

英語高級聽力 12 課 (譯文及圖片)

(2010-01-28 22:17:11) 下一個

Lesson Twelve

Section One: News in Brief

第一節 簡明新聞

1. American reporter Nicholas Daniloff is in Frankfurt , West Germany , on his way home from Moscow after being detained for a month on espionage charges. President Reagan in Kansas City on a campaign swing announced Daniloff’s release, denying that any trade had agreed to in order to win his freedom. Asked by reporters if he blinked in staring down Soviet leader Gorbachev over the Daniloff came after a three—hour meeting last night in New York between Secretary of State George Shultz and Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze. No detail of the agreement have been released, and it is not know if Daniloff’s freedom is first step in a trade involving accused Soviet spy Gennadi Zakharov. When he arrived in Frnkfurt, Daniloff thanked President Reagan Secretray of State Shultz, and other US officials for “dotting all the I’s and crossing the t’s” that permitted him to be in Frankfurt tonight.

2. The House of Representatives is expected to vote soon to override President Reagan’s veto of a bill imposing economic sanctions against South African. NPR’s Cokie Roberts reports that the President has promised to expand economic sanctions on his own in hopes of getting Congress to sustain his veto. “Both houses of Congress passed the economic sanctions against South Africa by wide enough margins to override a presidential veto. And it’s expected the House will easily garner the two-thirds vote necessary for override. So it’s in the Senate the President is concentrating his efforts. Today President Reagan sent a long letter to majority leader Robert Dole, restating his opposition to ‘punitive sanctions that harm the victims of apartheid.’ The letter went on to outline an executive order the President plans to sign which would impose some but not all of the sanctions passed by Congress. For example, there’d be a ban on some new investments in South Africa , but not as many as called for by Congress. The President hopes the executive order will win over the fourteen additional senators he needs to sustain his veto. The Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee said today that Congress would simply come back next year with tougher sanctions if the veto is sustained. I’m Cokie Roberts at the Capitol.”

1. 美國記者尼古拉丹尼洛夫現在在西德的法蘭克福,他在莫斯科因間諜罪被拘留一個月後正在返回家鄉的路上。總統裏根在堪薩斯城競選集會上宣布了丹尼洛夫的釋放消息,並否為爭取他獲釋進行過任何交易。記者問他是否注意到美國國務卿喬治舒爾茨和蘇聯外長謝瓦爾德納澤在紐約一次 3 小時會談之後,蘇聯領導人戈爾巴喬夫就恢複了丹尼洛夫的自由。還沒有關於釋放協議的細節,不知道丹尼洛夫的獲釋是有關被指控為蘇聯間諜季紮哈羅夫的交易的第一步。當他抵達法蘭克福時,丹尼洛夫感謝總統裏根,國務卿舒爾茨,以及其他一絲不苟的使他今晚能夠抵達法蘭克福的美國官員。

2. 眾議院希望盡快投票以推翻裏根總統在對南非實施經濟製裁法案的否決權。全國公共廣播公司的庫奇羅伯茨說,總統已靜承諾擴大經濟製裁,希望國會能夠維持他的否決權。“國會參眾兩院通過的對南非足夠寬鬆的利潤的經濟製裁來推翻總統的否決。並預期眾議院將輕而易舉地爭取到必要的支持推翻的三分之二的投票。因此,在參議院方麵,總統將集中其力量。今天,裏根總統給多數黨領袖羅伯特多爾發出了一封長信,重申他的反對意見既“懲罰性製裁,會損害種族隔離的受害者”。信中概述了總統即將簽署的行政命令將要實施部分但不是全部的國會通過的製裁。例如,對南非的一些新投資的禁令,但不會象國會所呼籲的那麽多。總統希望這項行政命令贏得 14 位額外的參議員的支持以維持他的否決權。眾議院外交事務委員會主席今天表示,如果否決權被維持,明年國會重開時會報以更嚴厲的製裁,我是庫奇羅伯茨在國會報道。 “

Nicholas Daniloff

Section Two: News in Detail

第二節 詳細新聞 美國記者尼古拉丹尼洛夫在莫斯科獲釋

American reporter Nicholas Daniloff was free today in Moscow . He flew into Frankfurt , West Germany this afternoon and spoke with reporters gathered at the airport.

