

英語高級聽力 02 課 (譯文及圖片)

(2010-01-12 11:00:12) 下一個

Lesson Two

Section One: News in Brief

1. Iran 's official news agency said today former US National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane and four other Americans were jailed in Tehran for five days recently after they arrived on a secret diplomatic mission. The report quoted the speaker of Iran 's parliament as saying President Reagan sent the group to Tehran posing as aircraft crewmen. He said they carried with them a Bible signed by the President and a cake. He said the presents were designed to improve relations between the two countries. Neither the Reagan Administration nor McFarlane had any comment on the report.

2. There were published reports in the Middle East that hostage David Jacobsen was freed as a result of negotiations between the United States and Iran . Asked about that today, Anglican Church envoy Terry Waite said that he didn't want to comment on the political dynamics. But Waite said he may know within the next twenty-four hours from his contacts if he will be returning to Beirut to negotiate the release of more hostages.

3. Jacobsen was reunited with his family today, but again said his joy could not be complete until the other hostages are freed. He appeared on the hospital balcony with his family and talked with reporters. Hospital director Colonel Charles Moffitt says Jacobsen needs to communicate with people now. "He likes to talk, whether that be to a group of press or to individual physicians. Once you get him started on a subject, he wants to talk because he hasn't been able to do that." Moffitt says Jacobsen is in good health and will not need follow up medical care.

4. A low to moderate turnout is reported across the nation so far on this election day. Voters are choosing members of the one hundredth Congress, thirty-four senators and all four hundred thirty-five members of the US House of Representatives. One of the big questions is which Party will control the Senate after today's voting.

第一節 簡明新聞

1. 伊朗官方新聞通訊社今天說,美國前國家安全顧問,羅伯特麥克法蘭和 4 名美國人從他們為秘密外交任務而來到目前為止,已經在德黑蘭被關押了 5 天。報告引用伊朗議會所說,這個由裏根總統派出的小組偽裝成機組成員。他說,他們攜帶一本由總統簽名的《聖經》和一個蛋糕。他說,這些禮物被設計用以(象征)改善兩國間的關係,無論是裏根政府或是麥克法蘭都沒有就此報道作出說明。

2. 在中東地區的公開報道稱,美國人質大衛傑克布森的獲釋是美國同伊朗兩國談判的結果。聖公會特使泰瑞懷特,今天在回答這個問題時說,他不想評論政治外交的問題。但懷特表示,他會在未來 24 小時內知道他是否會回到貝魯特,為更多的人質能夠獲釋進行談判。

3. 傑克布森今天和他的家人團聚,他再次表示,在所有人質被釋放前,他不會感到完全徹底的高興,他在醫院的陽台上和記者交談。院長查理斯墨菲特少校說,傑克布森現在需要和人交流。“無論是一群記者還是走單的醫生。一旦你挑起一個話題他就喜歡聊下去,他想聊天因為在這以前對他來說是不可能這樣做。”墨菲特說,傑克布森現在很健康,已經不需要繼續接受治療了。

4. 有報告顯示到目前這個選舉日為止,全國溫和派投票人數量很低。選舉人投票要選出第 100 屆國會, 34 名參議員, 435 名眾議院成員。其中的一個倍受關注的問題是哪個黨在今天的選舉後可以控製參議院。

Section Two: News in Detail

President Reagan's former National Security Advisor, Robert McFarlane, and four other Americans may have visited Tehran recently on a secret diplomatic mission. Today, on the seventh anniversary of the seizure of the US embassy in Tehran , Iran Speaker of the Parliament said the visiting Americans were held for five days before being expelled from the country. NPR was unable to reach Mr. McFarlane today for comment and the White House says that it can neither confirm nor deny the story. NPR's Elizabeth Colton reports.

