
time to be hopeful for the economy

(2006-09-01 09:58:30) 下一個
last night chatted with a realtor agent, who mentioned that activities picking up significantly last few weeks after practically a dead market earlier,

I assume who buying now are people who need a house to live in, obviously housing is no longer something that people bet on for fortune,

so maybe Fed achieved something. Like always, they over tightened. But maybe not by too much.

hopefully people went too crazy on asset bubbles, housing and metal and oil and all that, but not too much to correct by itself,

inflation, without global housing bubble(construction and spending along with the wealth effect) , will probably not be that alarming, UK and Australia already busted, US being busted or at least deflated, China next if not now, don't we have the news that Shanghai's top listing condo at PuDong went from 11w to 6w per sq meter already?

so, meaner and more frugal time ahead, but more rational and sensible spending of natural resource, maybe that's just the right recipe for the world after the liquidity excess,

not too high, not too low, just right

at least that's the hope

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