“It’s wonderful to be back in the West. I think it’s obvious to everybody what has happened over this last month. I was arrested without an arrest warrant. A case was fabricated against me with a narrow political purpose of Gennadi Zakharov in New York . The KGB did not punish me; the KGB punished itself. I cannot tell you anything about any other arrangements. All I know is that I am free in the West, very grateful, delighted to see you.' Nicholas Daniloff.

When Daniloff left the Soviet Union today he had been detained there for thirty-one days, facing a possible trial on espionage charges. Daniloff left Moscow only hours after Secretary of State Shultz and Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze met last night in New York in the latest of four negotiating sessions concerning the fate of the American journalist. But so far no details have emerged about the arrangements that brought Daniloff his freedom. NPR's Mike Shuster has more from New York .

Reporters in Moscow who had been staking out the American Embassy there first got wind this morning that Daniloff might be released, after he left the Embassy in a car and flashed the "V for Victory" sign. Apparently Daniloff was simply informed that he could leave, and his passport was returned to him. He was then taken to the airport along with his wife, and soon thereafter boarded a Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt , West Germany . The official American announcement of his release came from President Reagan mid-day today as he was campaigning in Kansas City , Missouri .

"I have something of a news announcement I would like to make, that in case you haven't heard it already, that at twelve o'clock, twelve o'clock Central time, a Lufthansa Airliner, left Moscow bound for Frankfurt West Germany, and on board are Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Daniloff."

So far though neither the White House nor the State Department has said anything about the specific agreements that ended the negotiations on Daniloff. And lacking any fuller explanation from the government, many questions remain. First, what will happen to the Russian scientist Gennadi Zakharov whose arrest last month in New York for spying led to Daniloff's detention? No date has been set for Zakharov's trial in Brooklyn, and a representative of the Justice Department in Brooklyn said today the US attorney there was waiting for instructions on the handling of Zakharov's case. There have been suggestions' that Zakharov might be returned to the Soviet Union at a later date in exchange for one or more jailed Soviet dissidents. There is also the question of the American decision to expel twenty-five Soviet personnel from their United Nations Mission here. Several have already left New York and the deadline for the expulsion of the rest is Wednesday. The Soviets have threatened to retaliate if the order is not rescinded. There is no word whether the agreement that freed Daniloff includes anything on the twenty-five Soviets, which naturally leads to the final question: Has Daniloffs release today brought the United States and the Soviet Union any closer to a summit meeting? Secretary Shultz has said that a summit could not take place without Daniloff gaining his freedom. That has now been removed as an impediment ton summit, but the Soviets have called the Zakharov case and the matter of the twenty-five Soviet diplomats obstacles to a summit as well. Until the details are made public of the agreement Shultz and Shevardnadze worked out, it will not be known what the prospects for a summit truly are. This is Mike Shuster in New York .




在莫斯科記者們在美國大使館已蓄勢待發,首先得到的吹風是今天上午丹尼洛夫可能被釋放,當他離開大使館,坐上汽車時,揮舞著“ V ”字勝利的手勢。顯然丹尼洛夫隻是簡單地通知了一下他就離開了,他的護照也歸還給了他。然後他同他的妻子被帶到機場,此後不久,登上了漢莎航空公司飛往西德法蘭克福的航班。美國官方今天日間宣布他獲釋消息的是總統裏根,他正在密蘇裏州堪薩斯城參加競選活動。

“我有一個我很想要公布的新聞,說不定你們還有聽到過,就在十二點鍾,美國中部時間 12 時,一架漢莎航空公司客機離開莫斯科飛往西德法蘭克福,尼古拉斯丹尼洛夫和夫人就在那上麵。”

到目前為止,雖然無論是白宮還是國務院並未提及對結束有關丹尼洛夫的談判的任何具體協議。缺乏任何來自政府方麵的更全麵的解釋,許多疑問依然存在。首先,導致丹尼洛夫被拘捕的,上個月以間諜罪在紐約被捕的俄國科學家根納季紮哈羅夫將會怎樣?紮哈羅夫在布魯克林受審日期還沒有確定,一位司法部的代表說,布魯克林聯邦檢察官今天在等待紮哈羅夫案件的查處指令。有建議道,紮哈羅夫稍後會回到蘇聯,以交換一個或更多的被囚禁的蘇聯持不同政見者。仍有美國決定驅逐的 25 個聯合國蘇聯代表團人員的問題。有幾個已經離開紐約,其餘的最後驅逐期限是星期三。蘇聯威脅道如果命令不撤銷的話要報複。沒有任何文字協議,是否釋放丹尼洛夫與 25 位蘇聯人有關,這自然導致了最後一個問題:丹尼洛夫今天獲釋會使美國和蘇聯在近期舉行首腦峰會嗎?國務卿舒爾茨曾表示,如果丹尼洛夫不獲得自由,峰會就不會舉行。這已經消除首腦會議得巨大障礙。但蘇聯人聲稱紮哈羅夫案件和 25 名蘇聯外交官事件也是首腦會議的障礙。除非舒爾茨和謝瓦爾德納澤商定的協議細節公布,否則不會知道首腦會談的前景到底會是怎樣。這是邁克舒斯特在紐約報道。