Today in Tehran , Speaker of the Parliament, Hashami Rafsanjani took the occasion to tell a rally that President Reagan had recently sent personal envoys to Iran , calling for improvement of relations. In response to the American overtures, Rafsanjani announced that Iran will advise its friends in Lebanon , in other words the hostage takers, to free US and French hostages if Israel frees Lebanese prisoners, and if the American and French governments end their hostility to the revolutionary government of Iran . Rafsanjani then reportedly described for the tens of thousands outside his parliament, the visit of the five American emissaries. The Iranian said they flew in, posing as the flight crew of a plane bringing American military spare parts to Iran from Europe . The US envoys reportedly carried Irish passports, now said to be held by Iranian officials. And one of the men called himself McFarlane. And according to Rafsanjani, he looked exactly like President Reagan's former National Security Advisor. Rafsanjani claimed that Iranian security officials also have a tape of telephone conversations between the American President and his envoys. The Iranian cleric, Rafsanjani, said the five men were confined to a hotel for five days and later deported after Ayatollah Khomeini advised Iranian officials not to meet them or receive their message. Rafsanjani said the Americans had brought a Bible signed by President Reagan and a key-shaped cake which they said was the symbol of the hope of reopening by-Iran relations. In Tehran today, at the ceremony marking the anniversary of the seizure of the American embassy, Parliamentary Speaker Rafsanjani described the visit by the American emissaries as a sign of Washington 's helplessness. The White House said it would neither confirm nor deny the reports, because according to the press there are certain matters pertaining to efforts to try to release the hostages, and comments might jeopardize them. Robert McFarlane, who was also a frequent political commentator for NPR's morning edition, has been unavailable for comment. I am Elizabeth Colton in Washington .

第二節 詳細新聞 美前國安顧問羅伯特麥克法蘭一行秘密出訪伊朗遭伊朗當局拘禁

裏根總統前國家安全顧問,羅伯特麥克法蘭和其他四名美國人最近帶著一項秘密的外交任務訪問德黑蘭。今天,在德黑蘭美國大使館被占領 7 周年紀念日上,伊朗國民議會議長說,來訪的美國人在被關押 5 天之後被驅逐出境。全國公共廣播電台今天還沒有聯係上麥克法蘭先生以證實此事,而白宮既不承認也不否認這一事件。全國公共廣播電台伊麗莎白科爾頓報道。



( US Embassy Tehran people being walked out of the embassy as prisoners, November 4, 1979. )

(Former National Security Advisor, Robert McFarlane,


Section Three: Special Report

Over the last few years and around the country, the number of fundamentalist religious groups is said to be growing. Some are called 'ultra-fundamentalist' groups. The estimates varied greatly. The number could be as high as two thousand. These organizations have different purposes and beliefs, but usually have one thing in common-strong leadership, quite often one person. Four years ago in October at a fundamentalist Christian commune in West Virginia , a young boy died after a paddling session that lasted for two hours. The child was spanked by his parents. He had hit another child and refused to say he was sorry. We reported the story of that paddling - the story of the Stonegate Community in November of 1982. Since that time, Stonegate leader has been tried and convicted, one of the first times a leader of a religious group has been held responsible for the actions of a member. Also in that time the parents of the child have served jail terms, and now they have agreed to tell their story.

The Stonegate Commune was near Charleston , West Virginia , in the northeast corner of the state. It's mostly farming country. The Stonegate members lived outside of town in an old white Victorian house, overlooking the Shenandoah River , eight young families living and working together. They did some farming, some construction work and for a time ran a restaurant in Charleston . It was their intention to become less of a commune and more of a community, with the families living in separate houses on the property. We went to Stonegate on a Sunday evening in November of 1982. We were reluctantly welcomed. Less than a month before, two Stonegate members had been indicted for involuntary manslaughter. They were the parents of Joseph Green, who was two years old when he died. On this night many of the Stonegate people were defensive, almost angry.

That was four years ago. The parents, Stewart and Leslie Green, were convicted of involuntary manslaughter and both spent a year in jail. First Stewart, then Leslie. Then in a separate legal action, the leader of the Stonegate commune, Dorothy McLellan was also indicted. McLellan did not take part in the paddling but she was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and conspiracy in the death of Joey Green. Stewart Green, the father, testified against Dorothy McLellan. Green now believes that his son died because of McLellan's teachings and influence. He explained in court that the Stonegate members were taught that a paddling session should continue until the child apologizes. Green also testified that a four-hour spanking of Dorothy McLellan's grandson, Danny, had occurred two weeks before Joey Green's death. He also said the Stonegate members, when Joey died, joined in a pledge of secrecy: the circumstances would be covered up; the death would be called an accident. They were afraid all the Stonegate children would be taken away. Joey’s parents at first agreed to this. It was later that they spoke out against what they called then a conspiracy of silence. Both Stewart and Leslie Green grew up and married within the Stonegate community. Leslie was only fifteen when she came to the Stonegate. They lived with several other teenagers in the home of Dorothy and John McLellan. The McLellans had been taking in young people who were having trouble, usually with drugs. They wanted to use their marriage as an example of Christian family life. John McLellan worked for an accounting firm, traveling during the week, Dot McLellan staying at home, taking care of more and more teenagers. The Greens are now living in their first real home together, an apartment in Baltimore . Stewart left the Stonegate, and Leslie joined him as soon as she got out of jail. The Greens have now agreed to talk about their lives at Stonegate and about the paddling of their son.

