
基督裏的自由 一 我從哪裏來

(2008-05-03 12:21:56) 下一個

這是我們正在翻譯的一本基督徒訓練課程,它用淺顯的語言係統地重溫了聖經的人生價值真理。 更重要的, 它幫助兄弟姐妹們通過認識真理,一步步地利用信仰克服生命中存在的問題,直至在基督裏重新獲得自由。

這本小書提供了清楚的真理,係統而具體的方法幫助基督徒的生命成長。 我把它貼在這裏,給那些對生命的幸福和成長感興趣的朋友, 歡迎你們一同閱讀和思考

Session 1


Where did I Come From


Focus Verse


1 John 5:12: He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son does not have life.

約翰一書 5 章 12 節 : 人有了神的兒子就有生命 , 沒有神的兒子就沒有生命



To understand how Adam and Eve’s disobedience led to our being born spiritually dead with driving needs for significance, security and acceptance.

了解亞當和夏娃的悖逆如何導致我們與生俱來的靈性死亡 , 迫切需要意義 , 安全和被接納 .



Spend a couple of minutes in pairs finding out as much as you can about each other. Then, in no more than 30 seconds, answer this question about your partner: “ Who is he/she?”

花幾分鍾時間互相了解彼此 , 然後 , 在 30 秒以內 , 回答有關你同伴的這個問題 : 他 / 她是誰 ?

Or, What would it take to make you really happy in life?

或者 , 什麽能使你獲得生活中真正的幸福 ?



Suggested theme: God’s eternal plans and how He always fulfils them.

See Isaiah 46:10, Philippians 1: 1-6.

建議的主題 : 神的永恒計劃 , 以及他如何總會實現計劃 . 參見以賽亞書 46 章 10 節 , 腓立比書 1 章 1 至 6 節 .


Who Are You Really?

你的真我究竟是誰 ?

What makes up the real “me”? Is it my body? Is it what I have? Is it what I do? Is it what I think?

什麽構成了這個真我 ? 是我的身體?  是我所擁有的一切 ? 我所做的一切 ? 我所思所想的一切 ?

We Are Created in The Image of God

我們是照著神的形象創造出來的 .

God is Spirit and we too have a spiritual nature, an inner person(or soul). It is not our outer person that is created in the image of God; it’s our inner person that has the capacity to think, feel and choose.

神是靈,因此我們也有靈的性質:也就是一個內在的人格(靈魂)。 這不是說我們人的外表是照著神的形象塑造的,而是說我們的內在人格,那個有思想,感受和選擇能力的人格是這樣創造出來的。

How We Were Designed To Be


Physically Alive

物質上是 活的身體

Our spirit connected to our body


Spiritually Alive


Our spirit connected to God


Being spiritually alive and connected to God meant that Adam and Eve possessed a number of very important qualities of life:

  1. Significance
  2. Security
  3. Acceptance

具有活的與神連接的靈魂意味著亞當和夏娃擁有一些非常重要的生命質素 :

  1. 意義
  2. 安全感
  3. 接納

Pause for Thought 1

Imagine Adam and Eve’s daily life as they were originally created. How would it have been different from yours? What do you think they thought about as they dropped off to sleep each night?


設想亞當和夏娃在最初被造時期的日常生活 . 它同你今天的生活本來有什麽不同 ? 你認為他們每晚休息睡眠之時會想些什麽 ?

The Consequence of the F all


Spiritual Death


The effects of Adam and Eve’s sin can be summed up by one word: “death”. Some of the effects of this spiritual death for them (and consequently for us) were:


  1. Lost knowledge of God

“ They are darkened in there understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts”( Ephesians 4:18).


“ 他們心地昏昧,與神所賜的生命隔絕了,都因自己無知,心裏剛硬。”以弗所書 4 章 18 節

  1. Negative emotions
    1. They felt fearful and anxious
    2. They felt guilty and shameful
    3. They felt rejected
    4. They felt weak and powerless
    5. They felt depressed and angry


    a. 他們感到恐懼與焦慮

    b. 他們感到內疚和羞恥

    c. 他們感到被拒絕

    d. 他們感到軟弱無能

    e. 他們感到抑鬱和憤怒

    Pause for T hought 2

    Do you recall becoming aware of these feelings of guilt, powerlessness and rejection? Which do you particularly identify with?


    在你的回憶中你能否記起有過這些內疚,無能為力,被拒絕的感覺? 哪種感受你最有體會?

