

(2021-08-26 21:04:51) 下一個

當今內蒙古烏拉特旗是蒙古族土爾扈特部落一支, 電影【東歸英雄傳】所講述的是土爾扈特人的東歸壯舉,更是基於烏拉特民歌而創作了享譽海內外的音樂傑作【鴻雁】. 除了漢語版,鴻雁還有蒙語版. 蒙語版的名字並不是鴻雁, 而是天鵝, swan geese, 蒙語的天鵝hu you, 與漢語的鴻雁諧音, 故漢蒙語歌詞之間並非完全互譯.

【Swan】, 原唱,額爾古納樂隊, cosplay【東歸英雄】by 我.     

               音譯【hu you】,蒙語天鵝,

                    nou-len daa


十七世紀初,蒙古族土爾扈特人遊牧到的伏爾加河流域,曆時百餘年,土爾扈特人與當地其他民族和平共處, 曾幫助沙俄打敗入侵的阿拉伯聯軍. 進入十八世紀,強大起來的沙俄政權逐步加強對邊疆民族的統治. 土爾扈特人因信仰喇嘛教,更受到殘酷迫害,終於於公元一七七一年,在民族生死存亡關頭,  土爾扈特首領渥巴錫可汗率領全民族起義抗俄,回歸祖國。他率領二十四萬族人,踏上了艱苦卓絕的東歸旅途. 俄羅斯女皇葉卡捷琳娜二世聞訊後立即派數萬哥薩克騎兵進行追擊和阻截。土爾扈特人跋涉萬裏,喋血苦戰,至死不悔. 出發時的二十四萬人,因戰鬥,疾病, 饑餓減員, 到達伊犁者已經不足七萬。曆時七個月. 在得知清軍已嚴加防備,且己方人畜死亡過半,無力再戰,渥巴錫汗於是不得已率所部歸降.  時清朝乾隆皇帝感其壯舉與東歸誠意, 接受歸降,並允許土爾扈特人在伊利一帶, 即土爾扈特人祖籍, 安頓放牧. 土爾扈特人終於回到了故鄉。完成了人類曆史上最後一次悲壯的民族大遷徙。



At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the Mongolian 土爾扈特 nomadic came to the Volga River Basin. For more than a hundred years, the Turhutes lived in peace with other local ethnic groups and helped Tsarist Russia defeat the invading Arab coalition forces. In the eighteenth century, The powerful Tsarist regime gradually strengthened its rule over the frontier peoples. The 土爾扈特 people were even more cruelly persecuted because of their belief in Lamaism. Finally, in AD 1771, at the critical moment of the nation’s life and death, the 土爾扈特 leader 渥巴錫 Khan led the entire nation to revolt against Russia and return to their motherland. He led 240,000  tribesmen and embarked the arduous journey home. After hearing the news, Queen Catherine II of Russia immediately sent tens of thousands of Cossack cavalry to pursue and intercept. The 土爾扈特 traveled thousands of miles and fought hard until they died without regrets. At the time of departure, the 240,000 people were decimated due to battle, disease, and starvation, and fewer than 70,000 arrived in新疆伊犁, in seven months. After learning that the 清 army had been standing ready, and that more than half of his own people and stocks had died, and he was aware unable to fight again, 渥巴錫 khan had no alternative but to surrender. The Emperor 乾隆 of the 清Dynasty felt his feat and his sincerity in returning to the east and accepted the surrender. , And allowed the 土爾扈特 people to settle in 伊利, the ancestral home of the 土爾扈特 people, to settle their grazing. The 土爾扈特 people finally returned to their homeland. Completed the last heroic national migration in human history.


Today's Mongolian Urad Banner is a group of 土爾扈特 tribe. The movie <<東歸英雄傳>> dipicted the feats of the 土爾扈特 returning to the east. It is based on a Urad folk song that the famous music masterpiece <<鴻雁>> was created.
In addition to the Chinese version, 鴻雁also has a Mongolian version. The name of the Mongolian version is not鴻雁, but swan, swan geese, because it takes into account the Mongolian swan sound ‘hu you’, which is homophonic with the Chinese sound鴻雁, So the Mongolian version is named 'Hu You', swan.


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