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美利堅帝國計劃 American Empire Project

(2008-04-05 16:14:35) 下一個

April 5, 2008 

美國有一夥憤青--更確切地說,是憤老-有很多是些70歲以上的精英專家們,幾十年前由於意識到美國帝國主義的在國際上的侵略擴張行為,自發組織建立了一個美國批判係列,叫做American Empire Project (美利堅帝國計劃,請看網站http://www.americanempireproject.com)。 這個非贏利組織專門揭露批判美國在全世界的霸權主義和帝國主義的流氓行徑。 

這個憤老集團的著名代表是Noam Chomasky (諾姆。喬姆斯基,MIT 語言學教授)-他被認為是二十世紀美國最深刻的,影響力最大的思想家—一個人對世界的影響力可以用多少文章引用他的理論和精神,比如說毛澤東的紅寶書當年在中國的影響-當然那時全體民眾被強製灌輸進去的。在一個相對自由的社會,被引用的次數應該可以代表他對社會的影響。據【藝術和人文引文索引】記載,在1980年到1992年,是被文獻引用數最多的健在學者,並是在同一時段,是有史以來被引用數第8多的作者,其他被引用的曆史人物的排名是:馬克思,列寧,莎士比亞,亞裏士多德,聖經,柏拉圖,佛洛伊德,諾姆。喬姆斯基,黑格爾,西塞羅。這其他九個可不是一般的人馬啊! 當時甚至有專家說,當時好像全世界都在引用他,好像不引用他的話就寫不了任何文章似的。 

在美國帝國計劃 American Empire Project 這個他起頭的文匯編集裏, 他寫了很多書,最近寫的有如下幾本。值得一提的是,他堅決反對Globalization,認為是美國和少數富國瓜分剝削世界的最新手段。

·         Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance:征服或者掙紮-美國征服全球的戰役

·         Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy 失敗的國家-濫用權力和對民主的侵襲

·         Profit Over People: Neoliberalism & Global Order 剝削全球-新自由主義和全球秩序


 Chalmers Johnson—

參加過韓戰,曾經在CIA做過多年,一直是美國東亞問題專家,特別是日本和南韓問題,目前是加州大學聖地亞哥分校傑出教授。他的兩部著作,《The Sorrows of Empire-帝國的悲哀》和 Blowback 自食其果》,從曆史和現實的角度,把美國上百年直到目前的經濟,外交,軍事的所有行為從帝國發展的角度來分析,包括CIA如何顛覆數十個國家合法政府,美國政府如何用經濟手段(如世界銀行等組織)強迫被援助國接受美國的意識形態,政治體製,用以來侵噬接受國以及世界經濟;如何用軍事打壓,政治封鎖,經濟誘惑,結合非法手段,如鼓勵毒品輸出,軍閥混戰,忽視種族滅絕,挑起宗教戰爭,鼓勵獨裁,引發他國內戰等等手段來達到其戰略目的。這兩本書引用事實和理論,揭露了很多不為人知的秘密,有相當大的可讀性。

James Carroll—

前海軍情報軍官,目前是Boston Globe著名專欄專家,是反伊拉克戰爭的理論家,出了幾本揭露美國布什政府用欺騙手段蒙蔽全世界而啟動的對伊拉克的不正義的戰爭,如《House of War 戰爭之家》 ,和《Crusade: Chronicles of an Unjust War 聖戰,非正義戰爭的紀實錄》等等。

Howard Zinn—

二戰退伍軍人,波士頓大學曆史教授,寫過二十本專著,一本《大眾美國曆史-A People’s American History》令他奠定了自己在美國曆史學的地位,是著名的反戰和民權人士。他一針見血地指出,美國帝國計劃一直都是共,和兩黨的項目。無論白宮由誰統領,美利堅帝國的發展都是領導層的主要目標。他認為美國應該擴展的是我們的人文精神而不是軍事力量 We should expand not our military power but our humanity)。他認為政客們推銷戰爭的基本依據是: 戰爭是和平與安全的必要手段,擴張是文明存在的基礎。政客們通過媒體的宣傳把這些主張深入人心地輸入每一個美國人的心中,其結果是絕大多數人相信他們的戰爭宣傳而選擇支持戰爭。





A People's History of American Empire

by Howard Zinn, Paul Buhle, Mike Konopacki

Adapted from the bestselling grassroots history of the United States, the story of America in the world, told in comics form.

 A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror

by Alfred McCoy

In this revelatory account of the CIA's fifty-year effort to develop new forms of torture, historian Alfred W. McCoy locates the deep roots of recent scandals at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo in a long-standing, covert program of interrogation.

 Blood and Oil: The Dangers and Consequences of America's Growing Petroleum Dependency

by Michael T. Klare

Since the tragic events of September 11 and the commencement of the "war on terror," the relationship between U.S. policy in the Middle East and the oceans of crude oil that lie beneath the region's soil has come under close scrutiny.

 Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire, Revised edition

by Chalmers Johnson

Now with a new and up-to-date Introduction by the author, the bestselling account of the effect of American global policies, hailed as "brilliant and iconoclastic" (Los Angeles Times)

Crusade: Chronicles of an Unjust War

by James Carroll

A devastating indictment of the Bush administration's war policies from the bestselling columnist and respected moral authority.

 Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam

by Robert Dreyfuss

Despite the surge in books about the Middle East, one fundamental question has remained largely unexplored: How and why did the United States encourage and finance the spread of radical political Islam? Gripping, wide-ranging, and deeply informed, Devil's Game is the first comprehensive account of America's misguided efforts, stretching across decades, to dominate the strategically vital Middle East by courting and cultivating Islamic fundamentalism.

 Dilemmas of Domination: The Unmaking of the American Empire

by Walden Bello

The empire seems unassailable, but the empire is weak -- and precisely because of its imperial ambitions. So argues Walden Bello in his provocative new book, which systematically dissects the strategic, economic, and political dilemmas confronting America as a consequence of its quest for global domination.

 Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New Imperialism

by Greg Grandin

In recent years, one book after another has sought to take the measure of the Bush administration's aggressive foreign policy. In their search for precedents, they invoke the Roman and British empires as well as postwar reconstructions of Germany and Japan. Yet they consistently ignore the one place where the United States had its most formative imperial experience: Latin America.

 Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy

by Noam Chomsky

The United States has repeatedly asserted its right to intervene militarily against “failed states” around the globe. In this much-anticipated follow-up to his international bestseller Hegemony or Survival, Noam Chomsky turns the tables, showing how the United States itself shares features with other failed states -- suffering from a severe “democratic deficit,” eschewing domestic and international law, and adopting policies that increasingly endanger its own citizens and the world.

Hegemony or Survival

America's Quest for Global Dominance

by Noam Chomsky

From the world's foremost intellectual activist, an irrefutable analysis of America's pursuit of total domination and the catastrophic consequences that are sure to follow.

 How to Succeed at Globalization

A Primer for Roadside Vendors

by El Fisgón

A biting comic-book history of capitalism and globalization from the "dean of Mexico’s vigorous corps of political cartoonists" (The New York Times).

Imperial Ambitions: Conversations on the Post 9/11 World

by Noam Chomsky

Timely, urgent, and powerfully elucidating, this important volume of previously unpublished interviews conducted by award-winning radio journalist David Barsamian features Noam Chomsky discussing America’s policies in an increasingly unstable world.

 In the Name of Democracy: American War Crimes in Iraq and Beyond

by Jeremy Brecher, Jill Cutler, and Brendan Smith

Drawing on a wide range of documents - from the protocols of the Geneva Convention, to FBI e-mails about Guantanamo, to executive branch papers justifying the circumvention of international law -- In the Name of Democracy examines the legality of the Iraq war and the occupation that followed.

 Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal

by Anthony Arnove

Almost four years after the start of the war in Iraq, violence and isery continue to plague the country, and conservatives and liberals alike are struggling with the question of when -- and under what circumstances -- U.S. and coalition forces should leave.

 Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic

by Chalmers Johnson

A New York Times bestseller, Nemesis is Chalmers Johnson’s “fiercest book—and his best” (Andrew J. Bacevich)

In his prophetic book Blowback, Chalmers Johnson linked the CIA’s clandestine activities abroad to disaster at home. In The Sorrows of Empire, he explored the ways in which the growth of American militarism and the garrisoning of the planet have jeopardized our stability. In Nemesis, the bestselling and final volume in what has become known as the Blowback Trilogy, he shows how imperial overstretch is undermining the republic itself, both economically and politically.

The Seventh Decade: The New Shape of Nuclear Danger

by Jonathan Schell

From the bestselling author of The Fate of the Earth, a provocative look at the urgent threat posed by America’s new nuclear policies.

The Sorrows of Empire

Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic

by Chalmers Johnson

From the author of the prophetic national bestseller Blowback, a startling look at militarism, American style, and its consequences abroad and at home.

The Complex: How the Military Invades Our Everyday Lives

by Nick Turse

A mind-boggling investigation of the allpervasive, constantly morphing presence of the Pentagon in daily life—a real-world Matrix come alive.

War Powers: How the Imperial Presidency Hijacked the Constitution

by Peter Irons

A striking assessment of how the Constitution has been stretched, distorted, and violated to accommodate the drive to empire from Jefferson's day to our own

What We Say Goes: Conversations on U.S. Power in a Changing World: Interviews with David Barsamian

by Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian

An indispensable set of interviews on foreign and domestic issues with the bestselling author of Hegemony or Survival, "America’s most useful citizen." (The Boston Globe)

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