    Trying to Go Back To How It Was Meant To Be


    The best the world can offer does not work


    The world offers us a number of false equations which it promises will recover what Adam and Eve lost:

    Performance + accomplishment = significance

    Status + recognition =security

    Appearance +admiration = acceptance

    “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” (Ecclesiastes 1:2)





    “虛空的虛空,凡事都是虛空”(傳道書 1 章 2 節)

    Obeying rules does not work


    What Jesus Came To Do

    Give Us Back Spiritual Life



    “ In the beginning was the Word… In him was life, and that life was the light of men”(John 1:1-4). (Our emphasis)

    “太初有道,。。。 生命在他裏頭,這生命就是人的光”(約翰福音 1 章 1 至 4 節)(我們強調的重點)

    “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

    “我來是要叫他們得生命,並且得的更豐盛”(約翰福音 10 章 10 節)

    “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies” (John 11:25). (Our emphasis)

    "複活在我, 生命也在我。 信我的人雖然死了, 也必活著“(約翰福音 11 章 25 節)

    What Adam lost was life. What Jesus came to give was life.


    Restore Significance, Security And Acceptance


    Di d you think that eternal life is something that you get when you die? It’s much more than that ---- it’s a whole different quality of life right now. “ He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son does not have life”( 1 John 5:12).

    你是否認為永恒的生命是在你死亡之時才得到的東西? 其實遠比那更多――它是現在就有的一個全新質量的生活。“人有了神的兒子就有生命, 沒有神的兒子就沒有生命”(約翰一書 5 章 12 節)。 

    Pause for Thought 3

    Not all of the thing s on the list we have just read will feel true. If God says something about you, is it true even if it doesn’t feel true?

    思考問題 3

    不是所有我們剛才讀過 的單子上的內容都給人真實的感覺。 如果神說了這些與你有關的話,即使並不使你感覺真實,它們真實嗎?

    Significance, Security & Acceptance Restored in Christ

    意義, 安全感和接納在基督裏的重建

    I Am Significant


    I am no longer worthless, inadequate, helpless or hopeless. In Christ I am deeply significant and special. God says:

    我不再是毫無價值,不足輕重,無助或無望的人。 在基督裏,我具有深刻的意義,是特別的人。 神說:

    Matthew 5:13, 14 I am the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

    John 15:1,5 I am a branch of the true vine, Jesus, a channel of His life.

    John 15:16 I have been chosen and appointed by God to bear fruit.

    Acts 1:8 I am a personal Spirit-empowered witness of Christ.

    1 Corinthians 3:16 I am a temple of God.

    2Corinthians5:17-21 I am a minister of reconciliation for God.

    2Corinthians 6:1 I am God’s fellow worker.

    Ephesians 2:6 I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms.

    Ephesians 2:10 I am God’s workmanship, created for Good works.

    Ephesians 3:12 I may approach God with freedom and confidence.

    Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

    馬太福音 5 章 13-14 節:我是地上的鹽,世上的光。

    約翰福音 15 章 15 節:我是耶穌這顆真葡萄樹上的枝子,是他生命的一條通道

    約翰福音 15 章 16 節:神揀選了我,並分派我結果實。

    使徒行傳 1 章 8 節:我是一個聖靈驅動的基督見證人。

    哥林多前書 3 章 16 節:我是神的殿。

    哥林多後書 5 章 17 至 21 節:我有勸人與神和好的職分。

    哥林多後書 6 章 1 節:我是與神同工的人。

    以弗所書 2 章 6 節:我與耶穌在天國同坐。

    以弗所書 2 章 10 節:我是神手裏做的工,為要行善事。

    以弗所書 3 章 12 節:我可以放膽無懼,篤信不疑地來到神麵前。

    腓立比書 4 章 13 節:我靠著加給我力量的基督凡事都能做。

    I am Secure


    I am no longer guilty, unprotected, along or abandoned. In Christ I m totally secure. God says:

    我不再是有罪的,毫無保護的, 孤獨的或被棄絕的。在基督裏我有完全的安全保障。神說:

    Romans 8:1,2 I am free forever from condemnation.

    Romans 8:28 I am assured that all things work together for good.

    Romans 8:31-34 I am free from any condemning charges against me.

    Romans 8:35-39 I cannot be separated from the love of God.

    2 Corinthians 1:21,22 I have been established, anointed and sealed by God.

    Philippians 1:6 I am confident that the good work God has begun in me will

    Be perfected.

    Philippians 3:20 I am a citizen of heaven.

    Colossians 3:3 I am hidden with Christ in God.

    2 Timothy 1:7 I have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a

    sound mind.

    Hebrews 4:16 I can find grace and mercy to help in time of need.