Section Three: Special Report

第三節 特別報道 墨西哥城震後車衣女工的工作現狀

One year ago this month, a powerful earthquake in Mexico City killed more than nine thousand people. Tens of thousands of people lost their jobs because of the massive damage. Among those hardest hit by the quake were women garment workers, who worked in sweatshops concentrated in the heart of Mexico City. One year after the earthquake, Lucie Conger reports that some of the forty thousand seamstresses who lost their jobs are changing their attitudes about work.

On the fifth floor of a small office building in the heart of downtown, some thirty garment workers are back at work. Just as before the earthquake they're working on an assembly line. Each woman is specialized in one operation, like sewing cuffs or putting buttonholes on a fancy cocktail dress. But there the similarities with their past work end. The women here on Uruguay Street are running their own cooperative with machines they got from their former employer in a settlement when he closed his factory which was damaged by the earthquake. About fifteen groups of women have formed cooperatives, setting up shop with equipment they received instead of an indemnification when factory owners shut down their former places of work. Running their own business has meant big changes for these women. All thirty-five women in this cooperative agree that they prefer working without a boss looking over their shoulder. For Juana Arias, who used to cut patterns for dresses, not having a boss has given her the chance to develop new skills.

“Well, sometimes it's my job to solve some problems. I decide when to buy things. For example, when we run out of thread and needles, that's my job to decide on things that are needed.”

At the same time, since they set up the cooperative five months ago, the women have had the chance to realize that the old system of working for the patron or boss man had its good points. At the cooperative, the women only get paid when they complete a factory order. Last Friday came and went without a pay-check. Their income is low now, because they're assembling dresses instead of earning more by producing ready-made dresses of their own design. There are other concerns as well. While the seamstresses are grateful for the loans and technical assistance that they're getting from a Catholic church foundation, they worry about repaying the loans and keeping up with operating expenses like rent and phone bills And leaving behind the tradition of having a boss is a difficult transition for Mexican women who are accustomed from childhood tore spending to male authority figures. Paula Socer, a leader at another seamstresses' cooperative.

"They don't like us to tell them what to do. Since we are all owners, they think that we each can do what we want." Other garment workers are still working under the patron. But after the earthquake, many of the women began to question their position at work when they saw some factory owners moving more quickly to salvage machinery and cash boxes than to rescue trapped workers. Dramatic events like these moved some four thousand seamstresses to join the September 19th Garment Workers' Union. The women blocked traffic and marched to the presidential palace before getting official recognition as an independent union not forced to affiliate with the ruling party. Through the union, the seamstresses are demanding that factory owners respect the law by giving overtime pay for extra work, allowing workers to take vacation, and providing standard benefits. So far, nine factory, owners have signed agreements with the union to guarantee workers' rights. But the union continues to face hurdles. Maria Hernandez worked in an illegal, clandestine sweatshop before the earthquake and is now press chief for the union.

"The bosses and the soldout Unions are always pressuring the women who work here, threatening them, saying that they're going to close down the business, but that if they continue to organize, one day something is going to happen to their family. And then they start firing people. They offer them money to turn in the ones who are organizing, to tell them who the leaders are."

Manuela Purras is a seamstress who was fired in May for organizing the thirty-five women at the factory where she had worked for thirteen years. Today she's operating a small business on the edge of the empty paved lot where the union has its offices in temporary quarters provided by the municipal government. Here, alongside a busy thoroughfare, Manuela spends her days cooking tacos and selling them to passers-by to make a living until she can go back to work. The union is fighting to get Manuela and, her co-workers reinstated in their jobs. Manuela Purras:

"We've joined the union mostly because we want to see improvements in our working conditions. I think that it will help us. Well, economically it is helping us, and legally too, because at least until now it's not one of those soldout unions."

