

英語高級聽力 03 課 (譯文及圖片)

(2010-01-12 17:32:12) 下一個

Lesson Three

Section One: News in Brief

1. IBM, following the lead of General Motors, announced today it's pulling out of South Africa . Like General Motors, IBM says it's selling its South African holdings because of the political and economic situation there. Anti-apartheid groups have praised the decision, but the State Department says business pullouts are regrettable. Spokesman Charles Redmond said today the Reagan Administration believes US corporate involvement in South Africa has been a progressive force against apartheid. “We regret any decision to reduce US private sector involvement in South Africa . Such reductions could have harmful effects on black workers, injure the South African economy which has, on the whole, weakened the premises of apartheid and provided a means of improving the living standards and skills of many people otherwise disadvantaged by apartheid, and it might limit the extent of US influence in South Africa .” State Department spokesman Charles Redmond. IBM employs some 1,500 people in South Africa .

2. More than fifty black youths were arrested today in Harare , Zimbabwe , when police broke up demonstrations at South African offices and the US embassy. Julie Fredrick’s reports. "A group of more than a thousand students and youths caused thousands of dollars of damage by burning and stoning the offices of the South African trade mission, South African Airways, Air Malawi , and the Malawian High Commission. The demonstrators suspected South African complicity in the plane crash that killed Mozambiquan President Michel in South Africa and blamed Malawi for supporting the Pretoria-backed insurgents that are attacking Mozambique . Zimbabwean government officials appealed for calm, and a statement from Prime Minister Mugabe just back from a trip to London is expected tomorrow. For National Public Radio, this is Julie Fredricks in Harare .

3. President Reagan met for about an hour today with West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl at the White House. Kohl is the first European leader to visit the President since the Reykjavik summit. US officials say Kohl expressed support for the President's SDI program.

第一節 簡明新聞

1. IBM 繼通用機器 ( 公司 ) 之後,今天宣布將撤出南非 ( 市場 ) 。 IBM 說鑒於當地的政治經濟形勢,將效仿通用機器那樣賣掉持有的南非股份。反種族隔離團體很欣賞這個決定,但國務院表示,對商業公司撤出感到遺憾。發言人查理瑞德蒙德說,今天,裏根政府相信,美國公司在南非參與其中是反種族隔離的進步力量。“我們對任何減少在南非的美國私營部門(數量)的做法表示遺憾。這樣的削減行為會導致對黑人工人造成有害的影響。危害到南非的經濟,削弱種族隔離的主體,盡管在某種意義上可能會使隔離政策受害者的生活水平有所改善和多數人的技能得到提高。但會降低了美國在南非的影響的延伸。”國務院發言人查理瑞德蒙德這樣說。 IBM 在南非雇有 1500 人。

2. 今天在津巴布韋的哈拉雷警察驅散了在南非辦公室和美國大使館前的示威遊行,多達 50 名黑人青年被捕。朱莉福瑞德裏克報道。一群人數超過 1 萬的學生和青年點燃或石擊了南非貿易部,南非航空公司,馬拉維航空公司,馬拉維高速通訊的辦公室,造成數千美元的損失。示威者懷疑南非參與了發生在南非的殺害莫桑比克總統米歇爾的空難事件陰謀,同時指責馬拉維支持“派特拉回歸”(組織)的反叛者正在對莫桑比克發起的襲擊。津巴布韋政府官方要求保持克製,一項來自總理穆加貝的聲明說,(他)希望明天能從英國的行程中返回。全國公共廣播電台朱莉福瑞德裏克哈拉雷報道。

3. 裏根總統今天在白宮與西德總理科爾會談了將近一個小時。科爾是在雷克雅未克峰會之後會見總統的第一位歐洲國家領導人。美國官員說,科爾表示支持總統的 SDI 計劃。

Robert Gabriel Mugabe, born in 1924, the current President of Zimbabwe. He has held power as Prime Minister from 1980 to 1987, and as the President of the state since 1987

Section Two: News in Detail

West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl is in Washington D.C. for four days of meetings. Among the issues on his agenda are economic relations with the US and Germany 's policy towards southern Africa . But today, Kohl's talk with President Reagan was dominated by the recent US-Soviet summit meeting in Iceland . NPR's Brenda Wilson reports.

While no major agreement was signed by the United States and the Soviet Union in Reykjavik , the two countries made progress in arms control talks in areas that are a central concern to America 's European allies. Those particular areas involve disarmament proposals made in Iceland , affecting medium-range missiles and long-range missiles over which allies have voiced some reservations. This was a major topic of discussion with Chancellor Kohl today, even though his Foreign Minister was briefed by the US Secretary of State only last week. In remarks welcoming Chancellor Kohl, President Reagan sounded a positive note, saying that there was ample reason for optimism. “When the next agreement is finally reached with the Soviet Union , and I say when, not if, it will not be the result of weakness or timidity on the part of Western nations. Instead, it will flow from our strength, realism and unity.” The President also explained that achieving such an agreement would depend upon pushing ahead with his Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, because it offered protection against cheating. But members of NATO, including Germany , have expressed concern that eliminating medium-range missiles in Europe as was proposed in Reykjavik would potentially leave Europe vulnerable to the Soviet shorter-range missiles and greater superiority in conventional forces. They expressed doubts that SDI could make up for those deficiencies. The allies, in particular West Germany , want reductions in medium-range missiles tied to reductions in shorter-range missiles and conventional forces. Chancellor Kohl was expected to press these points and to urge President Reagan to compromise on SDI to keep talks between the US and the Soviets moving. Speaking through an interpreter in his arrival remarks, Kohl did not mention SDI, “It remains our goal, and I know that I shared with you, Mr. President, to create peace and security with ever fewer weapons. In Reykjavik , thanks to your serious and consistent efforts in pursuit of peace, a major step was taken in this direction. And we must now take the opportunities that present themselves without endangering our defensive capability.”

