As the teenagers left Robin’s Nest orphanage near Montego Bay, Jamaica, many of them were in tears.
“It’s just not fair,” one girl said after their too-brief visit. “We have so much, and they don’t have anything.” In the 2 hours we visited, handing out stuffed animals and playing with the kids, she had been holding a sad little girl who never smiled. We learned that before she was rescued she had been abused by her parents.
Multiply this little girl’s plight by the millions, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. My teenage friends were right. It’s not fair. Abuse, poverty, and neglect have turned the lives of millions of little ones into a nightmare.
How this must grieve God’s heart! Jesus, who said, “Let the little children come to Me” (Mark 10:14), is surely saddened by the way these children are treated.
What can we do? In Jesus’ name, we can give monetary support to good orphanages. When possible, we can offer physical help. If we feel led, we can seek to provide homes for these precious children. And all of us can pray—beseeching God to help those for whom life is so unfair.
Let’s show children the love of God through our hearts and our hands.
Reaching out to needy children,
Showing them our love and care,
Is one way that God can use us
To bring hope in their despair. —Sper
Be Jesus to a child today.
ZT from Our Daily Bread.