
悟空孫 (熱門博主)
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(2008-10-25 11:51:48) 下一個



“很好,那麽這道題呢?” 我手裏拿著另一張色彩鮮豔的卡片問道,語氣有些疲倦。荷西一邊掰著手指一邊思索著。

“12、14、16、18!” 他驕傲地宣布。






A Different Tune

“Very good. Now, how about this one?” I asked in a tired tone, holding up another brightly-coloured flash card. Jose considered this while counting on his finers.

“12, 14, 16, 18!” he exclaimed proudly.

I sighed heavily. “No Jose, this answer is 24. See? 2,4,6…” As I explained to him, he gazed at the card with his open-mouthed stare. Just a repeat of what happened every lesson. With his autistic manner, he would never be good at math; it’s like trying to teach calculus to a 2-year old. He will never be good at anything, a small voice in the back of my head chided. Shaking it away, I took up another flash card.“Let’s try this one. Ready?”

As the lesson carried on, Jose became increasingly frustrated at his inability to answer the questions correctly. I opted to give him an easy question occasionally to keep his temper down. When he had a tantrum, he was as hard to constrain as a raging bull, not to mention the mess he would make. The recess bell rang, followed by the blatant sound of feet trampling the hallway.

“Good job today Jose,” I cheerfully said to him. “Have fun at recess, and I’ll see you tomorrow!” As I watched him run off, I felt a tinge of sadness. He had no friends, being at a new school, and with his disability, it was unlikely that he’d make any.

As I walked down the hall during the break, I heard a jovial tune come from the old storage room. Perplexed, and even more curious, I went up to the door, and slowly opened it. Inside, surrounded by a mass of musty old cardboard boxes and worn tables, was an ancient-looking piano. Seated at the piano, playing it, was Jose.

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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
神在阿堵中 回複 悄悄話 “也是旋律”,如何?
雞毛蒜皮 回複 悄悄話 中文裏有一個字: "調"的意思很接近"TUNE"."不諧調" 可能可以用做文章的題目.一得之間,絕非賜教.