

英語高級聽力 10 課 (譯文及圖片)

(2010-01-27 21:20:23) 下一個

Lesson Ten

Section One: News in Brief

1. President Reagan said today he will veto a defense spending bill if it is approved, as expected, by the House. Speaking to a private group in Washington today, the President said he was concerned about provisions in the bill that would ban nuclear testing and cut funding for his Star Wars defense system. The President also charged that the Soviet-backed ban on nuclear testing is “ a backdoor to nuclear freeze. ” And he accused the Soviets of a major propaganda campaign on the testing issue.

2. Israeli warplanes bombed suspected Palestinian guerrilla bases in Southeast Beirut today. Police said the bomb set at least four targets on fire. There are reports that two people were wounded in the attacks.

3. At a news conference in Pretoria today, South African Foreign Minister Pic Botha called international sanctions against his country “a mad perverse action” that will put many blacks out of work. But Botha said the South African government 'accepts the challenge to overcome the effect of sanctions.'

4. White House spokesman Larry Speakes said today President Reagan will veto on Friday a sanctions bill passed by Congress, but he admitted it will be tough to sustain the veto.

5. On Wall Street today, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up four and a half points, closing at 1797.81. Trading was moderate, one hundred thirty-two million shares.

White House spokenman Larry Speakes

第一節 簡明新聞

1. 總統裏根今天表示,如果防務支出法案如預期的那樣被眾院通過,他將行使否決權。在對華盛頓的一個私人團體發表講話時,總統說,他關心的是該法案將規定禁止核試驗並削減他的星球大戰防禦係統的經費。總統還指責蘇聯――支持禁止無核試驗是“一扇通向核凍結的後門”。同時他攻擊蘇聯在試驗問題上的主要宣傳活動。

2. 以色列戰鬥機今天轟炸了貝魯特東南部疑似巴勒斯坦遊擊隊的基地。警察說,炸彈至少投放在 4 個目標。有些報道稱有 2 人在這次襲擊中受傷。

3. 今天在比勒陀利亞的一次新聞發布會上,南非外交部長匹克博塔稱針對其國家的國際製裁“是一項瘋狂的倒行逆施”,將會使許多黑人失去工作。但博塔說,南非政府“接受挑戰以克服製裁所帶來的影響”。

4. 白宮發言人拉瑞斯匹克斯說,今天裏根總統將否決星期五國會通過的一項製裁法案,但他也承認維持否決將是艱難的。

5. 今天在華爾街,道瓊斯工業指數上升了 4.5 個點,以 1797.81 收市。交易溫和,(成交量) 1 億 3200 萬股。

Section Two: News in Detail

Israeli warplanes today bombed four suspected Palestinian guerrilla bases in Lebanon . Reports from Beirut say at least two people were wounded and a number of fires started in the four villages. From Jerusalem , Jerry Cheslow filed this report which was subject to censorship by Israeli authorities.

According to the Israeli army spokesman, the targets were bases belonging to two pro-Syrian Palestinian guerrilla organizations. Israeli military sources say one of the targets was a staging base for raids against northern Israel . Lebanese radio stations reported that at least two people were wounded in the attack south of Beirut and that Beirut International Airport was closed for half an hour. Israeli military sources stress that the air raid had nothing to do with this week's tensions along Israel ’s border with Lebanon . They were between the Shi'ite Muslim Hizbullah (Party of God) Militia and the Israeli-backed South Lebanese Army Militia. Over the past two weeks, large Hizbullah forces stormed dozens of South Lebanese Army positions. Israeli military sources say that at least fifteen South Lebanese Army men and some fifty members of Hizbullah were killed. According to the sources the attacks also badly damaged the morale of the South Lebanese Army, and this led Israel to deploy a large force along its border with Lebanon . The force included troops, armor and artillery, and according to knowledgeable observers it was equipped for offensive action against Hizbullah. Senior Israeli defense sources say that Hizbullah was trying to take over all, of southern Lebanon . Hizbullah has also been attacking Unifil, the UN force in Southern Lebanon . Over the past six weeks, four French Unifil troops were killed by Hizbullah, and just this morning a French UN base was rocketed in Southern Lebanon . There were no casualty, but some of its soldiers were blown off their seats. And the sources said that Hizbullah's domination of Southern Lebanon would be a direct threat to Israel . Some of its men who were killed were wearing kerchiefs with the words 'Onward to Jerusalem ' printed on them. But since the Israeli troops deployed along the border three days ago, there have been no Hizbuilah attacks on the South Lebanese Army. By nightfall here in the Middle East , the Israeli troops had returned to their bases. For National Public Radio, I'm Jerry Cheslow in Jerusalem .

