
Mommy always make the car really hot!

(2009-06-29 07:30:32) 下一個

大夏天了,太陽真厲害!這車停在露天停車場,一天下來,下班的時候,進車子如同進烤箱OR蒸籠,特別是剛從冰冷的空調房出來,心理和生理上都需要一定的時間適應! _:o _:o _:o

媽媽從停車場到幼兒園,路途太短,開空調根本不起作用,加上進了幼兒園還要和不肯回家的Ethan磨嘴皮子,等Ethan出來,好不容易降下來的又升回去了! _:'(

Mommy! It is so hot in the car!
Yeah! I know! Mommy will turn on the air-condition! It will cool down in a couple mintues!
OK! Mommy!

那天爸爸出門辦事,用完車就停在他旁邊的Parking Garage裏,從他那兒到幼兒園就1個BLOCK,他也不跟Ethan囉唆,Ethan上車的時候,車子裏還很涼快。

Wow! It is so comfortable in here today!
Yeah! Daddy kept the car in the garage. It is still cool, isn't that great?
Yes, daddy! Mommy always make the car really hot!

Mommy! Why do you always make the car so hot?
Daddy makes the car really comfortable!
Mommy can not find a parking garage, I like it nice and cool too! But I can not!
Yes, you can! Daddy did it! You just have to try!
Do you think mommy make the car so hot on purpose? Of course No!
Yes, you are!
_:mad: _:mad: _:mad:

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