

(2007-11-14 14:48:14) 下一個
who are we to judge for others?

let along using our own very limited knowledge or experience,

most often just plain silly,


we went beyond our birthplace, why would that make us a even more narrow minded person?

don't we ever learn, to "see the world via others' eyes"?

with a million eyes,. there are a million world,



China and US are two of the best countries on earth, why do they have to “東風壓倒西風”?

who is to say, that either by returning to China or keep staying, one is to be perfectly happy ever after, with absolutely no void at heart?


pragmatically, if "personal advancement" is the only consideration, my own take is that all young people should choose China, and anyone with ambition, except the most special few, should go to China too... since it offers a bigger platform, and a chance to raise own's relative competitive strength,

but that's only my take, and life is way complicated than simple arithmetics,


so, to each, if you are informed, and have made a conscious choice, walking on the way that you think would be optimized for you, for you the individual,

either it's to East or West,

walk on,

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