第二節 詳細新聞 以色列空軍轟炸黎巴嫩境內巴勒斯坦遊擊隊基地

以色列戰鬥機今天轟炸了黎巴嫩疑似巴勒斯坦遊擊隊基地。據來自貝魯特的報道說,至少有 2 人受傷,四個村莊的數處開始著火。在耶路撒冷,傑瑞切斯陸發來經過以色列官方檢查的報道。

根據以色列軍方發言人的說法,(轟炸)目標分別屬於 2 個親敘利亞的巴勒斯坦遊擊隊組織。以色列軍方消息來源稱,其中一個目標是襲擊以色列北部的集結基地。黎巴嫩廣播電台報道說至少有 2 人在南貝魯特的襲擊中受傷,貝魯特國際機場關閉了半個小時。以色列軍方消息強調空襲對本周沿以黎邊界的緊張局勢毫無作用。他們之間是什葉派穆斯林真主黨(真主黨)民兵和以色列支持的南黎巴嫩軍民兵。在過去兩個星期,大批的真主黨武裝衝進數處南黎巴嫩軍陣地。以色列軍方消息說,至少有 15 人南黎巴嫩軍人員和大約 50 真主黨成員被打死。根據消息來源稱,攻擊嚴重挫敗了南黎巴嫩軍的士氣,這導致以色列在沿其與黎巴嫩的邊界地區集結了大批部隊。這批部隊包括陸軍,裝甲軍和炮兵,而根據有見識的觀察員稱其裝備是準備的進攻行動是針對真主黨。以色列國防部高級人士說,真主黨試圖控製整個黎巴嫩南部。真主黨還攻擊聯合國維和部隊,既在黎巴嫩南部的聯合國部隊。在過去 6 個星期, 4 名法國聯合國維和部隊軍人被真主黨殺害,就在今天上午一個法國聯合國基地在黎巴嫩南部遭到火箭襲擊。有沒人員傷亡,但一些士兵被從座位上被掀下來。而消息人士稱,真主黨對黎巴嫩南部的控製將對以色列造成直接威脅。一些被打死的他們的人的身上戴著的方巾印有“向耶路撒冷前進”的字樣。但是自從 3 天前以色列軍隊在邊界沿線部署以後,沒有發生過真主黨對南黎巴嫩軍襲擊。當夜幕降臨到中東時,以色列軍隊已返回他們的基地。全國公共廣播電台,我是傑瑞切斯陸耶路撒冷報道。


Section Three: Special Report

This week, Californian wine workers vote on a contract proposal from winery owners. The workers have now been on strike for six weeks. The contract proposal calls for cuts in wages and cuts in benefits. The prospects for rank and file approval seem slim. A central issue of the strike is the economic well-being of the California Wine industry. William Drummond reports.

A gondola containing tons of freshly picked Chardonnay* grapes are dumped into a hopper as the process begins for bottling the 1986 vintage. The harvest has continued despite the fact that more than two thousand winery workers have struck twelve of the biggest wineries in Northern and Central California . Relying on automated plants and non-union labor, members of the Winery Owners' Association have succeeded in carrying on what looks like business is usual. But out on the picket line, union worker Pat Scoley is anything but pleased.

"I guess they're doing all right. If they aren't, they want us to think they are. I hope to hell they aren't, between you and me.'

The union contract expired at the end of July, which is the beginning of the harvest, the time when wine makers usually need all the help they can get. But many plants are like the Charles Krug* Winery, which has been completely automated. Owner Peter Mondavi* says the strike has no effect on producing the product.

'We feel that we can go on indefinitely, because there's a lot of people who want to work. And it's only a question of training these people and, of course, with the system that we have, very well computerized, that they can fit in with a reasonable amount of training, that they can fit in. So, I mean, we're not concerned about it.'

Actually, the heavy rainfall several days ago in the Napa Valley seemed to disturb the owners more than the strike. Mondavi* produces around a million cases a year, super premium brands under the Charles Krug* label, mid-range premium wines and jug wines. Mondavi* says the industry took a beating during the last several years because of cheap wine imports from Europe . Even though Americans today are drinking more wine chiefly in the form of wine coolers, wine makers say there's not that much profit in the coolers, and they're still in a financial pinch.