The garment workers still have an uphill battle to fight, to secure a decent living for themselves and their children. In the year since the earthquake, they've made important strides in assuring that they get a fair shake. University students, lawyers and feminists have joined the seamstresses in their fight to set new terms at the work place. The creation of new organizations, like cooperatives and unions, and the forging of new alliances between educated elites and popular groups maybe the most lasting legacy wrought from the devastation left by the earthquake. For National Public Radio, this is Lucie Conger in Mexico City .

一年前的這個月,發生在墨西哥城的強烈地震,造成超過 9000 人死亡。數以萬計的人失去了因大規模的破壞失去了他們的工作。其中在地震中受災最嚴重的是集中在墨西哥城中心血汗工廠裏工作的女車衣工們。震後一年,露西康格報道了, 40000 名失業的車衣工中一些人正在改變他們的工作態度。

關於在市中心一座小辦公樓的第五樓,約 30 個車衣工人重返工作崗位。正如地震前那樣,他們一條裝配線前工作。每個女都在專門進行一項操作,如縫紉袖口,或在高檔燕尾服上做扣眼。這和她們過去的工作相似。在烏拉圭街婦女經營著他們自己的公司,用的機器是他們的前雇主的,他關閉了在地震中被毀壞了的工廠而這個是用來作為補償的。大約有 15 個婦女團體組成了公司,用從前雇主——關閉了她們以前工作點——作為替代賠償的設備,成立了商店。經營自己的業務,對這些婦女來說這意味著巨大的變化。所有 35 名在這裏工作的婦女表示願意在這裏工作因為沒有老板在他們後麵監視她們工作。對正在剪裁服裝樣式的胡安娜阿裏亞斯來說,沒有一個老板曾經給過她發展新技能的機會。


同時,自從 5 個月前她們建立了公司時,這些婦女有機會現實地看到,過去顧客或老板的工作體製中也有可取之處。在合作社,婦女隻有在她們完成工廠訂單後才能拿到錢。上周五已經過去卻沒有拿到工資支票。他們的收入現在很低,因為現在是組裝衣服,而以前是生產自己設計的成衣所以賺得多。值得關注的是。當車衣女工們從一個天主教會的基金會那裏得到大量的貸款和技術援助後,她們開始擔心償還貸款和維持經營的開支如房租和電話費等。離開了有老板的傳統,對於墨西哥婦女來說是個艱難的過渡,因為從孩童時期起她們就習慣於依靠男性。保拉索瑟,另一裁縫合作社的領導者說。

“她們不希望我們告訴她們怎麽做。因為我們全是業主,她們覺得,我們每個人都可以做我們想要做的。”其他車衣工人仍在客戶手下工作。但地震發生後,她們看到一些工廠主更多地去搶救機器和錢箱,而不是搶救被困工人時,許多婦女開始質疑她們的工作崗位。這樣的戲劇性事件促使 4000 名製衣工人參加了“ 9 月 19 日服裝工人工會”。婦女們阻塞交通,遊行到總統府,直到官方承認他們是個獨立的工會,而不是強迫加入的執政黨。通過工會,車衣工們要求廠家依據法律對額外的工作支付加班費,讓職工休假,並提供標準的福利待遇。到目前為止, 9 個工廠業主與工會簽訂協議,以保證工人的權利。但工會仍然麵臨很多障礙。瑪麗亞赫爾南德斯地震前曾在一個非法的,秘密的血汗工廠工作,現在是工會的新聞主管說。


曼努埃拉帕拉斯是位製衣女工,因為她曾在她工作了 13 年的工廠裏組織了 35 名女工,在五月份被開除了。如今,她的經營一個小生意,位於一段有很多空閑鋪麵地段的邊緣,工會的辦公室就設在這片由市政府提供的臨時住處裏。在這裏,在繁忙的大街的路邊,曼努埃整天地烙墨西哥薄餅,然後賣給路人謀生,一直到她能回去工作。工會爭取能讓曼努埃拉和她的工友們能恢複其工作。曼努埃拉帕拉斯說:



Mexico City
Earthquake, September 19, 1985 . Urbana Suarez Apartment Complex completely collapsed. 1985.

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