September 30, 2007
這部小說以曆史上一件真實的事件,在十六世紀中葉地中海地區由於宗教衝突和反恐而舉行的一場世紀大戰作為背景而講述的一件傳奇故事。基督教耶路撒冷一支的武裝力量, 【聖約翰騎士】經年累月地在地中海劫殺商船,尤其是穆斯林和猶太商人的船隻,令當時的王萬之王的奧托曼帝國蘇裏曼大帝惱怒非常,決心一舉消滅這些異教徒,徹底解決海盜問題。 數萬土耳其兵馬在蘇裏曼大帝的命令下整裝待發,準備發動一場有史以來最大規模的聖戰,一舉殲滅殘存在茂塔島 (Island of Malta, 又稱馬耳他群島) 的基督教殘餘,【聖約翰騎士】,他們稱之為【地獄惡犬】,或者被基督徒們自稱為【基督騎士團-The Religion】。
書中的男主人,Tannhauser 湯浩瑟(如果記不住這個名字的話,幹脆就記成唐好色吧),一個德國後裔,在中東一帶活動的武裝私商。他十三歲殺死兩個來家裏搶劫強奸滅族的匪徒,因此戰受一個穆斯林勇士的活命之恩而成為當地為穆斯林而戰的一股強大的力量,他也成為中東響當當的戰神。後來又退休經商,與一個當地精明的猶太人運籌於不同宗教,種族,國家之間,成為當地與官,匪以及各教派均有良好關係的著名地頭蛇。他與蘇裏曼大帝的王朝有極好的關係網並因戰功而受其冊封獎賞。但是他本人對穆斯林教並不是亦步亦趨,其部下戰士都是信仰耶穌的子弟兵。在土耳其聖戰大兵壓境的關頭,他成為當地【基督騎士團】急於拉攏的對象。深謀遠慮的【騎士團】謀士們針對湯浩瑟的弱點,那個當代英雄都具有的優點也是弱點,即對危險的偏愛,對朋友的豪爽,對女人的特殊品味,和對財富的吸引,設盡圈套來以圖將他引入這場抗擊聖戰的力量懸殊的戰爭—騎士團僅有數千人馬應戰。閱讀湯浩瑟,好像看到了佐羅的詼諧,基督山伯爵的深謀遠慮,還有George Clooney的成熟男性的瀟灑。本書的一開始,【騎士團】抬出了對湯浩瑟最具有殺傷力的法寶,一位精美無比的尤物,一位法國二十七歲年輕的伯爵夫人,卡拉-拉-潘娜狄雅 (Carla La Penautier)。
這裏是選摘他見到卡拉之前的描寫。背景是卡拉讓自己的忠實朋友,被她領養長大的一個十九歲的尤物安裴洛 (Amparo) 去請湯浩瑟來自己的香閨一敘,目的是請湯浩瑟帶自己和同伴去茂塔島(Island of Malta)上,看望自己未婚而育並且失散了的十二歲兒子。這個島也就是數萬土耳其大兵壓境,準備開戰的主要戰場。 一路上,湯浩瑟騎在馬上,掂量著也騎著馬的安裴洛的乳房和身材的大小,也想象著她朋友的模樣,一副英雄難過美人關的架勢,不知道被人設了連環之計而要心甘情願地去赴湯蹈火。。。不過讀者不用為湯浩瑟擔心,他畢竟不僅僅是唐好色,這位集色狼與頭狼於一體的,自學成才的戰神,能在群雄割據之下稱王稱霸的梟雄,究竟不是一個絕色美女就能夠征服了的—能將創立功業與懷抱美人同行並舉的才能夠稱得上是當世之英雄!
『His concerns were truncated by a gust of divine sound. A sound so divine, and of a beauty so pure, that it took him a moment to realize that it was music. And so lovely was this music that he couldn’t bring himself to turn and seek its source, for it seized control of his nerves and so penetrated his heart that he was robbed of the power to do aught but fall for its spell. Two instruments, both stringed. One plucked, one bowed. One light and nimble, the notes falling soft as summer rain, the other dark and surging as the tides of a storm-wracked night, the two dancing, one with the other, in a fierce and elemental embrace.