“I feel that the industry has hit its low point and now is on the uptrend. Of course, it's not an 既 that you will see overnight, but it is a healthy uptrend in a gradual growth manner now. But I wouldn't necessarily say a greater profitability because the profit is very, very marginal. The volume is there, it's true, but the profit is very, very marginal.”

Mondavi's* marginal profit argument does not win much support among striking workers, like Hannah Stockton, who works in the bottling plant at Christian Brothers.

'I don't believe it, because I read the paper every day, and I listen to the news. I mean, there has been increase in sale. I mean... I believe three or four years back, we had a slump in the industry. But wine is coming back. Now they are coming out with wine coolers; they are making money. We don't want a raise; we just want to keep what we've got.'

Wages for workers in the winery industry range from around eight dollars to fifteen dollars an hour. The union was willing to give up a slight reduction in wages, but refused to accept cuts in the pension and health benefits. The employers reportedly want a twenty percent reduction in the wages and benefits package. Winery owners say the union has to recognize that overall costs have increased.

“Not only is your gross down; the competition has forced us to, increase marketing and advertising, which is further eroding whatever margin was there.”

David Spaulding is general manager of a winery in Calistoga. Spaulding Vineyards is tiny compared to Charles Krug* and Gallo, and Spaulding Vineyards is not on strike, but David Spaulding says he faces the same market forces as the big guys.

“I think the big problem is the same problem that faces agriculture all over this country; and that is surplus. You know we are producing more and producing it more efficiently, and we have a production that exceeds the demand in the market.”

Spaulding says wine coolers have taken up some of the over-production, but not all of it. As for the union leaders, they don't think it's a good idea to give back wages and benefits when the demand for the product is on the increase. Winery workers are voting all this week on the wages and benefits cuts proposed by management. Jerry Davis is an official of the union.

“From the people I talked to today and what the negotiating committee is stating, we ask a NO vote on this proposal.”

The results are expected to be known by Thursday. For National Public Radio, I'm William Drummond reporting.

第三節 特別報道 加州葡萄酒廠工人罷工

本周,加州葡萄酒工人對酒廠業主的合同提案進行投票表決。至今為止工人們的罷工已經 6 周了。該合同提案建議削減工資和降低福利。其前景對基層人士來說通過的可能很渺茫。罷工的核心議題就是加州葡萄酒業的經濟福利。威廉姆卓穆恩德報道。

無蓋貨車裝載著成噸的剛采摘的霞多麗葡萄倒入一個料鬥, 1986 年產葡萄酒的裝瓶作業開始了。收獲工作仍在進行,盡管有超過 2000 名加州北部和中部的 20 多個最大的酒廠的工人在罷工。依靠自動化工廠和非工會勞工,酒業廠主協會的會員們成功地運作著,業務在照常進行。但在警戒線之外,工會工人帕特斯考雷看上去不那麽高興




其實,數天前納帕穀的傾盆大雨似乎比罷工更令廠主們不安。蒙達維每年大約生產有查爾斯克魯格標簽的高檔係列,中檔係列和壺裝葡萄酒 100 萬箱。蒙達維表示,由於從歐洲進口的廉價葡萄酒,該行業在過去幾年受到衝擊。盡管今天美國人喝葡萄酒時大多取決於葡萄酒冷藏櫃,葡萄酒生產商說冷藏櫃沒有多少好處,他們還是會投入資金。



“我不相信,因為我每天都看報紙,我也聽新聞。我意思是說,銷售量已經增長了,我意思是說 … 我相信 3 - 4 年前,我們這個行業不景氣。但酒已經回來了。現在他們一起推出了冷藏櫃;他們賺到錢了,我們不想加薪,我們隻希望保住我們已有的(權益)。”

製酒行業領域的工人工資是每小時 8 - 15 美元。工會有願望接受工資上的稍許的削減,但拒絕接受養老金和健康福利的削減。雇主們據說是希望在工資和福利組合上削減 20 %。酒廠廠主說工會不得不承認整套成本已經提高了。







Sign at the entrance to the Charles Krug winery in
Napa , CA . This was the first winery to open in Napa Valley way back in 1861. It is owned by Peter Mondavi, brother to Robert Mondavi.

Peter Mondavi has run the Charles Krug Winery since 1966

Wine Cooler

* 原文之誤已糾正——野鶴注

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