who support intelligent and fair immigration reform must make their voices heard! In that vein, here are a couple of opportunities to voice your opinion to government agencies and your elected officials: * As we have discussed many times (you can read our article on the subject by clicking here), the Department of Labor has proposed a regulation that would eliminate labor certification substitutions, require that I-140s be filed within 45 days of labor certification approval, ban payment by the beneficiary of attorney's fees and other costs, and impose a new system of punishments without due process. If you are concerned about the possible implications of this new regulation, you can let the DOL know by clicking here and completing the form. Although you can submit the form as it is, it will have a greater effect if you individualize it. * Debate continues in the Senate – if you want your senator to support comprehensive immigration reform, contact him or her today! In order to contact your Senator and tell him that you support comprehensive immigration reform, click here to enter your zip code and find out who to contact. * For those of you interested in marching to show your support for immigration reform, this Monday, April 10, 2006, thousands of people will be marching in Washington D.C. and 45 other cities to let Congress know that mean spirited anti-immigrant bills are unacceptable. The D.C. rally commences at 4 p.m. at the Washington Monument. ______________________________________________________________________________ 本文由範毅禹律師事務所提供 本律師事務所精辦各類勞工應聘及專業移民申請 (包括H-1,L-1,EB-1,EB-2,NIW,勞工卡,綠卡等申請)。所有申請由多位美籍律師及擁有15年經驗的範毅禹律師親自處理,我所並特設中英移民網站。內有最新移民新聞資訊及由律師主持的移民問答集,歡迎讀者流覽查詢。 www.Fan-Law.com CALIFORNIA : Fan, Fitzpatrick & Thompson, LLP. 370 E. Glenarm St., Pasadena , CA 91106 Tel: 626-799-3999 Fax: 626-799-9966 MARYLAND : Fan, Fitzpatrick & Thompson, LLP. 230 North Washington Street, Suite 400 , Rockville , MD 20850 Tel: 301-251-2636 Fax: 301-251-0313
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