    1 John 5:18 I am born of God and the evil one cannot touch me.

    羅馬書 8 章 1 至 2 節:我是永遠免於定罪的人。

    羅馬書 8 章 28 節:我確信萬事互相效力成就益事。

    羅馬書 8 章 31 至 34 節:我已經免於任何定罪的控告。

    羅馬書 8 章 35 至 39 節:沒有什麽能讓我與神的愛隔絕。

    哥林多後書 1 章 21 至 22 節:我已經被神堅固,受了膏,封了印記。

    腓立比書 1 章 6 節:我深信那在我裏麵開始了善工的神,必將成全這工。

    腓立比書 3 章 20 節:我是天上的國民。

    歌羅西書 3 張 3 節:我的生命與基督一同藏在神裏麵。

    提摩太後書 1 章 7 節:神沒有給我一個膽怯的心,而是剛強, 仁愛, 謹守守的心。

    希伯來書 4 章 16 節:我能找到恩惠和憐憫作隨時的幫助。

    約翰一書 5 章 18 節:我是從神而生,那惡者不能傷害我。

    I Am Accepted



    I am no longer rejected, unloved or dirty. In Christ I am completely accepted. God says:

    我不再被拒絕,無人愛,或者肮髒。 在基督裏,我完全被接納。 神說:

    John 1:12 I am God’s child.

    John 15:15 I am Christ’s friend.

    Romans 5:1 I have been justified.

    1 Corinthians 6:17 I am united with the Lord and I am one spirit with Him.

    1 Corinthians 6:19,20 I have been bought with a price. I belong to God.

    1 Corinthians 12:27 I am a member of Christ’s body.

    Ephesians 1:1 I am a saint, a holy one.

    Ephesians 1:5 I have been adopted as God’s child.

    Ephesians 2:18 I have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit.

    Colossians 1:14 I have been redeemed and forgiven for all my sins.

    Colossians 2:10 I am complete in Christ.

    約翰福音 1 章 12 節:我是神的孩子。

    約翰福音 15 章 15 節:我是基督的朋友。

    羅馬書 5 章 1 節: 我已經得以稱義。

    哥林多前書 6 章 17 節:我與主聯合,與主成為一靈。

    哥林多前書 6 章 19 至 20 節:我是用重價買贖的,我屬於神。

    哥林多前書 12 章 27 節:我是基督肢體上的一員。

    以弗所書 1 章 1 節:我是個聖人,一個聖潔的人。

    以弗所書 1 章5 節:我被收養成為神的孩子。

    以弗所書 2 章 18 節 :我可以藉著聖靈直接來到神麵前。

    歌羅西書 1 章 1 4節:我得蒙救贖,罪也全得赦免。

    歌羅西書2章 1 0節:我在基督裏得完整。



    How do people generally try to deal with their need to feel accepted, significant, and secure? How would you explain to non-Christian neighbor that ultimately these are found only in Christ?

    通常人們如何努力來滿足自己被人接納,感覺有意義和有安全保障的需要? 你如何對不是基督徒的鄰居解釋, 最終這些隻能在基督裏找得到?


    Questions for Groups


    1. Imagine Adam and Eve’s daily life as they were originally created. How would it have been different from yours? What do you think they thought about as they drop off to sleep each night?
    2. What was the main effect of Adam’s sin on us?
    3. What was the effect on our emotions? Do you recall becoming aware of feelings of guilt, powerlessness and rejection? Which do you particularly identify with?
    4. What Jesus came to do about this? What fundamentally did he come to give us?
    5. We read together a list of things that God says about us if we are alive “ in Christ”. Do all of these things feel true to you?
    6. If God says something about you, is it true even if it does not feel true?

    1.設想亞當和夏娃在最初被造時期的日常生活 . 它同你今天的生活本來有什麽不同 ?  你認為他們每晚休息睡眠之時會想些什麽 ?

    2. 亞當犯罪給我們帶來的主要後果是什麽? 

    3.對我們的情緒有何影響?在你的回憶中你能否記起有過這些內疚,無能為力,被拒絕的感覺? 哪種感受你最有體會?


    5 .我們一起讀了一係列內容,神說如果我們有基督裏的“生命”就會發生的情形,所有這些內容都給你真實的感覺嗎?

    6 . 如果神說了這些與你有關的話,即使並不使你感覺真實,它們是真的嗎?

    To Take Away


    Suggestions For Your Quiet Time This Week:

    Read the Significance, Security & Acceptance Restored in Christ list out loud everday. Then pick one of the truth that is particularly relevant to you and spend some time reading it in its context and asking the Lord to help you understand it more fully.


    Big Questions (to consider before the next session)

    思考問題 (在下一講開始前的思考題):

    Imagine you are talking to a not-yet Christian. Can you summarise the gospel message in a few sentences? There will be an opportunity to share what you have written at the next session if you want to.







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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
苗青青 回複 悄悄話 問rosejyy2000好!


苗青青 回複 悄悄話 謙謙好,

你兒子好些了嗎,願主保守他, 也賜給你們醫治方麵的智慧!
rosejyy2000 回複 悄悄話 我也是基督徒,有時上SUNDAY SCHOOL 學習,但英語不好,很多聽不明牧師及學友門說什麽,專業名詞較多,我本身聽力不太好.
虔謙 回複 悄悄話 謝謝青青分享. 問好!
兩周前因小兒生病還曾經去參加過一場治病宣禱會. 很有些收獲, 回頭再聊.