After the meeting between Kohl and the President, a senior administration official quoted Kohl as saying that he has always been in favor of the Strategic Defense system. At the White House, I'm Brenda Wilson.

President Reagan greets Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev at Hofdi House during the Reykjavik Summit, Iceland Oct.11 1986 (Source: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library) )

第二節 詳細新聞 西德總理科爾訪問華盛頓

西德總理海爾默特科爾正在首都華盛頓參加為期 4 天的會談。會談的議程包括與美國的經濟關係,和德國對南非的政策。但今天,科爾和裏根總統談到最近美蘇冰島峰會,全國公共廣播電台記者布萊恩達威爾森報道。

當美蘇兩國在雷克雅未克未簽署主要協議時,兩國在控製軍備談判領域取得的進展成為美國的歐洲盟國們關注的焦點,範圍包括:在冰島撤除軍備計劃;令人關注的一些盟國的呼聲有所保留的中程導彈和遠程導彈。這就是科爾總理今天會談的主要議題,盡管上周美國國務卿簡單地知會了他的外交部長。在歡迎科爾總理的致辭中,裏根總統做了積極的表態,說到有大量的樂觀的理由——當下一個協議與蘇聯最終達成時,我說的那一時刻不是假設的,那將不會是西方國家被削弱和怯懦的部分,相反的會充滿著我們力量,現實主義和團結一致。總統還解釋了達成這樣的協議需要依靠他所推行的戰略防禦計劃,簡稱 SDI 。因為它能提供保護而不是欺詐,但是北約成員國,包括德國在內均表示——關注的是在雷克雅未克會議上達到在歐洲消除中程導彈的目的,這將會潛在地使歐洲處於蘇聯的短程導彈和大規模常規武器的攻擊之下。他們表示困惑的是 SDI 會造成這些不足,盟國,尤其是西德,希望削減中程導彈,試圖削減短程導彈和常規武器。科爾總理向媒體表達了這些觀點,並且迫切地要同裏根總統就 SDI 達成共識,在美國與蘇聯之間保持對話。他通過口譯員致歡迎辭時。科爾沒有提到 SDI 。“他將保持我們的目的,而且我知道我將與你們共享,總統先生利用如此少的武器來建立和平與安全。感謝你在雷克雅未克的專注和一貫的追求和平的努力,在這個方向上邁出了主要的一步。現在我們必須抓住機會,表現出他們自己不會受到來自我們的防禦能力的危險。”



Section Three: Special Report

A group of business leaders in Boston today announced plans to expand a college scholarship program to include any eligible Boston high school graduate. The business leaders announced plans for a permanent five-million dollar endowment fund, and they also promise to hire any of the students who go on to complete their college educations. Andrew Kaffery of member station WBUR has the report.

The Boston business community's involvement in the Boston public school dates back almost twenty years, from work internships to an endowment program for Boston teachers. Business has pumped more than one million dollars into the public schools. Now business leaders say they're ready to make their biggest commitment yet: a multi-million dollar scholarship program that will enable the city's poorest kids to go on to college and to jobs afterward. The program is called Action Center for Educational Services and Scholarships, or ACESS. According to Daniel Cheever, the President of Boston's Wheelock College , ACESS is not a blank check for the eligible graduates. "First we'll help them get as much aid as they can from other sources, and secondly, we'll provide the last dollar scholarship. I should add, of course, they have to qualify for financial aid; that is, we're not handing out money to students who don't need it." The average grant is around five hundred dollars and already the program has given one hundred Boston students more than fifty thousand dollars in scholarship money.

Other assistance from the program has helped those students raise more than six hundred thousand dollars in additional financial aid. School officials say them where 43% of the students live below the poverty level, and almost half who enter high school drop out. Robert Weaver was one Boston high school graduate who could not afford college. He's in the ACESS program now and will get a degree in airplane mechanics next year from the Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston . “I got the Pale grant and the state scholarship, but there was still a gap. There was like a twenty-three hundred-dollar gap. Wentworth's total bill was fifty-seven hundred, so I had to fill that amount, with working over the summer, my family contribution. I paid for my own books, my own tools, things like that. But without ACESS I wouldn't be where I am today.”

