
A poem and a moment

(2007-09-04 21:50:40) 下一個
I Carry Your Heart With Me
by E.E.Cummings
I carry your heart with me.
I carry it in my heart.
I am never without it.
Anywhere I go, you go, my dear,
and whatever is done by only me
is your doing, my darling.
I fear no fate, for you are my fate, my sweet.
I want no world, for beautiful you are my world, my true.
Any it's you are whatever a moon has always meant,
and whatever a sun will always sing is you.
Here is the deepest secret no one knows.
Here is the root of the root,
and the bud of the bud,
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life,
which grows higher than the soul can hope,
or mind can hide.
It is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart.
I carry your heart.
I carry it in my heart.
It's what I do. When I'm touched by sth, I record it by whatever means. I was watching this movie, without expecting anything special out of it. It was more like killing some time in a lazy weekend when you don't have any appointment to keep, schedule to catch or party to go and are also sick of suggesting your boyfriend to jump out of computer game and do sth that might be as romantic as the hell together.
Suprisingly, the movie got me by this poem. "...the root of the root, and the bud of the bud, and the sky of the sky of a tree called life, which grows highter than the soul can hope, or mind can hide..." it's just beautiful, a divine beauty that beyound words. When a thing falls into your heart, extends your imagination, glows your inspiration and ignites your fantasy, you worship it as long as ou want to worship, you plant it into your deep heart and let it grow with your blood, you touch it ever and ever again, knowing that you will never get enough. It's what I've been doing in the last 30 minutes. It made the moment, a moment that as surreal as it gets. It made my day, in the way that touches my far gone dreams, in the sense that I almost forget it ever existed.
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