他的慚愧被一陣似來自天外的聲音所打斷。 這純潔優美的聲響讓他怔住了好一會兒才意識到,那是一陣音樂的奏鳴。他被這聖潔的音樂所迷醉,無法轉身去探究這樂曲的來源—這樂曲牢牢控製住了他的神經,侵襲到他心靈的最深處—他的抵抗力被完全解除,情不自禁地在臣服在這音樂的咒語之中。 兩架樂器,應該都是弦樂器具。 一個緊湊靈巧,一個延緩滯疑。一個輕快跳動,音符落下好似夏天的雨滴;另一個深沉凝重,好似狂風暴雨夜晚的海浪洶湧。兩種音符在浮遊躍動,翩翩起舞,帶著火一樣的激情以及最原始的相擁。
He closed his eyes in the shade, with the scent of the roses in his throat, and let the music roll through his soul, a saraband which caressed the face of death as lovers caress the face of their beloved. The darker instrument overwhelmed his senses with waves of ecstatic melancholy, in one moment brutal with exaltation, as delicate as candlelight in the next. Nothing he had known, not merely heard but known, had prepared him for such transcendence. What possessed him to allow his soul to yield to its force? What sorcery could conjure such specters and send them roaring through his heart and on and away in to an eternity nameless and unknown? And when each note ended where did it go? And how could each be and then not be? Or did each one echo until the end of all things and from one far rim of Creation to the other? On and on the music rose and fell, and segued and flowed, with an exuberant hope and a demoniac despair, as if invoked from skin and wood and the gut strings of beasts by gods no priest or prophet had ever worshipped. And each time he knew that the music must die, depleted by its own extravagant longing, it resurrected itself again, and yet again, falling and climbing from one peak to the next, howling for more of itself, for more of his soul, that soul now borne along by the torrent unleashed from the locked places inside him of all that he’d done and all that he’d known and all that he’d seen of horror and glory and sorrow.
他闔上眼簾,玫瑰的芳香仍然滯流在喉嚨上,讓這聖潔的音樂流淌過自己的靈魂,如飄渺的性感舞曲愛撫著死神的臉孔,猶如溫柔情人輕撫著愛人的麵頰。 那部沉重的樂器把他的感官完全征服,一陣陣洶湧的哀傷憂愁,時而赤裸地狂吼, 時而輕柔地好似暗夜燭光的閃爍。 他從來沒有感覺過,不隻是沒有聽過—而是從來沒有感覺過如此的升華。 是什麽把他的靈魂給迷醉住,讓他毫無保留地向這股力量妥協?是什麽樣的手啟動魔咒來調動著如此靚麗的幽靈,讓它們呼嘯著通過他的性靈繼而流向不知名的永恒?這樣的音符停頓以後又會去到哪裏?這些音符如何能夠存在卻又消逝?每個音符是否在重複著另外一個音符直到時光消逝的終點,或者是從上帝天國的一邊傳到另外一邊? 音樂上升,下滑,阻滯,流暢,帶著興奮無比的希望,也流淌著魔鬼地獄般的沮喪和絕望,好似眾神在穿過木器和皮膚,撥響凶猛野獸的筋骨,譜出所有先知和祭司們從未有過的虔誠。每次,當他意識到音符已經到了不得不消逝的時刻,被它們自己豪華的渴望所累而即將消逝,它們又在絕地中重生,如此反複,飛速地下滑,墮落,從一個高潮跌向另一個低穀, 狂呼著索取,索取更多的自己,索取更多他的靈魂。他的靈魂現在已經被牢牢鑲嵌在這音樂的狂飆中, 從他內心深處曾經緊鎖的地方噴射出來, 從那個存留著他所有做過的事情,所有已知的世界和所有他見過的恐懼,榮耀和悲傷的神秘之地,噴薄而出。
Then with the same shocking stealth with which the sound had arrived, silence stole its place, and the universe seemed empty, and in that emptiness he sat.