第三節 特別報道 石門社團

近幾年來,在全國各地,據說原教旨宗教組織成員的數量正在增加。有些更被稱作是極端原教旨組織。這樣的估計差距非常大。人數可能高達 2000 人。這些組織有著不同的目的和利益,但通常在強勢的領導能力方麵隻有一件事(是相同的),經常隻有一個人(來領導)。 4 年前的 10 月份,在西弗吉尼亞的一個原教旨基督教教會。一個孩子在被打板子至少 2 個小時後死亡,孩子被他的父母毆打,因為他打了另一個孩子而拒絕道歉。我們報道過那次打板子事件 … 報道的是 1982 年 11 月關於石門社團的。從那以後,石門社團的領導人已經被審判並且被定罪,他是第一位為因成員的行為而承擔責任的宗教組織的領導人。也是在這一時刻,孩子父母被判處有期徒刑,現在他們同意講述他們的故事。

石門社團位於西弗吉尼亞州東北角的查理斯頓。是個農業區。石門社團的成員住在鎮外一處白色的,可以環視塞南多河的維多利亞式房子裏, 8 個年輕人組成的家庭生活工作在一起。他們做一些農活,一些建築工作還一度在查理斯頓經營一家飯館,他們的意圖是組成一個社區而不是自治村,所以各家居住在分開的房屋內。 1982 年 11 月一個星期天的晚上,我們去石門(教會),我們受到勉強的歡迎。將近一個月以前,兩名石門社團的成員被判定犯有過失殺人罪。他們是死去時隻有 2 歲的約瑟夫格陵的父母,這一晚許多石門的人在進行辯解,甚至發怒。

那是四年前,作為父母的斯蒂華特和萊斯利格林,被裁定犯有過失殺人罪,雙雙被判一年徒刑,先是斯蒂華特,然後是萊斯利。在另一次分別進行的司法程序中,石門社團的領導人,杜瑞思麥克雷蘭也被定罪。麥克雷蘭並沒有參與打板子事件,但是她被判犯有過失殺人罪和在喬伊格林死亡一事中參與共謀。父親斯蒂華特格林證實卻針對杜瑞思麥克雷蘭。格林現在相信他兒子的死是受到麥克雷蘭的教育和影響。他在法庭解釋到石門的成員被教育說,打孩子板子在他道歉之前不應該停止。格林還作證說就在喬伊被打死的 2 周之前,曾經發生過的對杜瑞思麥克雷蘭的孫子丹尼長達 4 個小時的打板子的事。他說,石門的成員在喬伊死後,加入攻守同盟:事實真相被掩蓋;死亡事件被稱作事故。他們害怕所有的石門兒童會被領走。喬伊的父母一開始同意照辦。後來,他們不想共謀保持沉默而是說出了事實真相。斯蒂華特和萊斯利格林兩人都是在石門社區中成長並結婚的。萊斯利到石門時隻有 15 歲。他們和其他幾個少年生活在杜勒斯和約翰麥克雷蘭家。麥克雷蘭夫婦一般利用藥品來在處理年輕人的麻煩事,他們想通過讓他們結婚的形式來作為基督教式家庭生活的典範。約翰麥克雷蘭過去在一家會計公司工作,經常出差,杜特麥克雷蘭在家裏照顧越來越多的未成年人,格陵夫婦現在一起生活在屬於他們的真正的家裏,住在百利莫爾的一間公寓裏。斯蒂華特已經離開了石門,而萊斯利一出獄後就和他住在一起。現在,格林夫婦願意談論他們在石門社團的生活,和他們打他們的孩子的經曆。

Charleston, West Virginia Posted by Denny, on September 1st, 2009

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