This program comes at an important time for the city of Boston . Unemployment here is among the lowest in the nation and business leaders say they're having a hard time finding qualified job applicants. So the ACESS program is not just good public relations. Business leaders, like Edward Philips, who is the chairman of the ACESS program, say there's a bit of self-preservation involved. “Over time, we believe this program will increase the flow of Boston residents into Boston businesses and that, of course, is a self-serving opportunity. If where you are has a supply of qualified people to enter managerial and technical-professional level jobs, that can't be anything but a plus.” Philips says any scholarship student who finishes college will be given hiring priority over other job applicants by the participating businesses.

College student Robert Weaver says the program has inspired other high school students to stay in school. “I went back to my high school yesterday, Brighton High School , and I talked to a senior class, the general assembly, and I was telling them basically what I'm involved in, and basically, to get yourselves motivated and go look for those ACESS advisers. They're not going to come to you all the time. You have to get out there and get it if you want to take account for your own life, because no one else is going to do it for you. And that really pumped them up, and now that they're aware, and they know that ACESS advisers are there, things will be a lot easier for them.”

The business group is in the middle of a five-million-dollar fund drive. Two million dollars has already been collected. Thirty-two of Boston 's most influential corporations have already joined in, with twenty more soon to follow. The program has drawn the praise of US Education Secretary William Bennett, who predicted it will become a national model. For National Public Radio, I'm Andrew Kaffery in Boston .

第三節 特別報道 波士頓商業協會的“ 教育服務及獎學金行動中心”計劃

一些商業領袖今天在波士頓宣布了一項向波士頓高中畢業生申請人追加的學院獎學金計劃。商業領袖們宣布計劃一項 500 萬美元的捐贈基金。並且他們表示他們將資助任何想要完成大學教育的學生。(全國公共廣播電台)所屬電台 WBUR 安德烈卡夫瑞報道。

波士頓商業協會參與波士頓公立學校的實習生工作和波士頓教師捐贈基金計劃可以追溯回大約 20 年。商會已經為公立學校注資超過 100 萬美元。現在,商業界領導人表示他們準備作出他們的最大 承諾:那就是一項數百萬美元的獎學金計劃,使該市最貧窮的孩子能去上大學和然後找到工作。該計劃被稱為教育服務和獎學金行動中心,或“教服計劃”。據,波士頓的維爾洛克學院院長丹尼爾奇弗說“教服計劃”不是一個合格的畢業生空白支票。“首先,我們利用其他資源為他們提供盡可能多的援助,其次,我們將提供最後一美元的獎學金。我想補充一點,當然,他們得有資格獲得財政援助,也就是說,我們沒有把錢發給不需要它的學生。”助學金的平均金額約為 500 美元,該計劃已經給 100 波士頓學生提供超過 5 萬美元的獎學金。

其他來自這個計劃的資助項目已經幫助那些學生將附加經濟資助增加了 60 萬美元。 學校官員說,他們有 43 %的學生生活在貧困線以下,幾乎他們中有一半會在高中輟學。羅伯特韋弗波士頓是一個上不起大學的高中畢業生。他在“教服計劃”資助下明年將從波士頓溫特沃斯技術學院的飛機機械專業畢業。 “ 我得到了帕萊的補助和國家獎學金,但仍有不足。仍有 2300 美元的差距。在溫特沃斯的總開支為 2700 美元,所以我不得不在今年夏天的工作和我的家的錢來補齊全部金額。 我買了自己的書,自己的工具等等。但是如果沒有‘教服計劃’ 我不會像今天這樣。”

該計劃的出台正值波士頓市重要的時刻。在座的失業率在全國最低的城市,商界領袖表示,他們很難找到合格的求職者。所以教服計劃不僅創造了良好的公共關係。商界領袖,如愛德華飛利浦,“教服計劃”的董事長說,這裏麵有一點的自我保護意識。 “隨著時間的推移,我們相信這一計劃將推動相當數量的波士頓居民參與波士頓商業活動,這當然是一個自助的機會。如果你有一批資格的人加入管理和專業技術領域的工作,這不是別的而絕對是一個加分。”飛利浦說,任何獲得項獎學金的學生畢業後比其他應聘者的優先獲得參與計劃的企業的聘用。

大學生羅伯特韋弗說,該計劃已經使得其他高中學生留在學校裏(繼續上學)。“ 昨天我回到我的高中,布萊頓中學,和高班同學進行交談,就是一次普通的會麵,我告訴他們我參加計劃的大概情況,基本上使他們得到鼓勵,去尋找‘教服計劃’的 顧問。 他們不會隨時隨地來找你。你必須走出去並得到它,如果你想為你自己的生活取一個戶頭的話。因為沒有人會為你做什麽。那確實使他們熱血沸騰,現在他們已經明白,他們知道‘教服計劃’顧問那裏,很多東西對他們來說更容易些。”

商業集團正進行一項 500 萬美元基金的征募(計劃)。 已經征集到 200 萬美元。 三十二個波士頓最有影響力的公司已經加入進來,還有 20 多個正在跟進。該計劃引起了美國教育部長威廉貝內特的稱讚,他預計這將成為全國的典範。全國公共廣播電台,我是安德魯凱弗瑞在波士頓報道。


(Source: The homepage of Wentworth Institute of Technology )

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