回複 horsehorsetigertiger 的評論 : We won presidency, you won confederacy. 50%-50%? Do you know that the statistical error vanishes as the sampling number increases? Get educated first.
回複老姐的評論 : What are talking about 輸慘了 ? The election was so close in terms of popular vote. Statistically, it was 50/50. The second term presidential election in US history has this kind of results. This means that the country is very much divided. Just like you and me. Four more years hardship.
回複 cu29 的評論 : 別學奧巴馬喊 a bunch of 空洞無物的 craps, 卻又拿不出論據來論證 . ---------------------- 你說是像你們這些極右的華人紅脖子們學張口就造謠嗎?從“看風景”的一口咬定奧巴馬加了 50% 的軍費,到你的“用納稅人的錢每月飛理發師”,到“浮生留記”把共和黨搞到 bank bailout 算到 Obama 頭上,你們的行為越來越像那些紅脖子了,除了不動腦子之外,隻會造謠 Romney 自己都認輸了,你大概還沒回過味來? three words : you are losers !用共和黨自己的邏輯:你就是像祥林嫂一樣一遍遍重複別人 weak weak , 也改不掉你們是一群 losers 的事實!完全不值得我們勝利者的任何同情! 共和黨不是得意什麽優競劣汰的社會法則,你們就是一群該被淘汰的失敗者,而且是貨真價實的 losers ! 因為 obama 贏了。嗬嗬。 by the way , winner 的感覺真好!
to cu29s, Worried about your mental health, you should look for a professional assistant. Or you can have a good cry. Cry loudly in an empty room, then you get relief like many people deal with their loved ones' death that way. Or please give us your real names, we will pray for you. Poor kids, May God have mercy on you. Amen.
Obama is a weak leader. Regan and Clinton both had the other party in the capitol and still managed to get things done. Obama had total control and all we got was Obama care. Real leaders do what is needed to get results. They don't blame they get it done. How can a country run and get spending under control without a budget for over 4 years? We are in deep and need some real leadership. Obama has proven he is not that guy. You can talk the talk, but you need to walk the walk as well.
cu292012-11-10 13:17:08回複悄悄話
Time line of events in Benghazi:
12:45pm, the attack started (our time) Washington officials watched it happen in real time video. By no later than 5pm, We know the president was informed and that Obama went to bed.
Our officials knew for 4-hours, and did nothing, nada, to Help. We had 3 air bases within reach and an aircraft carrier. Someone made a decision to say "NO" - It wasn't a low life Walter Mitty, Who was it" ... Don't know .... President its said was is BED. We know on the 12th of September, he informed the nation and "Flew Off To Vegas" - Then on to a tour of TV talk shows yucking in up. So ..? Maybe .... He was in bed
Stevens died at 8pm (our time), plenty of time for help, support to have reached our embassy, 6-hours in 2 more had died, 8-hours in another had died
We watched a large well armed, organized militia (carrying the flag of al-Qaeda),engage our embassy personnel for 7-hours, and ... we did nothing ....We watched our embassy personnel die in "real time" and no help was sent.
Commander in Chief, Barack Obama, the buck stops with you! You LIED! - 4 Good Americans Died! Then Obama tried to sell the world a cartoon caused this mess. 35 attacks on the US, 4 dead, and Obama's words, it wasn't optimal?!
Like much of the rest of the World, I am waiting for the result of the U.S. investigation.
12:45pm, the attack started (our time) Washington officials watched it happen in real time video. By no later than 5pm, We know the president was informed and that Obama went to bed.
Our officials knew for 4-hours, and did nothing, nada, to Help. We had 3 air bases within reach and an aircraft carrier. Someone made a decision to say "NO" - It wasn't a low life Walter Mitty, Who was it" ... Don't know .... President its said was is BED. We know on the 12th of September, he informed the nation and "Flew Off To Vegas" - Then on to a tour of TV talk shows yucking in up. So ..? Maybe .... He was in bed
Stevens died at 8pm (our time), plenty of time for help, support to have reached our embassy, 6-hours in 2 more had died, 8-hours in another had died
We watched a large well armed, organized militia (carrying the flag of al-Qaeda),engage our embassy personnel for 7-hours, and ... we did nothing ....We watched our embassy personnel die in "real time" and no help was sent.
Commander in Chief, Barack Obama, the buck stops with you! You LIED! - 4 Good Americans Died! Then Obama tried to sell the world a cartoon caused this mess. 35 attacks on the US, 4 dead, and Obama's words, it wasn't optimal?!
Obama froze, a president can never freeze!