

(2006-08-23 23:43:15) 下一個
早:119 lbs
晚飯後:121.5 lbs (吃下了2.5 磅的晚餐,因為實在太餓了)

這幾天沒減,反而肥了。昨天去YMCA 跳了STEP,今天全身酸痛,所以沒去,明天去好了。
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閱讀 ()評論 (5)
StIves 回複 悄悄話 You won't lose weight fast if you only do Yoga alone. However if you do STEP and Yoga together and also some strengh training (with weights), you will lose weight a lot faster than doing STEP alone. I am trying to lose some weight too. Actually that's not very accurate, I want to gain some muscle tone and lose the fat. I am planning to go to the gym regularly from now on. My problem is that I lack persistence. Hopefully I will be able to this time around. Wish me luck.
貓貓babe 回複 悄悄話 謝謝你StIves,我覺得YOGA沒STEP運動量大,減得不快吧。我們這的不是HOT YOGA,在冷氣房裏好冷的。
StIves 回複 悄悄話 The best thing to do when you are sore all over is to do Yoga. It will help with the weight loss too.