

英語高級聽力 11 課 (譯文及圖片)

(2010-01-27 23:41:52) 下一個

Lesson Eleven

Section One: News in Brief

1. Texas Air announced today that it will buy the troubled People Express Airlines for about a hundred and twenty-five million dollars. The proposed deal would allow most People Express employees to keep their jobs, although the company will eventually lose its identity and become part of Texas Air. Federal officials must approve the merger. Texas Air is also trying to buy Eastern Airlines.

2. A rally on Wall Street today after six consecutive losing sessions, the Dow Jones Industrial Average ended the day up nearly nine points, to close at seventeen sixty-seven point fifty-eight.

3. What's being called a 'freedom flight" of seventy former Cuban political prisoners landed in Miami today to an ecstatic reception by thousands of relatives and well-wishers. The plane also carried forty - one relatives of former prisoners. The flight culminated nearly two years of negotiations with the Castro regime.

第一節 簡明新聞

1. 德州航空公司今天宣布,將斥資約 1 億 2500 萬美元收購陷入困境的人民快捷航空公司。擬定的協議將允許大多數人民快捷的雇員保住他們的工作,但該公司最終將失去其身份,並成為德州航空公司的一部分。聯邦官員一定會批準該合並。德州航空公司還將試圖收購東方航空公司。

2. 今天在華爾街有一個集會,在 6 個交易日的連續下跌後,道瓊斯工業平均指數當日上漲近 9 點,收於 1767.58 。

3. 搭載 70 名前古巴政治犯被稱作“自由航班”今天降落在邁阿密,受到上千名親屬和善心人士的熱烈歡迎。飛機還上還載有 41 名前囚犯的親屬。航班的最終成行是與卡斯特羅政權近兩年談判的結果。
Wall Street

Section Two: News in Detail

Texas Air Corporation today announced that it has agreed to buy People Express Airlines for one hundred twenty-five million dollars in securities. Texas Air already owns Continental Airlines and New York Air. It is in the process of acquiring Eastern Airlines. People Express, one of the first no-frills, low-fare air carriers, has been in financial trouble lately. It was forced to shut down its subsidiary, Frontier Airlines. Texas Air now says it will acquire Frontier's assets as part of its deal with People Express. Joining us now from New York . NPR's business reporter Barbara Mantel.

'Barbara, it is said this is a very attractive low price, this one hundred twenty-five million dollars in securities. Besides that, why does Texas Air want People Express?'

"Well, Frank Lorenzo, who is Chairman of Texas Air, will get airplanes from People Express, which he might need. He will get the lowest cost work-force in the industry at People Express. He will get a new terminal at Newark , New Jersey that People Express is building. He'll get flights to London , and he will get control over competition. People Express competes heavily, especially in the northeast corridor, with Texas Air.'

'This issue of competition has been a sticking point before for the Department of Transportation when two airlines wanted to get together. How will Texas Air get around it this time?'

'Well, they might not. Texas Air wanted to acquire East ..., or wants to acquire, Eastern Airline, and the Department of Transportation said, 'No, not unless you sell more landing slots, more slots in the northeast corridor to Pan Am so that we'll have some competition there.' And Texas Air agreed to that just last week. That may happen again here. The Department of Transportation may require that Texas Air sell some slots or some gates to another airline to ensure that there is still competition in the northeast part of the marketplace. But Texas Air has some leverage here with the Department of Transportation because People Express is a failing company. And the Department of Transportation may feel, 'Well, we'll let them buy People Express and keep it running, rather than let it fail and lose all those jobs.'"

'Mm hm. Now, if the deal is approved by the Department of Transportation, what is it likely to mean for consumers? If there's less competition the fares could possibly go up."

'Well, yes. You would think that when you move from two competitors in a market to just one airliner that prices would just have to go up. But I want you to keep in mind that unrestricted fares of the kind People Express offered, you know, wholesale unrestricted fares, were being eliminated and phased out anyway, because they were not profitable. And the Department of Transportation theory here is that if you allow mergers to take place, or many mergers to take place, you might create more efficiencies and low costs, leading possibly to lower fares. And also the Department of Transportation believes that there's a lot of potential competition in the marketplace. Airlines can move planes around and buy gates, and so that if an airline in a particular market segment was making a lot of money and raising prices excessively, other airlines would move in and prices would be brought down through competition. So that it's a nice theory, the theory of potential competition keeping prices in line, but it's sort of a new idea and it's not clear that that's really the way it would work.'

'Thanks.' From New York , NPR's Barbara Mantel.

第二節 詳細新聞 德州航空公司購並人民快捷航空公司

德州航空公司今天宣布,它已同意以 1 億 2500 萬美元收購人民快捷航空的證券。德州航空公司已經擁有美國大陸航空公司和紐約航空公司。它正在收購東方航空。人民快捷是第一個不提供無必要服務的低票價的航空公司之一,最近已陷入財政困境。它被迫關閉子公司――邊疆航空公司。德州航空公司說,它將收購邊疆航空公司的資產作為與人民快捷交易的一部分。歡迎收聽我們從紐約的報道。全國公共電台的商業記者芭芭拉曼特爾。

“芭芭拉,有人說這是一個非常有吸引力的低價格,這 1 億 2500 萬美元的證券。除此之外,為什麽德州航空希望得到人民快捷呢?”



