
these days

(2008-07-30 17:06:45) 下一個
20 Mar 2008

The last few hours before holiday usually seem longer than they should be. Luckly I don't have a few hours now, only 45 minutes before the day finishes and Easter holiday starts. I was going to write sth in Chinese. I opened my blog file, and realised Chinese typing is off in my computer, well, too bad, you have to read in English then.
These days I always feel my hands can't catch up my mind. With everything happened and happning around, I might be writing sth down, but timing, chemistry and vibe seems hard to be the place when I need it and I end of writing blank.
These days, I'm busy as usual, happy as usual too. I'm working on sth that can be small and big with the love of my life. The fact speaks itself. Time passes quickly and day flies. At the end of the day, we are exausted in each other's arms. Well, we have our dreams that are big enough to keep us busy and happy, then what else matters?
These days, I was shocked often when I read news. 'Pumpkin''s Dad got caught in the US and the story how he got caught was just phenomenal. In case you don't know Pumpkin, she is an approx. 7-year-old Chinese girl who was dumped by her borned Dad in a train station in Melbourne about six months ago. The police found the girl, that's where the whole story started, and it turned out her father also killed her Mum in Auckland home. The guy flew to the US for hiding and got caught recently not by police but by his Chinese mates. None of them speaks English and some of them are even illeagal immigrants in the US. I don't have time to tell the whole story here, just one thing, good people are everywhere, but when you are good or do good things in a foreign land, it not only buys you a peace in mind for being a decent person with valueble virtues, more often and inevitably, it also adds up credit for your nation. At the end of the day, if we don't have nation, we are nothing. Unfortunately, it works the other way too.
Tibet, please, Dalai Lama fooled Chinese governtment and the world. Why keep getting into his trap?! China has nothing to hide. Dalai Lama says he doesn't want independce, just autonomy. This is the biggest lie I've ever heard, and I can't believe the world is buying it. If only for autonomy, under which Tibet is right now, why the monk gangs in the riot were smashing vehicles and shops for INDEPENDCE.
These days, things, like domestic vionlence, are not only on papers any more. For some reason, I met this lady who is beated by her partner on nearly daily basis. Sometimes she ran out from her apartment with a phone in hand, but couldnt make a phone call to her friends or police before her monster partner came to chase her, grabbed her phone and took her back to home. Then more noise and screaming, day after day. One morning police came and arrested the guy, but sent him home in the same afternoon. The lady has no family in Australia, no money in pocket, five kids from 6 months old to 7 years old. At the first time I met her, she seemed shy and quiet. Later, she cried a lot. I don't know what to do. Everytime I saw her cry, it broke my heart. I can't believe a person can be as hopeless as she is in the real life and it's happening just right next to me.
Well, gonna run now. Holiday offcially starts and can't be bothered to stay in the office any longer.
Happy Easter everyone!
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