正如這音樂石破驚天般毫無蹤跡地來臨一樣,靜寂又偷偷占領了音符的領地。整個宇宙似乎在一霎那頓成空虛, 在這虛空中,他獨自一人在靜坐著。
Time reestablished its dominion and once more the scent of the roses and the cool of the breeze and the weight of his limbs crept back into his awareness. And he found that he was sitting with his face in his hands and when he took his hands away he found them wet with tears. He looked at the wetness with amazement for he hadn’t wept in decades and had thought it no longer in him. Not since he’d learned that all flesh is dust, and that only God is great, and that, in this world, tears are for the comfort of the defeated. He wiped his face on the burgundy sleeve of his doublet. And just in time.
時間又重新回到自己的宇宙,玫瑰的芳香,清涼的微風和自己的體重也逐漸回到他的感官係統—他發現自己雙手捂著自己的麵頰。當他把手移開的時候,發現手上竟然沾滿了淚水。 他驚訝地看著被淚水浸濕的手掌,因為他已經數十年沒有流過眼淚,他以為自己早已失去流眼淚的功能了—自從他認識到所有的肉體都會變成一堆泥土,隻有上帝是永恒;自從他意識到, 眼淚隻是那些被打敗的人安慰自己用的。 他用自己的紫紅色的衣袖擦去了淚水,時間剛好來得及。(這時候輪到尤物潘娜狄雅上場了。。。)』
(讀了幾遍,還是覺得原著的語言精彩入木,我似乎無法翻譯出那種性靈中的詩意, 有些可惜。。。)
本書文字優美,氣勢磅礴,鋪墊詭異奇巧,橫貫幾大洲,幾大宗教的衝突,計策一環套一環,環環相通,令人擊掌。本書把個人的恩怨,宗教之間的衝突,財富的掠奪積累,教徒的情欲與信仰教條之間的矛盾,男女之間的戰爭和細微感覺描寫得淋漓盡致。詩一樣的語言隨處可見,令人拍案叫絕。看到精彩之處,讓我不得不合上書而感歎—就像那本《盜書者-The Book Thief》中借死神之口講出的經典之句—
" I want to explain, that I am constantly over estimating and under estimating the human race, that rarely do I ever simply estimate it. I wan to ask her how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious, and its words of stories so damning and brilliant..."
“I am haunted by humans!”
對男人來說,在這個世界上,如果沒有戰爭的話,還有什麽地方可以讓他去實現榮耀和光輝? Honor of the Post! Glory!
這本書的確給我高級享受,viewing pleasure as they often say,它裏麵的用詞很優美。
如果妳沒有時間看,可以找Book-on-CD 來聽, 隻要妳有時間開車,就可以聽完這本書。我試聽了一下,那個narrator表演得相當不錯,用聲音把各個主要角色的行為和思想刻畫得入木三分。當然如果有時間看就更好了,因為有些精彩的文字一定要在腦海裏咀嚼加工,才能讓自己隨著思想的翅膀飛回十六世紀的地中海地區,體驗書中人物的愛恨情仇。 這本書應該像當年《達芬奇密碼》一樣值得使用閱讀和傾聽同時進行的方式來欣賞,因為其中有很多外語,如拉丁和意大利語,聽Book-on-CD自然有種異國情調,非常的浪漫,是更高一層的享受。。。
這個自然是後話了, 嘿嘿。。。
這裏麵的英文和譯文都很精彩.我想我沒時間看這本書的原著了, 但是我得記住這個作者的名字, 看看你預測得準不準.嗬嗬.
“I am haunted by humans!” -- it seems very true for many souls....but it's not necessarily bad as it's alluded to here already. We do live in ambivalent forces chronically stressful but also possibly exciting......