“哦,他們可能繞不過去。德州航空想要收購東 ... ,或想購買東方航空公司,而美國運輸部說,‘不,除非你賣掉東北走廊更多的降落時段,更多的東北走廊的時段給泛美航空,以便我們在這裏有一些競爭存在。’德州航空上周同意了。這可能會在這裏再次發生。運輸部可以要求德州航空出售一些時段或一些登機口給另外一些航空公司,以確保在東北部市場的競爭。不過,德州航空在這裏是舉債經營,對交通部門來說,因為人民快捷是一個破產的公司。而運輸部可能會覺得,‘好吧,我們會讓他們購買人民快捷的,並讓他繼續經營,總比讓他倒閉失去所有這些工作機會強。’”





Section Three: Special Report

"My audiences have been very devoted over the years throughout the country. And they've expanded and grown and the country audience has been just as kind and as supportive as the folk audience has been.'

'I was thinking though, nonetheless, when I put on this album, 'The Last of the True Believers,' especially the title cut, that I heard more country there than I'd perhaps heard before."

"Well, I guess it has... I've moved in that direction, mainly because I am playing with the band more. My natural roots are there in country and hillbilly music. And so I think that that just comes out more when you put the band with it."

'I want to ask you some questions, please, about this album, about the ... not so much what's on the inside right now, but what’s on the outside - a picture on the front of you in front of a Woolworth store, someplace, I guess, in Texas or Tennessee, and…”

' Houston , Texas .'

“In Houston , Texas ? Is it the Woolworth store that has the hardwood floor still and the parakeets in the back and that sort of thing?'

"Well, this one that we shot this in front of in Houston Texas is one of the largest ones in the country. It's a two-storey and it's got the escalator that does a little pinging noise every couple of minutes. And it takes up a whole city block."

"But, why a cover photo in front of Woolworth's?'

“Well, that comes from the song 'Love at the Five and Dime,' which was a song that Cathy Mattea also cut this year and had my first, you know, top five country hit with. And it deals with the Woolworth store.”

"There is, on the cover, you are holding a book, and you can’t really see. ... What is the name of the book on the cover you're holding?'

"In the Kindness of Strangers, the latest Tennessee Williams' biography.”

"And on the back is Larry McMurtrie's book about a cattle drive around the turn of the century, Lonesome Dove."

"He's my main prose hero. "

"Now, why? Why would you do that? Why would you pose with a book? "

"Well, I have, my audience consists of a lot of young people between the ages of, maybe you know, fourteen and twenty-f'ive. And I read a lot, and I also write short stories and have written a novel. And I just feel like young people are missing out because they don't read books. And any time I have the opportunity to influence the young person to pick up a book and read it, I would try to do that. "

“When you hear these lyrics, when the words come to you, are you hearing the stanzas as poetry or as music?”

“Well, I'm hearing them as music. Lyrics usually come to me, and songs come to me as a total picture. And the music and the lyrics come at the same time. Sometimes they shoot me straight up in bed, you know, in the middle of the night. 'The Wing and the Wheel' is a very special song to me. It's probably my favorite song that I've ever written. And that song was inspired at the Vancouver Folk Festival by two people who are from Managua , Nicaragua . They have a duo call Duo Guar Buranco. And just about four o'clock in the morning, I was sitting in my hotel room and listening to them sing in the room next door, and looking out the window at this little fingernail moon hanging out over the Vancouver Bay, and that song just came flowing, you know, and was inspired by those two people.”

“Now, that sounds easy.”

“Well, it is easy. If you listen to yourself and you listen to the inspiration that's bringing on that particular song, it's easy. It's just a matter of getting up and writing it down.”

Nancy Griffith, talking with us in WPLN in Nashville . She is continuing her national tour with the Everly Brothers. Her latest album is called "The Last of the True Believers. "

第三節 特別報道 采訪美國鄉村女歌手南希格裏菲斯



“嗯,我猜會有 ... 在這方麵我很感動,主要是因為我更多地用樂隊的演奏。我的根基自然而然地是在鄉村和山地音樂。所以我認為,當你加入樂隊進來的時候就得要走得更遠。”

“我想問你一些問題,有關這個專輯,關於 ... 不是很多,現在裏麵有什麽,外麵有什麽? - 在你麵前的一張照片,在伍爾沃斯商店前麵,某個地方,我猜,是在德州和和田納西州,而且 ... ”






“這裏在封麵上,你們拿著一本書,你不是真的能看到的。 ... 你拿的這本書封麵上的名字是什麽?”





“嗯,我寫過,我的聽眾包括很多的年輕人,年齡在,也許你知道, 14 - 25 之間。我看過很多書,我也寫短篇小說而且也寫了本小說。而我剛剛覺得像年輕人一樣迷失,因為他們從來不讀書。而且任何時候隻要我有機會就會影響年輕人拿起一本書來讀它,我在嚐試這樣做。”





南希格裏菲斯,與我們在在納什維爾的 WPLN 電台進行交談。她將繼續與艾佛利兄弟全國巡回演出。她的最新專輯叫做《最後的忠實信徒》。

Nancy Griffith (1953-)

The Last of the True Believers

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