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A Heart of a Child

(2007-04-21 00:32:36) 下一個

Friday, April 20, 2007

Los Angeles has been raining since late last night… In addition to the postponement that I arranged on Thursday based on the forecast, I had to cancel several projects or delay some other work, calling many people for the changes…As a consummate optimist, I had to make the final decision at the last moment, to change the schedule.  Apparently, as much as I had hoped and gambled, God has his own plan today…

I had been working since 6:00 am this morning, reporting the bad news and informing several groups of people, making new plans--obviously I was frustrated, “come on, give me a break, this is not Monday!”

Damn, damn and damn!!! 

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My 6-year old daughter woke up at 7:30 am. When she realized that it was raining, she immediately yelled out cheers and told me, “Daddy, this is SO GREAT! I can bring my umbrella to school!!!”

Who would not laugh when hearing such an innocent proclamation! One smile and a word of wisdom completely changed my view of things, she made my day!

I told my other equally frustrated partner about this little story.  Precisely as I predicted, he was changing from an F-word-swearing-angry-man into a happy camper, in no time…We all laughed about it and went on finishing things that only a rainy day could offer, because there would be no interruption...

I always have several unfinished books in my car, even when I go play tennis. I would put several books into my tennis bag, just in case the court is taken, the game is rained out, or whatever reason that I can not play. I found that the best time to read a book is when I serve on a jury duty. I remember last time when I served, during the lengthy and supposedly boring preliminary process, I was completely soaked into that book while all others were complaining about the inefficiency of the government and the failing of our court system...

I did go too extreme sometimes....I found that it s not a good idea to have a book when I go to Disneyland with my daughter, because she would want to talk to me even when we are in a long line--oh well, I adopted it...

We all have such times in life, when we are frustrated about something, about being treated unfairly, about justice not been served and, asking endless of Why’s when the unexpected hit us… Just remember--- when it rains, it rains on everybody! The way we choose to look at life and take action will be the differences in our lives.

Always have a heart of a child, experiencing life with whatever life throws at us... 

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閱讀 ()評論 (8)
浦江客 回複 悄悄話 I like this one. It is true you won't be very popular in Wenxuecity if you write most things in English. But those who really appreciate you will love your writings no matter in whatever language.
爾爾 回複 悄悄話 說對啦, 讀者每天都看英文的居多, 閑下來想來文學城看的是中文. 不過我甚是理解打中文的艱辛....

這其實是一篇非常有趣, 也很有意義的小文. 女兒的童真, 她的快樂, 她對人對事對大自然的信賴都很有感染力. 受你那首詩的啟發,我曾經想寫一篇"女兒是爸爸前世的情人"--說說老公和女兒的父女情深. 還沒時間寫呢. 總之吧, 就是看到這樣的父女情總是另人很感慨.

"Always have a heart of a child, experiencing life with whatever life throws at us..." --說得多好!!
天寺 回複 悄悄話 我也喜歡下雨天,小時總是期盼下雨天,可以穿上我的紅膠鞋去踩水塘,聽那啪啪響的聲音。
天寺 回複 悄悄話 誰說不喜歡的?
北鶴 回複 悄悄話 我在想, 原來這裏的讀者不喜歡讀英文的啊。。。這是我給一個網友的快速回信, 後來改編了一下就放到上麵來了。如果是中文版的話,定會引起更多的共鳴。。。

女兒是父親上輩子的情人, 這輩子的朋友。好多的朋友回憶起和父親渡過的日子,生命中最美好的情景都會湧現出來。文革是中國人的不幸, 更是是中國父親們的不幸, 也是中國女兒們的不幸,因為多少人為此喪失了父女恩愛的時刻,那些短暫的瞬間一晃就過去了, 再也追不回來了。。。

我上個星期給她買了個風箏---我在想, 以後即使是刮大風的時候, 在那昏天黑地,路上行人欲斷魂的時刻,女兒也會是那些為此而雀躍的靈魂中的一個,她的心也會乘著風飛上天空翱翔,像那個風箏一樣。。。
蘿莉亞 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬,羨慕北鶴兄有這麼可愛的女兒!我的姪兒也是這樣,遇到下雨天,總是滿心歡喜,還要央著我和她疊紙船,一會兒去行下水禮呢!

