
Why would Clinton not tell the truth about her 1996 Bosnia trip?

(2008-03-24 21:43:53) 下一個

Why would Clinton not tell the truth about her 1996 Bosnia trip?

Posted: 02:46 PM ET

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton kisses Emina Bicakcic, 8, from Sarajevo who dedicated a poem to her shortly after her arrival at the Tuzla Air Base, Monday March 25, 1996. (PHOTO CREDIT: AP)

FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:

On two different occasions, Senator Hillary Clinton has described a trip she took as first lady to Bosnia in March of 1996.

To hear her tell it, she was lucky to escape with her life, landing in a hail of sniper fire. She said they were forced to cut short the greeting ceremony at the airport and, “run with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”

But apparently there was time to stop and visit at the airport with an 8-year-old girl who greeted Mrs. Clinton on the tarmac when she landed and read her a poem.

The military commander on hand to greet Clinton at the time, Major General William Nash, told the Washington Post he was unaware of any sniper threat to Clinton during her 8-hour stay.

Also traveling with the first lady was her daughter Chelsea, the singer Sheryl Crow and the comedian Sinbad, who said the scariest part of the trip was deciding where to eat.

Hillary Clinton claims that she was sent to places that her husband, President Clinton, could not go because they were “too dangerous.”

Back to Sinbad… When commenting on Clinton’s version of events, he said, “What kind of president would say, ‘Hey man, I can’t go because I might get shot… but I’m gonna send my wife and daughter. Oh and take a guitar player and a comedian with you.’”

The Washington Post has awarded Senator Clinton “4 Pinnochios” for her story about Bosnia, which it gives for major “whoppers.”

Now that all this has come to light, Clinton’s campaign is allowing as how she may have “misspoke” about her 1996 trip.

Here’s my question to you: Why would Hillary Clinton not tell the truth about her trip to Bosnia in March of 1996?

Interested to know which ones made it on air?

Marie from Charleston, South Carolina writes:
We know the reason: to bolster her “foreign policy experience” credentials. The sad thing to me is that she has plenty of legitimate credentials to recommend her. This type of resume padding makes people question everything else she touts as experience, which is the crux of her campaign.

Bob from Richmond, Virginia writes:
Jack, She was just using a common resume-building technique, citing experience if you are in the general vicinity of a job requirement. She also ignored the number one resume fudging rule: don’t lie if there are witnesses!

Dennis from Spokane, Washington writes:
Misspoke. Sure, I always imagine sniper fire when my plane lands. Good that Chelsea survived the trauma of listening to that poem while her mom was getting those scary flowers.

Alexa from Lovettsville, Virginia writes:
For the same reason as Obama lied about being in church when Wright was on one of his rants, and when Obama lied about Rezko, and when Obama lied about his campaign advisor meeting with the Canadians, and when Obama lied about how much money Rezko donated to him, etc., etc., etc. It’s called politics.

Stephen from New Jersey writes:
She wouldn’t lie about that to get elected anymore than she and Bill would look into the cameras of 60 Minutes and lie about extramarital affairs to get him elected president.

Garnet from Corning, Ohio writes:
Jack, If she was as qualified as she says she is on day one, she wouldn’t have to stretch the truth. After this one, I ask America, what else is she stretching the truth about? My boys are dying and being injured for life for one lie, do we really want another one? One more thing, what about your tax records, Hillary?

Dan from Texas writes:
Besides dodging sniper fire, Hillary single-handedly saves her fellow travelers by frisking down a suspected suicide bomber dressed as an 8-year-old girl! Too funny! Hillary and Chelsea to the rescue!
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