
Houston的朋友有時間來Houston Grand Opera看歌劇啦!(圖)

(2007-01-09 10:37:31) 下一個

這些天我在休斯敦Audition角色,剛好我老師(Catherine Cook) 也來Houston Grand Opera演出兩部歌劇,Charles Gounod: Faust (Jan. 20, 23, 26, 28m; Feb. 3, 2007 Evenings, 7:30 pm, Sunday Matinee, 2:00 pm )和Gioacchino Rossini: La CenerentolaJan. 27, 30; Feb. 4m, 7, 9, 11m, 2007 Evenings, 7:30 pm, Sunday Matinee, 2:00 pm)。有興趣的朋友可以到這兒http://www.houstongrandopera.org/  搜查信息,也可以寫QQH給我. I would suggest if you choose one, to pick La Cenerentola, because it's a new production, and it's SO incredible!!!

                                                 Catherine Cook, mezzo-soprano
                                                  Tisbe, Rossini’s La Cenerentola
Dame Marthe, Gounod's Faust
American mezzo-soprano Catherine Cook has excelled in a wide range of roles with leading companies throughout the United States. The Cincinnati Post wrote that she "more than once recalled the great mezzo Marilyn Horne: her luxurious voice showed remarkable flexibility." Her exciting characterizations garner acclaim as well. A frequent presence at the War Memorial Opera House since her 1991 San Francisco Opera debut, Ms. Cook’s roles with the company include Tisbe in La Cenerentola, Marcellina in Le Nozze di Figaro, Berta in Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Emilia in Otello, Dorabella in Così fan tutte, Suzuki in Madama Butterfly, Florence Pike in Albert Herring, Lapák in The Cunning Little Vixen, Mrs. Sedley in Peter Grimes, Naina in Ruslan and Lyudmila, Second Norn in Götterdammerung, and Jade Boucher in the world premiere of Jake Heggie’s Dead Man Walking. After making her debut with the Metropolitan Opera in Kát’a Kabanová, she returned in the 2002-03 season for performances of Marthe in Faust,a role which she has also sung with Los Angeles Opera and Baltimore Opera.

                                  她將在Rossini’s La Cenerentola這部歌劇裏扮演Tisbe
                                     在歌劇Faust (by Gounod) 扮演 Dame Marthe
這幾天有她陪伴排練,或看她排練,一起討論或揣摩角色,跟大家開開玩笑,剛來時的寂寞被充實取代!她是一位好老師,好朋友,更是一位今日美國的Excellent歌劇演員!!!If you have chance to watch it , wish you enjoy these bravo productions !!!

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閱讀 ()評論 (10)
舞台生涯 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬,太好了,原來夢想可以成真~~
靈犀 回複 悄悄話 Let me tell you, 你是一休的妹妹, 嗬嗬
舞台生涯 回複 悄悄話 讀了二位老師的發言,俺借用一休哥地二指神功在腦袋上" 嘀嗒”了一天,就叮咚出一句話:“Who am I ?”
靈犀 回複 悄悄話 謝謝賞光。你好好裝扮一下,一定把你拍成6歲的小女孩,嗬嗬嗬。。。
Yicasso 回複 悄悄話 哪敢那樣掛牌營業的? 聲音一亮,再厚的畫布也得破,誰敢比啊?
舞台生涯 回複 悄悄話

Yicasso: 你把“畫的比唱的好”掛在你博客門上,看那個
Yicasso 回複 悄悄話 唉, 再怎麽甜, 說地畢竟沒唱滴好聽羅.
靈犀 回複 悄悄話 謝謝介紹,有機會再看師徒同台表演:)
舞台生涯 回複 悄悄話 畫家disappear了幾天,原來去女子學院集訓去了。。。瞧!練過就是不一樣,回來嘴巴跟抹了蜜似的:)
Yicasso 回複 悄悄話 一定要想辦法一睹她的風采! 看了師傅, 就知道徒弟怎麽樣了.